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Vol 2 Chapter 1036: Don't know how to lose



I saw two pterosaurs roaring at the same time at the bottom of the pit. Immediately, the strength of the mother and daughter of pterosaurs resonated strongly!

Immediately, one brown and one purple two tyrannosaurs leaped, and at the same time, the tyrannosaurus held a hammer in his arms. The small tyrannosaurus revolved to draw down with his tail ... The goal was a dune!

Looking at the twinkling gold light on the mother and daughter arm and tail hammers of the tying bag dragon, it was a blessing of strength from the general department, and the commentator could not help saying, "Somewhat feels like the" reward "of the general department. The homeowner has encouraged the bag dragon ... Is it possible that the homeowner has been able to break away from the encouragement and directly enable Pokémon to use the powerful 'reward' skill? "

"Grace" is a general skill that most Pokémon can learn. The better the relationship between Pokemon and the trainer, the greater the power of "Grace"!

Usually when using "reward", the trainer will make every effort to inspire Pokémon, make the other party feel their own mind, to stimulate this power ...

Now the skills used by the mothers and daughters of Baolong are really like "reward", and they are still very powerful, but they seem to be a little different?

Guan Liyuan naturally knows that this is actually not a "reward", but a very similar skill, and it is also a unique "father-daughter love" of **** skills unique to **** bag dragons.

The skills of the general department are easy to be mixed with emotional power. The "Mother and Daughter Love" is not the relationship between Pokémon and the trainer, but the relationship between the mother and daughter of Paklong. Therefore, it is powerful and comparable. The strong-scale "reward" is even a victory!

嘭 ——

After a muffled sound, I saw the place where the mother and daughter of Pterosaurs fell, the dunes have been beaten into a bunker, and in the center of the pit, a "knight statue" stood there ...

Looking closely, this statue is not so much a "knight", but a "century" wearing double body armor and dual lances!

However, the part of the horseshoe looks more like the limb of the insect Pokémon, and it is a bit short, and it is also covered with a thick layer of gray armor.

"That's ... Cavalier Snail? Cavalier Snail just fetters evolved?"

Looking at the surrounding sand and sand, there are gradually reuniting signs, and everyone can guess at this time, previously there was a sand castle master hidden here.

After Sandcastle's body is destroyed, he can reuse the sand to condense, but it will consume physical strength!

And since there is a "knight snail" in it, it should be "shasan" just broken.

That's right, although "Sha San" hides well after swallowing the Knight Snail, Baolong can use Guan Liyuan as a "signal intermediary" to connect with the Knight Snail, so it can determine its location!

In addition, the fencing skill of the frightened knight snail is exactly "immobile posture". For a period of time, the racial values ​​of speed, physical attack and special attack can be reset to zero, and the double defense can be added to the knight snail in the "immobile posture". Unable to move, but with the dust-proof characteristics of Lv1, after the double anti-explosion increase, the unfavorable attacking Pokémon level can't break the defense ...

Before Baolong started, he also informed it to protect himself, so he was not injured under the "mother and daughter love".

While facing San Sha this time ... Although it is slowly re-condensing, it is actually just an instinct and Sha San has lost consciousness.

After all, after the evolution of fetters, the mother ’s fighting power has exceeded 50,000, and the maiden ’s fighting power is also close to 50,000. After being hit by this hammer, the sand-caster company with more than 30,000 fighting power took advantage of the “sand gathering” recovery opportunity nothing.

Looking at the third child being "seckilled", Sha Ai and Sha Bi, commanded by Xiao Ai and Xiao Bi, became a little panicked. As soon as Sha exposed his feet, he was caught by agile insects, and the shadows flashed ... countless black The lacquered figure surrounded the huge sand, and it was impossible to get rid of it no matter how it was used.

"Shuriken in all directions!"

I saw countless black shadows blooming from the fetters of agile worms, similar to the release form of the "Flying Water Shuriken", but ... these shurikens constitute the power of the "ghost system"!

In the state of fetter evolution, the fragile agile worm has a new feature "ghost bone", which is similar to the effect of fairy skin and frozen skin, but the characteristics of fairy skin and frozen skin can only transform the general skills into Correspondence system, and the effect of ghost bone is to transform the five common attributes of general, water, fire, grass, and electricity into "ghost system" power.

Compared with ordinary skin characteristics, the transformation range is larger, but at the same time, the transformation range is smaller than that of "Fairy Body" in the "Bound Lightning Bird" state. Non-native skills, transformed into fairy power to launch!

After the transformation, the ghost shuriken will not trigger Sha Yi ’s “solidification when encountering water”, and will easily “smash” Sha Yi ’s huge body out of sand ...

The remaining Sha Er, scared at this time, did not dare to move, maintaining the sand hiding, but ... I saw that the fetters of the knight snail had been lifted from the "immovable posture", and the original gray armor had become The grey and red look before the bond evolution!

Immediately, the red crown on the "helmet" of the knight snail flashed the metallic luster peculiar to the steel system, and transformed into a spiky appearance. Ignoring "sandy", he bumped into the closest sand to it-Zheng It is a steel skill "horn of Shura"!

The "one-third" improvement of the fetter evolution is an all-round average improvement, so the speed of the Cavalier Snail is still not fast, but ... the speed of the Sandcastle Lord is also not fast, and it is now huge.

Coupled with the "horn of Shura" skill of the steel department, the reason why it is called this name is because of its "must hit" feature!

Of course, it is "must hit" in the game, but in the Pokémon world, "must hit" is actually an exaggeration, which is actually equivalent to using steel power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Put a piece on the opponent's body that can attract The sharp-angled magnets with their own steel system strength have the effect of tracking and acceleration. If the speed difference is too large or too far, it may also be avoided.

In fact, when Sha Er attacked the Cavalier Snail with "Quicksand Hell", he had already buried the pre-launch means of the "horn of Shura", but after that, the Cavalier Snail was "swallowed" by the Sha San, and had no time to launch .

After the evolution of fetters, the combat effectiveness of the knight snail and the agile worm both reached more than 40,000. Sha Er was also "hit" by the knight snail directly, and the huge body formed by the sand collapsed ...

At this time, the referee announced incessantly: "No. 3 Sandcastle Lord is out", "No. 1 Sandcastle Lord is out", "No. 2 Sandcastle is out" ...

"On the side of the Crystal Road, all Pokémon are out, and the winner is Guan Liyuan, the first house in the world!" The referee finally announced.

The commentator has not yet explained the series of operations just Guan Liyuan at this time-in fact, he may not be able to explain, after all, many skills and characteristics are unique to fetters, and he is only a speculative commentary ...

Regardless, Guan Liyuan once again proved his strength and purity with his strength—yes, that's pure, can he be bound to evolve without looking at the Pokémon who has been around for a long time?

Even no matter how sour the breeder is, at this time, at most, it can only be ironic, "Well, how to breed the pterosaurs so strong, how can they breed?" ...

However, Guan Liyuan really can't refute this kind of statement. When the super evolution was lifted, the mother and daughter of the pterosaurs are also a bit lost-especially the "pocket dragon girl". Although it is getting stronger, it is far away from it. Really "born", but farther and farther!

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