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Vol 2 Chapter 1044: Unsafe inversion

[Hupa takes this cross-barred bat now ... it has some emotional problems. Little Hupa said.

At this time, Huahualuo saw that the wormhole gold ring appeared again out of thin air, and then a "fork-shaped bat" with a bad mood flew out.

"Fork, fork, fork and fork-" As soon as the fork bat came out, it shouted with a sharp voice, and flew around in Huahualuo's office.

Guan Liyuan immediately began to use heart contact to gain instinctual favorability, and then began to calm it patiently ...

Its "emotional abnormality" is not violent, bloodthirsty, or other attacking tendencies, otherwise Little Hupa would not send it directly. The current situation of the crossword bat is excessive panic and tension, under the comfort of Guan Liyuan. Only gradually eased.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's comfort, gradually calming down, the Forked Bat lying on his arm, Hua Hualuo could not help asking: "Is the Forked Bat? Is this Pokémon of Koseloski?"

"Yes, they are in a special situation ..." Guan Liyuan frowned.

"Can I ask it some questions?" Hua Hualuo said.

"Wait a minute, its emotions haven't completely calmed down yet." Guan Liyuan said, and he extended his other hand, stroking the cross-shaped bat, as if blocking Huahualuo.

"I will pay attention to its emotions!" Hua Hualuo felt Guan Liyuan was despising her professionalism.

While Guan Liyuan took advantage of this time, he had already communicated with his heart and communicated with the fork bat ...

Similar to the situation in Kutherousi, Fork Bat also claimed to be "controlled" by the mind during the four years of being "conquered", except that it has intermittent memory and is controlled only during a small number of actions, unlike Ku Thuroschi is completely in control.

In addition ... Forked bats were in a soothing mood. When they recalled the previous events, they also talked about a thing that Guan Liyuan was very concerned about!

After looking at Hua Hualuo, after Guan Liyuan's eyes moved a little, he gave the fork bat to the other party and reminded him: "It is best not to ask him too many things at first, let him eat some soothing Pokemon food, and then It's better to be quiet. "

"Rest assured, we are professional in this regard." Hua Hualuo said of course.

However, when Hua Hualuo sent another four elf balls, Guan Liyuan said: "The situation is a bit special now, the other four Pokémon still wait a moment ... I don't know if you understand the true of the elf ball The principle, anyway ... well, to be clear, this is a matter involving strange animals this time. Even Hupa can't be involved anymore. I will explain it to Miss Caruna, the champion of the league. "

Hua Hualuo really doesn't know the principle of the elven ball. Only the world with Dr. Oki's technology or the top of the league will know a little about the relationship between some elven **** and the reverse world.

But as for the specific principle ... human beings are just imitating some achievements in ancient ruins, and even Dr. Oki just knows that the poke ball can make Pokémon temporarily dormant in the "broken world".

However, when Guan Liyuan said the word "different beast", Hua Hualuo immediately agreed with Guan Liyuan's idea!

The duties of the Junsha clan are mainly to prevent humans from using Pokémon to make trouble, but for the strange beasts, their family talents cannot be used. In addition, the powerful strength of the strange beasts is left to the Alliance to handle.

Guan Liyuan is in the Carlos League. He doesn't know anyone except Caruno ...

Although Carulu belongs to the vase champion, but should be connected with the top of the Carlos League, right?

Carlunay and Guan Liyuan had exchanged contact information before, and Guan Liyuan didn't care that it was not too early now. He talked with Caruna on the phone overnight.

When Guan Liyuan was challenged in the Crystal City, Caruna was still watching the game in Crystal City, and he had just left for a few days. Fortunately, Caruna had passed the stage of training and travel, so it was easy to contact She is now in the neighbouring city.

Fortunately, Carunay also knows something about "breaking the world", so he can understand what Guan Liyuan said, without having to explain it from the essence of the fairy ball.

"What? Another beast? In the world of destruction? What happened to Pokemon in the world of destruction?" Caruna asked quickly.

"For the time being, it should have little effect, but those beasts are different from Pokémon. They are in a reversing world and have not entered a dormant state ... According to what Hupa just saw, there are several normally active beasts. Near Pokémon of X in the Flames. "Guan Liyuan said.

"Okay, you're waiting for me in Crystal City, and I'll be right back!" Caruna said.

"Where are you? I'll let Hupa pick you up."

Caruna: "..."

Although Caruna was not very acceptable, this way of using "Hupa, the devil of time and space" as the driver to call, but hesitated, still described his position with Guan Liyuan.

"Is the Coordinator Association in Dammam? Okay, you're at the door now," Guan Liyuan said.

Iconic buildings such as the Coordinator Association have exact coordinates on the map, but it is impossible to locate Karunai's room specifically ...

When Carunay came to the door, he found a golden ring appearing in front of himself out of nowhere. According to Guan Liyuan, he went in.

"Well? Where is this? Is this Hupa?" Carunna came out and found out that Guan Liyuan and a puppet like a puppet were in a room like a warehouse, and ... see Get up and hide quietly here, even the lights are not on!

"This is a storeroom on the third floor of the Crystal Police Department." Guan Liyuan said calmly.

"You ... are you hiding here?" Caruno looked at Guan Liyuan strangely.

"Yes, I just said I would go to the Pokémon Center to rest first. They didn't stop me, but after arriving at the Pokémon Center, I immediately teleported with Little Hupa."

Without Carunay asking, Guan Liyuan took the initiative to explain the reason for doing this-according to the crossword bat told Guan Liyuan before, under normal circumstances, although it is controlled by the mind from time to time, after entering the elven ball, it is nothing like ordinary Pokémon. The difference is that elf **** are not specially made.

In addition, Hupa also told Guan Liyuan that a more critical message was that the space coordinates on the elven ball had been changed.

After Guan Liyuan also confirmed to the old card, after entering the inverted world, the normal Pokémon is not a mess around the world, but concentrated in a certain range, which will not be invaded by strange animals. Unless the Guardian of the Reversing World, Riding Radina, is dead and blind!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan suspected that Kuselosiqi's elven ball had been manipulated after he was "arrested" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

In the beginning, I did n’t even want to give the fork bat to Huahualuo, but Guan Liyuan felt that this might be a chance to attract snakes and get out of the hole. The position of this cross-shaped bat.

And to "monitor" the situation of the other four elven **** in person, because he wasn't sure who was the problem, Guan Liyuan didn't even tell Hua Hualuo.

"Wait, if the four elves were tampered with, how would you find them here?" Caruna asked.

"Can't find it, but the Pokemon corresponding to the four elven **** are in the reversed world position, near the fork bat. Hupa used a little trick to feel their status, if the situation changed , We immediately rushed to the laboratory where the elven ball was kept at the end of the third floor, and most of the time we could meet the inner ghost. "Guan Liyuan said.

Of course, it is said that Hupa used a little trick. In fact, Guan Liyuan forcibly sent a wave of life in the past. Before he died, he made contact with one of the petrochemical Pokémon and signed a contract ...

In that state, Pokémon, although unable to move and the consciousness will fall asleep, does not need to worry about being hurt by strange beasts because of the petrified state-those strange beasts just fixed them in the reverse world, so They cannot leave.

So Guan Liyuan guessed that if someone in the police department wanted the four Pokémon to come out, there should be other actions ...

After Caruna came, he waited for Guan Liyuan for more than an hour, and then Guan Liyuan suddenly got the news. A pumpkin essence contracted by himself felt that the connection between him and Kutheroski disappeared-someone destroyed Kuser Roski's Elf Ball!

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