Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: The greatest, most permanent and universal art ...

In the world of beautiful coordinating coordinators, Michalli can be regarded as the fashion godfather of male coordinators. The first person of female coordinators will have disputes-at least Caruna and Zhulan have the same number of fans, but The first person to be a male coordinator, most people recognize it as Mikkeli.

Counting now, the brand ambassador of the world ’s first house, “Lu Qi Ya”, is still Mickey ’s niece. Regarding the number of female fans, Mickey is definitely more than the young handsome champion Ogo in Fengyuan area.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan, who is now in a state of self-confidence in honey, feels that he can "take the path of Mikkeli and leave Mikkeli without a way"!

With the loving eyes of Esther and Selina, Guan Liyuan tried the Mickeyian style coat ...

Both sides of the waist are exposed below the pelvis. The body shaping pants are very tight above the knees to reflect the shape of the buttocks. They are flared below the knees. The top and bottom are connected by a colored ribbon on the navel. The inside is tight and short. Vest, if Guan Liyuan is "Xingtian", this skinny vest is at most equivalent to a blindfold!

In addition, all kinds of fancy decorations such as ribbons ... quite a classic dress of Mickeyian style!

"How to say ... 80% is still good." Esther looked at Guan Liyuan, who was posing, and couldn't help but stare at Guan Liyuan's abdomen.

Esther isn't a lie, it's true that 80% of the part is OK-that is, the part below the neck is actually good.

Guan Liyuan's figure still has nothing to say. The smooth and natural muscles created by actual combat, without the kind of cumbersomeness and angularity of bodybuilding muscles, are very close to Mickey's style.

Part of the body is even better than Mickey's own body. After all, Mickey is good, and anyone in the Pokémon world is not related to Li Yuan's actual combat experience.

It's just that there aren't those big long legs of Mikkeli-from a practical point of view, the proportion of legs does not need to be so long, but it is true that Mikkeli is closer to the golden ratio.

But this is not a big problem, the real contradiction is the part above the neck!

Mickey's masculinity is more beautiful than handsome, but not feminine, not even a pseudo-mother. At a glance, you can think that "this is a very beautiful man."

But Guan Liyuan's face value ... with the body bonus, it can reach the middle and upper levels, and the ID photo can only be regarded as the level of "all people". At most, the labels are "good skin" and "whiter"- This is the incarnation of the Pokémon world. After many evolutions, it began to get closer to the large wooden body appearance.

However, "white" does not mean "enchanting". Guan Liyuan estimates that if he can complete two hundred evolutions, the value of the face should be close to the result of a career transformation in the main world, that is, the transition from "medium" to "handsome" The gate, but not in the direction of Mikkeli ... their styles are completely different.

When I saw Esther's eyes, she looked at Guan Liyuan's navel and chest position, and she could guess her thoughts!

It's not that Esther is only interested in Guan Liyuan's upper body part, but because when the focus of the eye is on the chest, the part above Guan Liyuan's neck will also enter the perspective, and then a strong sense of disobedience makes Esther evasive. Down his eyes ...

"Huh?" Xiao Suiwan floated beside Guan Liyuan at this moment.

However, the original "shine" little broken diamond, at this time because Guan Liyuan's modeling is too hot, and the sense of existence is reduced!

"Okay ... no need to say any more ..." Guan Liyuan saw her position of eyes drifting and could guess her thoughts.

After reluctantly changing Mickey's coat, Guan Liyuan was also thinking about what kind of image he should show in order to achieve the desired effect.

Of course, until this time, Guan Liyuan was still confident-it was just that his temperament was different from that of Mickey's demon, huh!

"Actually ... Li Yuan's elder brother's figure is still very good." Salina may be worried that Guan Li Yuan lost her confidence, and the praise of her figure is indeed the truth.

"By the way, in fact, the style at the time of 'appearance' should be combined with the final talent show link? Sure enough, it is slippery ... Keke, it is better to be funny." Esther said gently.

"No no no, I'm not ready to be a funny coordinator ..." Guan Liyuan said immediately.

"What kind of talent do you want to perform?" Esther asked curiously.

Guan Liyuan was silent for a while-coincidence! Speaking of talent ... Guan Liyuan really doesn't know anything!

However, in the forum, there are some worlds of art supremacy, such as the gangster who consulted in order to crack the movement when Guan Liyuan was in the hunter world ...

Although there are differences in the aesthetics of melody and beat in different worlds, if you invite the big man, you can definitely grasp the "communicative" part quickly and create a movement that makes the Pokémon world crazy.

It ’s just that there is n’t enough time right now. Even if Guan Liyuan passed the past seven days, he could n’t learn anything.

"Sure enough, the form of the Pokémon short drama is better ..." Guan Liyuan muttered.

Well, in the Pokémon short drama, you don't need Guan Liyuan to play on his own, but ... the appearance of the coordinator must be on the scene. Is it just one day?

"Short play? Brother Li Yuan, do you have a script? Or do you want to perform a ready-made script?" Selina asked.

In addition to writing scripts by yourself, you can also play some common scripts that you are familiar with, or buy some copyrights from others ...

"Well ... use a new script," Guan Liyuan said after hesitating.

If it's a well-thought-out script, people who have performed a lot, and watched it, the audience and the judges will be more pursuing details, only one day, don't die well!

"If the talent show link is a short play, no matter if Li Yuan's brother is playing or not, it is best to make the style of the styling and the following short play plot in the initial‘ appearance ’link,” said Selina.

"The script of the short play ... and my temperament ... well, let me think ..." Guan Liyuan came up with a bold idea.

After a moment, Guan Liyuan suddenly smiled confidently: "I think I have an idea! Tonight I will rehearse the script!"

Esther and Selina are still very curious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Guan Liyuan is mysterious, only to let them look good in the day after tomorrow ’s contest, then they will be locked in the house until the third day of the gorgeous contest Only appeared in the morning ...

Of course, no one found that Guan Liyuan was not in the room during this time, but went to the "creation prototype" of the script characters to learn from it!

When Esther and Selina called the door of Liyuan's room in the morning, they saw a man with long white hair on his head, two long-horned decorations, blue colored pupils on his eyes, Gouyu patterned one-piece long gown, with a layer of foundation on the face of "heart-broken", the original eyebrows were completely blocked, leaving only two convex marks, with a "college" of loneliness and arrogance in the cold temperament , Standing in Guan Liyuan's room ...

"You, who are you? Are Liyuan's friends? Others?" Esther could not help asking.

"Gu Nao Guan · Da Tu Mu Hui Ye · Li Yuan, come here for the tree of life ..."

Esther: "..."

Selina: "..."

Although the lines are unknown, the two sisters have already reacted-this is Guan Liyuan's voice, and if you look closely, this is Guan Liyuan's face!

But this costume is a bit exaggerated, and temperament is easy to make people illusory ...

But ... is it just a change in temperament that can produce such a radical change?

And it's only one day, what happened on that day?

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan almost made up the appearance of Hui Yeji, but the angles of the eyes changed to the angle of the ears of the little broken diamond, and the eyes were wearing the light blue colored pupil of the small broken diamond. , And the temperament and Kaguya are extremely coincident, reaching a level that can almost be said to be "illusion" ...

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