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Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Full attribute

"Why didn't you come back so late? Miss Yi Si didn't see you back and prepared a cold meal for you alone in your room." Esther said looking at Guan Liyuan who had just returned.

It is already midnight. Although it is in the Pokémon Center, due to the previous attack, Esther decided to continue her "night watch" mission.

"Nothing, there's a little problem with the Flash Flames."

Guan Liyuan didn't expect it would be so late ...

After eating the cold dinner prepared by Miss Yisi, who was not afraid of the cold, Guan Liyuan returned to the cultivation of the four islands, but did not notify the others, but only used a "spiritual communication" to find a Tutu dog.

In the game, the Tutu Dog has a magical exclusive skill of "drawing". The effect is that you can use this skill to replace the skills used by opponents-in theory Tutu Dog can learn almost all skills.

Therefore, it is nicknamed "the father of the land"-because in the game, the genetic skills come from the patriline, and the tutu dog can learn all heritable skills to facilitate the brushing of genetic skills, while the tutu dog itself is the "land egg" group".

However, in the Pokémon world, although there are no restrictions on four skills, Tutu Dogs need to use the "drawing" drawings to gradually learn skills, which requires a learning process.

In addition, the "paint" used for painting is only effective by using the special fluid secreted from its tail, and the period of secreted fluid is limited. Even if a well-trained Tutu dog can learn one or two hundred skills, it is even more.

Under Guan Liyuan's "one-stop service", this Tutu dog has learned more than 300 Pokémon moves covering 18 attributes, and continues to account for 50% of known skills. "The speed of fluid secretion is much stronger than that of" good "Tutu dogs.

However, the Tutu dog's race value is not high, and in the Pokémon world, the mating methods of various races are different. It is not simple to put them together, so the Tutu dog does not have a "peach blossom luck" in the game.

Guan Liyuan specially trained several Tutu dogs, mainly to let them serve as Pokémon skill mentors in the "first house in the world" ...

"Tutu, try to turn on malicious attacks and use 'spray fire' on me ... oh ... okay ... then try 'worms' ... and then' turbid flow '...' 'Sludge bombs come out ...'

Guan Liyuan in turn let the Tutu dogs attack him with eighteen attributes-fortunately, the Tutu dogs have low attack power, otherwise they may kill Guan Liyuan to the "red name" ...

In experiments, Guan Liyuan finally verified his conjecture!

Perhaps it was because of the "Medusa" occupation that Guan Liyuan "absorbed" 18 types of evolutionary stones, or other evolutionary materials. These materials represent the 18 types of attributes. The enhancement itself is not very large. Instead, it is replaced by the calculation method of Pokémon. Guan Liyuan now has thousands of combat capabilities.

But it has a disguised physique with 18 attributes ...

In the game, Pokémon only has single and dual lines, and Alzeus can only change his own attributes, instead of having eighteen attributes at the same time!

When a dual-line Pokémon is attacked by other attributes, the restraint is calculated based on the multiplication of the two lines. That is to say, one line is doubled and the other line is doubled. Double damage, while one is double, the other is restraining the opponent's damage by half, which is calculated as normal single.

In the Pokémon world, restraint or not can not be calculated based on simple doubling or halving. The power that can really reduce or reduce the opponent ’s power, or the power that is particularly effective against its own defense, refers to “attribute damage”. That part.

In most cases, the pure physical impact of the skill cannot be reduced. For example, the power of the dragon system will completely disappear when encountering the power of the fairy system, but the Pokémon of the fairy system is attacked by the dragon claw and the dragon tail. At that time, pure physical attacks will still work, but only part of the dragon power will be invalid.

However, in terms of attribute superposition, it is similar to the game. There are some extreme attribute restraints that will make some restrained attributes "ineffective", that is, 0 times, and 0 times the number is 0 ...

This situation exists in a total of seven attributes, of which the ghost system is immune to the general system and the combat system of the two systems of damage, a total of eight systems will be completely restrained by "a certain attribute."

Guan Liyuan, who has eighteen attributes at the same time, can theoretically be immune to the energy attacks of these eight attributes, including the power of the super-energy system-evil system, which can invalidate the power of the super-energy system!

At the same time, phantom rays are attacks by pure superpowers, without the components of physical impact ...

The reason why Little Huppa ’s “phantom light” works is, on the one hand, because Little Huppa is much stronger than Guan Liyuan, and on the other hand, because Guan Liyuan ’s 18 attributes are incomplete, it probably completely unlocks “Medusa”. After the occupational seal, it has 18 attributes.

While Guan Liyuan was cultivating the four islands, he also tested the damage of 18 attribute powers in turn in order to damage himself!

In theory, it has 18 series attributes at the same time. Defensively, the advantages are definitely more than disadvantages. 18 attributes can be immune to 8 of them. In addition, there are 4 attributes that are mostly deducted and 5 attributes are not increased or decreased. Deal additional damage to yourself—because there are five systems restrained by the rock series attack, and the attributes of the restraint rock series attack are only four series.

Fortunately, the "Squid King" used phantom light at the time-this kind of skill contains almost no physical impact except for super powers.

If it was replaced by "psychic shock", even if Guan Liyuan was immune to the damage of the super power energy, pure physical damage would allow him to perform "revived in place" ...

To this end Guan Liyuan specially opened the door of Little Hupa, went to an oasis in the "reverse world" in person, and saw Kaoparis again.

"What? You want to learn skills?" Old Card looked at Guan Liyuan strangely.

"That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I recently discovered that I seem to have 18 attributes, so can Pokémon skills also be ..."

"Impossible." Before Guan Liyuan finished speaking, the old card interrupted.

"Human beings can't learn any Pokémon skills, and even I can't make you learn these ... but you can learn and learn by superpower or something," said Old Card.

Superpowers are too inefficient! Even if you enter the room, you can only reach the level of "less than a small iron spoon bent with your eyes in half an hour", and the strongest is only the degree of Nazi-if the trainer is singled out, Nazi is absolutely It is the top three in the world, but it is only the level of Pokémon at the competition level.

Guan Liyuan did not believe in evil a few times, and found that, as the old card said, even if it somehow has attributes, it can't really become a Pokemon. Learn the skills of Pokemon? It's no use even if you find yourself a trainer!

However, after the old card knew about Guan Liyuan's situation, Guan Liyuan had an unexpected gain, that is, the "Dragon Scale" was directly pushed to the top 12 times by Guan Liyuan-the old card here does not have too many dragon scales, and Guan Liyuan was charged directly after 12 times , The other eight kinds of "evolutionary materials" only need 11 times of each type, and can reach 100 times.

In addition, the part that could not be eaten was also taken away by Guan Liyuan. When he went back, he could exchange it for other evolutionary materials. Anyway, the scales of the dragon and the like were left in the old card.

It's just that Guan Liyuan's additional ability seems to only be used for "defending attribute damage" for the time being.

Normally, the use of attacks consistent with their own attributes will have a genus bonus, but ... Guan Liyuan, as a "human", cannot learn any "skills", not even "water splashing", and naturally does not exert the advantage of attack Opportunity.

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