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Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Dog, dog biting dog?

【what? Found the hostile sequence of double-axed battle dragon madness, and the cause? 】 Guan Liyuan asked in surprise.

Just when Guan Liyuan and Xiaoai hadn't found the source of the killing breath, the news came from Tomoko.

After being transported back to the cultivation of the four islands, the two axe war dragons soon woke up, obviously injured, but they were very tenacious and attacked ...

However, in the cultivation of the four islands in Xiao Shan, these two axe war dragons naturally can't set off any waves. Instead, Tomoko began to use the diversity of cultivating the four islands of Pokémon and began to test the manic causes of these two axe war dragons.

[Yes, according to the current rules, these two axe battle dragons are all males, and their hostile sequence is "Male Pokémon in the same egg group", "Male Pokémon in different egg groups", " "Male human", "female", "minor Pokémon", "sexless Pokémon", and finally their "kind" ...

Judging from the gender and hostility sequence of the double axe dragons, they are caught in extreme mating competition emotions. ] Tomoko returned to the observations, and finally her own guess.

Mating competition emotions can be regarded as a form of estrus, but they will not cause the beep urge to be heard, but will have a strong will to the same sex.

The double axe dragon belongs to the race with this kind of emotion, but the normal mating competition will not be so crazy, and even the "PK protection" is invalidated ...

And this mania will also reduce the mating competition. There are no males in the same egg group around, and males in different egg groups, even humans will be included in the target. Without males, there will be warfare in females, and even in the end, they will Pokémon without gender also has warfare-it is no longer a purely mating and competitive mood, but the desire to fight caused by it, it is just the order of "anger".

[In addition, they had the weakest hostility before each other, presumably due to some external guidance, and are now undergoing a detailed inspection. ] Tomoko added.

[Okay, contact me immediately if there is any new discovery. 】

Guan Liyuan then looked at Xiao Hupa wonderingly, "Little Hupa, you have a little J ... keke, I mean, what egg group do you have? Male or female?"

"Vulgar." Xiao Ai glanced at Guan Liyuan and despised it.

Well, after all, Xiao Ai has a part of human genes-the real Pokemon will not feel any vulgarity.

Little Hupa just patted his chest vigorously and said, "Hupa! Man! But ... the egg group doesn't know."

Guan Liyuan nodded, seemingly understandable. It is estimated that with the young age of Hupa, it is not time to consider the egg group, and ... in the Pokémon world, Hupa is unique and he is still male The beast of God has basically been determined!

Even beasts cannot violate the genetics of the Pokémon world—the offspring races with the maternal line!

But Guan Liyuan also didn't understand this—why did the double-axed battle dragon just ignore Xiao Hupa and attack himself? Think of yourself as "male Pokémon in different egg groups"? Or is Little Hupa considered a "minor Pokémon"?

However, from the perspective of Er Ha, this order should be fine.

The double axe battle dragon is the "monster group", "dragon group" double egg group, and the fast dragon is "amphibious group", "dragon group" ... both have "dragon group" egg group, In other words, the two indeed constitute mating competition.

Therefore, after the emergence of Er Ha, the double axe dragon is particularly manic, even the double axe dragon that was originally controlled by Xiao Ai can't wait to fight it ...

"Be careful, it's getting closer to the source of the thick killing breath!" Xiao Ai reminded dignifiedly.

"Really?" Little Hupa arched his mouth in doubt, as if wrinkling his nose.

That's right, Little Hupa can't feel the "killing breath", otherwise he can let it be positioned by the "killing breath" in the beginning ...

It doesn't seem strange to this old card-before the emergence of Xiao Ai, even if Xiao Hupa was near him, the old card was ready to guide Guan Liyuan in the dragon's tooth pendant, and it seemed from the beginning that Xiao Hupa didn't feel like it. To this breath.

"Yeah ... and the killing ... is getting richer!" Xiaoai said in a deep voice.

"What? Is the killing going on? Then we hurry up!" Guan Liyuan said immediately.

Guan Liyuan thought that the two axe dragons had just expelled all other Pokémon ...

When he found that Xiao Ai was a little bit timid, Guan Liyuan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Is the other party strong?"

With Xiao Ai's personality, if the other party is not overwhelmingly powerful, he will not shrink back at all.

"It's not good, there is a strong feeling, but it seems ... not so strong?" Xiao Ai's statement was tangled.

"I'm going ahead. You are closer to Xiao Hupa. If the situation is not right, you will leave with Xiaoai immediately," Guan Liyuan said.

Although Guan Liyuan is the weakest, he will not really die in the Pokémon world.

Thinking that the killing atmosphere in the front is still gradually increasing, thinking that there may be countless lovely and innocent Pokémon in front, is being massacred. As the world ’s first breeder, Guan Liyuan has the responsibility and has always been forward, walking in the direction indicated by Xiaoai ... ...


Gradually, some howling, tearing, and breaking sounds came faintly from a distance.

It seems to herald a terrible scene ahead!

Guan Liyuan no longer needed the road of love, and ran straight in the direction of making sounds ...

The sound became clearer and clearer, as if it were a broken sound of a torn body, making Guan Liyuan even more angry!

Climbing up the last upward tunnel passage, Guan Liyuan saw the "murder scene" ...

Guan Liyuan, who had originally thought that he would meet with the blood of the corpse, couldn't help but hold it. Xiao Ai, who was stuck behind, still urged, "What's wrong? What's on it?"

"What ... how to describe it?" Guan Liyuan twitched.

I saw at the source of the killing breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Two large black Dobermans with green markings are biting each other frantically.

At any time, the flesh and blood of the other party are torn, and the limbs are broken. However, the broken tissue will immediately form a large green worm-like creature, and then these creatures will regroup together to form a "Doberman" shape. And continue fighting afterwards!

"What happened? It seems that there are two sources of killing breath, and the killing breath is gradually increasing ..." At this time, Xiao Ai was able to feel more detailed because she was close.

And Guan Liyuan naturally recognized this at this time, and he had seen it once before counting ...

That is, during the Kanto contest, Bao Jian's mutation was strange and changed to look like the "Kegelde core", gathered the cells of Kiegeld, and formed the "Kiegeld basic form"!

In the Pokémon world, the reason why Kegelde can monitor most of Carlos and Arora with one blow is because of its special structure-it can disperse itself into countless cells and cores. Individual cells have only some instinctual thinking, but as a "camera" to monitor strange animals, the core has individual thinking, which can gather cells into a combat form ...

This Doberman's appearance is only the most basic form, but the strength can also be compared with the bottom-level beast. At the beginning of the Kanto contest, Xiao Shan also evolved and fettered with Guan Liyuan to defeat the opponent.

It is now apparent that the two cores of Kegelde are killing each other ... but after killing, the individual cells will lose their war will, after the other party re-aggregates, they will fight each other again!

It's like opening two trumpet, fancy red name, making the killing atmosphere scary here ...

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