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Vol 2 Chapter 1027: 8 stars and 8 arrows (2 in 1)

After the "appearance" link, the next "skill display" link is the best way to make all the coordinators present and be able to stand up straight in front of ordinary trainers!

Because in this session, ordinary trainers will never be able to exclaim, such as "XX skills can still be used this way", "What kind of skills are this", "My XX and his seem not to be a species" and other exclaims— —Trainers are more able to understand how difficult these skills are than the average audience.

For example, Loroka's "叽叽", many trainers also wear Pokémon like bears, but seeing "叽叽" will fight the "tile", "lower body" of the fighting system, and the "mad" of the evil system. After dancing, "throwing", "dragon claw" of the dragon system, and even "swallow return" of the flying system ...

Like a flexible gymnast, on the stage with single and double poles and vaulting horses, showing the beauty of his limbs, he felt that his uncle was a fake "wearing bear"!

It ’s like the “Swallow's Return” of the flight system. Normally, only the flight system with real long wings can learn Pokémon. It ’s difficult to master Pokémon, such as wearing a bear. .

But Loroka's uncle, at this time, combined Yan Hui with the physical beauty of gymnastics.

After grasping the special horizontal bar with the "dragon claw" skill, he used the evil "throwing" principle to exert force in the opposite direction when rotating around the horizontal bar, causing himself to be "thrown" and immediately using "yan return" Complete the air turn and change of direction, and then land steadily ...

A series of fancy skills have surprised many trainers.

The coordinator often pays more attention to the mastery of skills and the use of variants than the trainer, because compared to the trainer, the coordinator does not need the partner's skills to be stronger, but more aesthetic!

Lorocca, who temporarily tops the debut session, is actually very disadvantaged in the skill display link-the ability of wearing the bear itself limits the gorgeousness of the skill display.

Although the use of difficult body movements to show the beauty of body strength is also a form of charm, but this form is very disadvantageous in terms of "impact"!

For example, the pink butterfly of Mencisell, using the skills of phosphorus powder, and the "fantasy light" of the super energy system and the "storm" of the flying system, outlined the three-dimensional light effect sand painting on the stage ...

A deeper mastery of skills not only means that they can be stronger, but also means that they can be “weaker” and use “storms” to control weak airflow. This mastery of skills can only be played by the coordinator—normal training Teachers will not specifically train Pokémon in this area!

There is also the puff of Poka, which can make use of the "sweet aroma" and "fragrant treatment" to reconcile a special and relaxing aroma, and then use "cotton defense" to increase its cotton structure, and then use " "Cotton spores" and "Fairy Wind", the self-proliferated cotton structure is released from the body and distributed to the audience ...

This special "cotton spore" can be maintained for three days and acts as a sachet!

Not only did they bribe the audience, but they also made everyone look forward to it. In the final "show of talent", Poca will bring you Pokémon dessert making performances.

Miaoyao's Miao Meow performed worse on this project-Miao Meow is a typical Pokémon that needs to be "suppressed". It is similar to the situation of reachable duck and Haoli ...

The reachable duck has a headache because it does not have a "super power system" and cannot control the outbreak of mental power. Hao Li has a belt-like structure that limits the power ... The same is true of Miao Meow. Usually, the ears are down to suppress their own super powers. Performance.

Although Miao Meow's special attack value is only 63 points, it is much higher than it. The reason why Miao Meow needs to be restrained is not because its mental strength is stronger than the powerful super power Pokémon like Hu Di, but Because its mental power is easy to violently run away, there are sudden bursts of mental power several times, and then directly lose consciousness.

There are similar cases of mighty and weird powers, but they are prone to physical strength.

Therefore, Miao Meow wants to master the skills more accurately than ordinary Pokémon.

The flower buds of Jermonly, the guardian flower chosen by themselves, are a very rare kind of multi-colored rose. The existence form of flower buds is very special. The flower buds that are just born are just a few centimeters in size. Pokémon at this time was not complete and could not learn any skills, which was equivalent to the infancy.

Only after the flower bud finds a flower that it likes and decides to live with it for life will become a complete flower bud. At this time, its life form will also change. The flower selected by the flower bud is being picked. Not only will not die after the next, but will be connected to the life of Huabei Bei.

Depending on the selected flower, the performance of Huabeibei also varies greatly!

This multi-colored rose flower symbiosis was selected. After using "Falling Flowers", "Magic Leaf" and "Petal Dance", the colorful flower rain danced on the stage, and then "Green Grass Field" was used. , On the stage, a multi-colored rose flower cluster actually grew, and it did not disappear until the end of the skill ...

In the pleasing "Dragon Fighting", in the judges 'minds, the players' rankings have changed a lot.

According to the rules of the gorgeous contest, the score weights for appearance, skill display, and talent show are 10, 30, and 60 respectively. The "show" at the opening is more to attract everyone's attention to the later links, with only a 10-point weight. , While the skill display has 30 points, the talent display has the most decisive 60 points!

When only the "嘤 嘤 嘤" of "Hui Ye Ji" has not appeared, the judges have not officially scored, but they have given Mencicel the first place ...

In the "appearance" session, Loroka, who impressed everyone most, was generally weak because of the inherent weakness of wearing bears in skill display-after all, wearing bears is more suitable for learning and mastering those physical skills. Wearing a bear is especially fast.

However, this kind of skills seems to be too "simplicity" in the skills display link.

And Menchisar's aerial three-dimensional sand painting is quite amazing, especially the control of the "storm" skill is better than others. From the mastery of this skill alone, it has already participated in Carlos Gorgeous. Contest level!

"Then it's off ... Keke, is Hui Yeji's little broken diamond coming on the scene? I don't know what will happen."

"Will you be as surprised as when you debuted?"

"It's unlikely ... I heard that little broken diamond called '嘤 嘤 嘤', according to the registration information, it was only about ten days ago that it was received near Crystal City, and the training was less than half a month."

"What? How did it happen when it appeared before ..."

"Maybe it happened to encounter this kind of temperamental small broken diamond, but it was just a coordinator image specially created for you?"

"Oh, don't you use ordinary coordinators and trainers to compare with housekeepers. How many Pokémon are in the first house in the world? How long does it take to grow on average?"

"Yes, it is difficult to predict the speed at which the homeowners can cultivate ..."

The audience's views on the show are very divided. Most of them think that "ten days is too short." This kind of skill display requires a long time to refine the skills to master this kind of random carving. s level.

This is more time consuming than simply learning skills and gaining Pokemon's trust, and this "time consuming" is difficult to compress.

In fact, it is indeed the case-if it is not "嘤 嘤 嘤" in the world of Naruto, with months of practice time, it is really difficult to master the skills to this extent!

I saw that after playing, I first used the "light wall" and "reflection wall" to attach the light wall and reflection wall to a certain thickness in a three-dimensional space centered on himself, and then used 58 A combination of smooth surfaces to form a huge three-dimensional diamond ...

At this moment, it looks like it is in the center of a diamond, and each side of the diamond is formed by the "light wall" and "reflection wall" skills!

At the same time, it uses "magic reflection" to form a multi-angle mirror around the huge diamond, and uses "magic sparkle" and "moon light" to blend light inside.

Not only are huge diamonds dazzling under this harmonious light effect, but they can also observe this perfect "diamond" projection from various angles around the "mirror".

From the top down, there are eight hearts of the same size, symmetrical position and bright stars. From the bottom up, there are eight arrows with the same size and dazzling ...

The harmonized light effect, after refraction and reflection of the composite light wall, presents colorful dazzling light, making the three most brilliant lights of the diamond-"flash", "brightness" and "spark", all reach the ultimate Reconcile with each other!

If it is a gorgeous contest in other cities, most of the audience may only find that this "diamond" is very beautiful, but as the "crystal city" of the gem city, not many jewelers and gem cutters. Can appreciate the meaning behind this "diamond" ...

"So beautiful ... what kind of gem is this? Diamond? It turned out so beautiful ..."

"Husband, let's buy diamonds later! What? It's so expensive ... then ... take a small broken diamond instead!"

"Other small broken diamonds are not so pretty? Wait! Then, do you have small broken diamonds in the" mine "of the first house in the world? It is enough to have half of them!"

"Huh? No other changes?"

"It is said that a diamond is a symbol of eternity. If a 'diamond' can be so beautiful, it can be taken as long as it is 'moving ...'

After completing this step, I just kept still for three minutes, which made everyone linger.

Some gem merchants couldn't help but stand up and felt this scene. The perfect thing was missing one thing. That is ... On the virtual "diamond", no, it is the sky above the virtual diamond, and you can add another line of advertising for your shop. Enough!

"A very rare genre, showing a still beauty."

"Yes, in fact, this is more in line with the identity of the small broken diamond mineral Pokémon, which has a permanent meaning."

"But ... is this completeness too exaggerated? Whether it is the fitting ratio of the light wall and the reflecting wall, or the light effect hybrid of magical sparkle and the power of the moon, and ... the combined surface of up to 58 faces, even if It's amazing to spend decades training this trick! "

Just making the "Light Wall" a skill and showing 58 aspects can make the general coordinator spend his entire life!

"This completeness and effect can already be regarded as a 'signature show' ..."

"Indeed, in less than half a month ... how did it happen?"

"I think I can probably guess some ways of making tricks. Take a closer look at the arrangement of broken diamonds on your uncle. Of course ... even considering this kind of trick making, the completion of this scene is amazing. It is the owner of the first house in the world, and it is indeed ... the world's first nurturing master! "

Caruna is worthy of being the world's top coordinator. When several other judges, including Lucia, were still full of doubts, she had discovered the secret of "嘤 嘤 嘤".

That's right, simply relying on the mastery of skills to control the composition of 58 aspects at the same time, but also consider the combination ratio of the physical sense represented by the light wall and the light effect brought by the reflective wall, and the power of the moon and the magic shine. The reconciliation of Youyuan Jingguang and the shining moving light ... even Guan Liyuan and Yan can't do it!

The reason why the previous effect can be achieved is that Guan Liyuan's "one-stop service" and the extra training time of the world of Naruto account for up to 30% of the successful work, and another 20%, which is that "嘤 嘤 嘤" itself is extremely talented-this is a Super smart little broken diamond.

As for the most important five successful labors, it is on the broken diamonds of the "嘤 嘤 嘤".

The small broken diamonds of different individuals are larger than ordinary Pokémon.

It's as if there are subtle differences in the patterns on the body between different individuals of "dangling spots"-some dangling spots that coincidentally form "heart-shaped" markings can also be regarded as a symbol of peach blossoms and marriage.

The individual appearance differences of small broken diamonds are reflected in the distribution of broken diamonds, the appearance of broken diamonds, and the shape of the fluff.

When Guan Liyuan first encountered it, it belonged to the category of broken diamonds, and according to Haunting Eyes, when he first knew "认识", broken diamonds were more Poor, when Guan Liyuan saw it, it was already a gradually improved result!

This made Guan Liyuan suspect that the broken diamond's appearance was affected by the individual value. Before encountering Guan Liyuan, the individual value of the maggot should increase slowly but without bottlenecks. After encountering Guan Liyuan, , It is increasing rapidly.

The reason why I can outline the three-dimensional image of "eight stars and eight arrows" is also because it constantly fine-tunes the arrangement of broken diamonds on the body in continuous experiments, and uses these "broken diamonds" as light sources to stimulate skills. At that time, "light wall", "reflection wall" and the like will naturally be projected at the corresponding positions.

In the same way, it also plays a supporting role in the light treatment of "Magic Shine" and "Moon Power".

Many high-quality broken diamonds are like ready-made "projectors" and "projection lamps", which greatly reduces the workload of completing "eight stars and eight arrows" ...

It is more exaggerated than the "appearance" link. Before, it only made Caruna feel that Guan Liyuan also has the strength of a three or four star coordinator.

And "eight stars and eight arrows" ... no matter from the degree of completion or the effect, they have reached the level of "signboard performance"!

In the coordinator world, Pokémon with a "signature show" is like a singer with a famous song, which is equivalent to the status of a Pokémon in the trainer world-completely out of the scope of the rookie competition, you can directly Take it to the level of large-scale commercial performances.

Even now, there have been countless jewelers, especially diamond operators, ready to talk business with house owners-but they are a little bit embarrassed, in the capacity of Guan Liyuan's "first house in the world", hired him as a spokesperson, Will the asking price be too high?

And "Eight Stars and Eight Arrows" was first shown to the public. Until the rankings on the screen have been completely updated, the audience gradually came back ...

I saw that "Hui Ye Ji" has jumped to the top of the list and won 27.25 points in the skill demonstration, with a total score of 35.5 in both!

It is precisely because of the high level of "eight stars and eight arrows" that the judges were originally optimistic about that Mencisale scored only 20.5 points in the "skill display" link, and all others were suppressed to 20 Below points-this is the reason for the final centralized scoring. The best person represents the ceiling standard of scoring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ which can open the gap more fairly.

Even this is already considering that this is just a daily-level gorgeous contest, so there is a motive for giving points to newcomers ...

Otherwise, "Eight Stars and Eight Arrows" will get more than 25 points in the Carlos Gorgeous Open, while other people's performances will get in the Carlos Gorgeous ... There may not be a chance to enter the Open!

Even with the current point difference, even if the last "talent show" link, the point weight is as high as 60 points, as long as "Hui Ye Ji" is not too short board, other players have been difficult to shake their lead.

Even the "suppressed" effect of the stingy eight stars and eight arrows continued. When watching the "talent show" of other players, the audience often thought of the previous "eight stars and eight arrows" and then looked forward to "Hui Ye" Ji "talent show.

The only thing that disappointed everyone is that "Hui Ye Ji" did not participate in the performance, but what is new is that this small theater that participated in the gorgeous contest as a personal identity has participated in a large number of Pokémon!

But think about another status of "Hui Ye Ji", everyone is relieved-"She" is not too easy to find a Pokémon group performance, just send it from the first room in the world.

的 The performance form in the small theater of "Talent Show" is biased towards Impressionism. There is no specific interaction and dialogue between the Pokémon participating in the performance. Instead, it focuses on showing scenes and scenes. Come to make up the story ...

In this scene, Guan Liyuan was named "the goddess who eats the **** fruit". He didn't participate in the performance himself. He played the "goddess" by the puppet. Guan Liyuan's shape belonged to cospy when he appeared.

The plot begins with the princess princess, from the gem star, "below" to a life planet ...

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