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Vol 2 Chapter 1054: confusion

Seeing that Xiaoai was also affected by the pheromone of the pheromone bug, Guan Liyuan secretly said "bad" ...

Judging from the situation of the double-axed war dragons, the ability of the Phalomys is completely unreasonable. Regardless of gender and race, the range of hostility generated by "copulation competition" can be infinitely enlarged.

Just like the previous double-axed battle dragons, even if Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hupa are not there, they will also attack the small love of the opposite **** in the war spirit inspired by the mating competition. Any race and gender will become their hostile targets!

The only thing that seemed to be an exception was the pheromone itself—when the base dog was beside her, he did not attack.

[Little Hupa! Ready to open the door ... to the door of old card! If Xiao Ai launches an attack, you can go to Lao Ka immediately, just leave the door for me! ] Guan Liyuan said to Xiao Hupa.

If you are controlled by Xiao Ai, you must not cultivate the four islands—otherwise, Guan Liyuan is worried about being killed by the regiment!

The only way I can think of is to lead her to Lao Kana. With the millions of fighting power of Lao Kana, Xiaoai, the second-tier beast, can easily suppress it ...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan did not forget to appease Xiao Ai. It may be because the contract has been concluded, or it may be because Xiao Ai's mental strength is stronger. At this time, the transmission to Guan Li Yuan was not unresponsive.

"Well?" Philo, who looked at the swaying little love, couldn't help but make a flick, and then immediately wanted to do it.

However, at this moment, I saw Xiao Ai suddenly wondered what kind of determination was made, and her eyes were irritable red ...

Seeing this, Guan Liyuan quickly urged Xiao Hupa to retreat quickly, while Pheromone was sneering, temporarily stopped, and seemed to wait for Xiao Ai and Guan Liyuan to kill each other.

But in the next second, Xiao Ai suddenly flashed in shape and appeared in front of Pheroma, and the "spiritual blade" in her hand was directly stabbed. If it wasn't for Pheroma, the fear was that she had already been hit. !!

"How can I ..." Feromec could not help but stunned, reluctantly to avoid the speed advantage.

Xiao Ai still had red light in her eyes at this time, apparently did not get rid of the influence of pheromones, but she kept an eye on the pheromone attack!

Maybe it's because of the genes that gave birth to Xiao Ai that it is rooted in fighting ... Xiao Ai's fighting instinct is the strongest that Guan Liyuan has ever seen in the Pokémon world.

At this time, Xiao Ai still had saved almost all of her combat power when she had lost her sense of mind, which also showed that this was an "instinct".

It was another forty or fifty confrontations, and Pheromone seemed to shrink further.

Before relying on her speed advantage, she always attacked more and defended less than Xiao Ai, but now she has the same attack frequency as Xiao Ai, and pays more attention to evasion. Xiao Ai, but the gap in defense ability is too big. The effect of Philometis hitting Xiao Ai ten times is not as good as Xiao Ai hitting her once ...

If it weren't for the "base dog" who was crazy at this time to protect the pheromone beetle and involved a part of Xiaoai's attention, the pheromone beetle would have failed.

However, after all, the "Kidog" is only in the primary form, and is quickly "broken" by the small love. It is only a small love in a manic state. It will not control the "Kigold core", so it is still gradually gathering. cell……

Fortunately, there was a little Hupa, and immediately this core of Kegelde, like the one that Xiao Ai had restricted before, was sent directly to the four islands with the golden ring!

Although the "Kigeld Core" is now in a chaotic mood, it is still considered a beast. If it does not want it, even if it is sent to the "reverse world" with an elf ball, it will "pop" because of its conscious resistance.

Without the "core", the Gelder cells are dispersed again by instinct ...

Without the assistance of the base dog, the Phalomyx was immediately at risk.

In the end, Xiao Aisheng was kicked for three consecutive times by the Phenomeline, and used the "barrier" to intercept the back path of the Phenomeline, and immediately surrounded it on three sides, limiting the scope of the Phenomeline to death. Then ... Xiao Ai's head brightened, and a mallet knocked the pheromone bug out!

Well, it seems that the loss of "consciousness" still has some influence, otherwise Xiao Ai will not usually use the "mind hammer" to attack ... even if the timing is appropriate.

It can also be seen that Xiaoai ’s mastery of the super powers is even more than Nazi ’s Hu Di, not only has no power, even compared to Guan Liyuan ’s first sight of her and Xiaoshine, regardless of strength or strength There are rapid changes in your control!

The "barrier" is normally a defensive move of the superpowers. It uses mental power to form a solid invisible wall. It is not intended to be used to limit opponents and can be used directly.

To some extent, Pokémon's skills are very similar to those derived from professional runes in the main world. They do not have enough mastery and it is difficult to use tricks.

In particular, "barriers" as defense means are difficult to condense away from themselves, and the resistance is one-way. Normally, it is to block outside-in attacks ...

However, Xiao Ai's "barrier" was farthest away from it by several meters, and the obstruction direction was opposite, showing its control!

However, after the pheromone was smashed, the red shadow in Xiaoai's eyes still did not dissipate. Riding on the waist and belly of the pheromone, turned his hands on his chest and touched him. The power of the shroud formed on the top is to transform the "ideal head hammer" into "ideal boxing", and then smashed into the head of the pheromone with a left and right bow!

Guan Liyuan estimates that with the defense ability of Feromero, in the face of a super-dream direct attack that may be slightly higher than her combat power, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may be completely out of breath in half a minute ...

"Old card!" Guan Liyuan raised the dragon's tooth pendant and sang softly.

To a certain extent, this pendant can be used as an "elven ball", and the coordinates corresponding to the "reversed world" are in the oasis where the old card is located. If the pheromone is awake, it can be easily relaxed. Break free of the light emitted from the pendant, will not be included in it at all.

However, now that Feromet has fainted and cannot resist, he is directly received into the dragon tooth pendant ...

Xiao Ai saw that her original target had disappeared, and after a moment of stinging, she immediately started to pick the second one. However, while Guan Liyuan was nervous, she found that Xiao Ai neither attacked herself nor attacked Little Hupa.

When looking at Xiao Hupa, he seemed to be hesitant. After a low whining, he didn't choose to attack. When looking at Guan Liyuan, although the red shadow in his eyes did not disappear, the scarlet eyes were able to See some stability and ... fascination?

【Little Love? How are you? ] Guan Liyuan asked tentatively.

However, at this time, the communication of the mind had no response at all, and it seemed that Xiao Ai approached Guan Liyuan instinctively within a few steps, and then came over his neck, sniffing on Guan Liyuan, a very intoxicated look ...

Guan Liyuan obviously felt this kind of danger, and immediately winked at Xiao Hupa, who also understood Guan Liyuan's meaning, behind him opened a one-man wormhole gold ring behind him, Guan Liyuan slowly backed away, as if little love smelled the blood The smelling vampire gradually followed.

At this moment, Guan Liyuan slammed back into the wormhole golden ring, and Xiaoai chased after him with some kind of stimulation ...

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