Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Ecstasy Gift

【Yep? Mind if I check it carefully for you? Guan Liyuan asked.

【can. 】

Although the small broken diamond is very cooperative, Guan Liyuan has not found anything special for the time being ... except that the individual value is very good!

According to the test results of the forum, the individual correction rate of this small broken diamond is as high as 127%. Among the non-focused cultivation and non-divine animal Pokémon, this body correction rate is the highest Guan Liyuan has ever seen.

Not to mention the wild Pokémon, Guan Liyuan suspects that cultivators other than himself can not cultivate such a high individual correction rate!

As for the divine beast ... it is generally 150%, and there is a clear span between it and ordinary Pokémon.

[No negative situation was found, but your talent is very good, and it will be a powerful little broken diamond in the future. ] Guan Liyuan touched the head of the small broken diamond and said.

【powerful? The bigger the more I can make a lot of friends? ] Little Broken Diamond innocently asked.

[Kee, this ... how many friends have nothing to do with size. 】 Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

【Oh. 】 Small broken diamond suddenly seemed not interested in "powerful".

Guan Liyuan saw that he could not bear to persuade him: "If you make friends," powerful "is useless, or you can try ... 嘤 嘤 嘤? 】

[Well? Huh? 】

[It's not the time of spiritual communication, it's the time of real voice. ] Guan Liyuan corrected.

"Broken diamond ... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ~~ Little broken diamond ... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ~~"

Selina, Fanxiangxiang, and Ecstasy Eyes, turned their heads in doubt, wondering what the little broken diamond and Guan Liyuan were doing ...

At this time, the ecstasy eye had led the way to its destination, came to a dead end of a cave, and saw that the ecstasy eye ran to a corner, and from its shadow, a "ghost claw" was extended. A rock next to it ...

It is the ghost's skill "Shadow Claw". Although the Ecstasy Eye in front of him cannot beat the powdery fragrance of the Fairy Department, it also has level 50.

It's just that the Ecstasy Eye is more "miserable" than the Pink Fragrant Scent. The Pink Scent Fragrant Scent has evolutionary type, but the evolutionary conditions are special. The Ecstasy Eye has no evolutionary type at all. The 380-point race value greatly limits the combat effectiveness.

After lifting the rock with Shadow Claws, Ecstasy Eyes took out a music box-sized box from under the rock and handed it to Selina.

Selina looked at Guan Liyuan, and encouraged by the latter, she opened the box ...

"Well? This is ..." Guan Liyuan could not help but whisper.

The brilliance of the gemstones in it didn't surprise Guan Liyuan--the so-called "good things" hidden by the habit of ecstasy eyes and small broken diamonds, Guan Liyuan had long guessed that it might be "precious stones".

But after really seeing what was inside, Guan Liyuan couldn't help but stun it-this is not an ordinary gem, and it is not a "raw stone" at all!

I saw that the box was filled with two polished bead-shaped "jewels", and this shape did not seem to be naturally formed.

And the biggest feature of the two gems is that the translucent stone center has a small streamlined three-dimensional pattern that looks like a leaf ...

One of the two gems is a colorful streamer, the pattern in the center is black, the other is water blue, and the pattern in the center is white, but the pattern looks exactly the same!

In addition ... Guan Liyuan also has something similar to the colorful streamer-colored gem in his hands-yes, Guan Liyuan's bracelet is also exactly the same "jewel", or "keystone"!

"It's Keystone and Super Stone!" Guan Liyuan said immediately.

This special texture is exactly the characteristics of Super Stone and Keystone. The Keystone itself is fixed in colorful streamer colors and the texture is black. Super Stones have different gemstone colors and central texture colors, but the patterns of the patterns are all the same.

"This is the super stone? What is this Pokemon's super stone?" Selina was taken aback by the gift.

"I can't see it for the time being, I can check it after I go out." Guan Liyuan said and shook his head.

Although each Pokémon's super stone is a different color, Guan Liyuan has not reached a level where he can discern the type of super stone.

However, at this moment, it is rare for him to contact Guan Liyuan's old card, and suddenly he said: [It is the super stone of Jiahe Ninja Frog. 】

【what? Koga Ninja Frog? Wait ... old card, do you know this thing? ] Guan Liyuan immediately asked back.

[The user you are contacting is farming, please dial again later. 】

Guan Liyuan: [……]

Old Card seems to know something about Super Stone, and he still knows it well ... Is it already in the "super ancient" period? It is a pity that old card is not willing to say more.

However, it can be confirmed that the old card is very sensitive to the breath of this thing. According to Guan Liyuan's knowledge, even if the old card now has a sufficient amount of "unknown biological cans" to eat and does not rely on dormancy to accumulate energy, it rarely passes through "dragon teeth". Observing the outside world, it was the breath of this thing that came to the reversed world, which directly made the old card feel.

And the super stone existed in the super-ancient period, and it was not unexpected. Many of today's super-stones and keystones are found from the ruins, obviously only in the middle period. In fact, the super-ancient civilization has been used. The power of super evolution.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's sudden hold, Salina could not help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I know what this super stone is ... it's the super stone of Jiahe Ninja Frog." Guan Liyuan said.

"Well? Koga Ninja Frog? Isn't that the ultimate evolution of Bubble? So lucky! We just need it!" Selina couldn't help but say.

Guan Liyuan also felt that Esther was too lucky-not only did she really have a super stone suitable for her, but she actually delivered it to her door. Even adventures such as falling cliffs were saved, and she did not even enter the cave!

"Ecstasy eyes, thank you! We really need this thing. When you go out with us, I'll make some desserts you like ... and little broken diamonds, take them away! If you go to Crystal City with us, After I've purchased the fruit, I can do more. "Selina told Ecstasy.

With the bonus points of "Send treasure", the ecstasy eye also seems to have become a bit cute.

"Wait ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have one more thing to ask about it ... Ecstasy, where did you get these two gems?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Super stones and keystones are not born in the shape of "orbs". If they are mined raw stones, they need to be polished manually-as long as they do not hurt the pattern of the center, they can be used normally, so they are usually polished into the shape of orbs.

And these two are obviously polished, and it is unlikely that they were polished by the ecstasy eyes themselves, that is to say ... it is likely that the ecstasy eyes were obtained from the superevolutionary ruins!

After all, the trainer who owns the super stone, no matter how careless, will not be stolen by the ecstasy eye, the key and the super stone, and Guan Liyuan is on the key stone, and also saw a small rusty ring, which is probably a long time ago An earring-shaped keystone ornament.

If there are really superevolutionary ruins, maybe there will be other superstones, which are not found by the ecstasy eyes!

"Oh, oh ..." Soul-eyed eyes made an under-sounding voice.

Seeing the reluctant eyes seemed reluctant, Guan Liyuan was even more convinced that it might really know that there were any undiscovered ruins nearby ...

Seeing that Fan Xiangxiang wanted to use violent means, Guan Liyuan stopped it, and the one-stop service dumped it ... Feeling the cool Ecstasy eyes jumped and bounced: "桀桀 桀 ...... 桀桀 桀 ……"

After seeing the small broken diamond curiously looking at himself, Guan Liyuan also gave the small broken diamond a set.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ~~ 嘤 嘤 嘤 ~~" The little broken diamond is learning and making use of it.

After finding the feedback from the small broken diamond, Guan Liyuan could not help but glanced at the small broken diamond in doubt.

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