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Vol 2 Chapter 1057: Adopt a Kegelde Core

"Ha? Follow me?" Guan Liyuan looked at Z886 who had not spoken.

"Z, Z!" Z886 found that Guan Liyuan jumped on his tail after talking about it.

"Yes, the birth of Z886 was originally an accident, and because it was affected by pheromones at the same time as it was born, it missed the opportunity to directly acquire a part of knowledge from my kernel and required longer learning. And grow ... you can bring it to be familiar with humans and the world.

And Z886 with you, can also make your travel in Carlos smoother, it can communicate with other cores of Kidder, and can also receive signals from Kidder cells in a certain range. "Z651 said.

Guan Liyuan heard the words and looked strangely at Z651 ...

To tell the truth, Z886 follows Guan Liyuan, there are indeed many benefits, equivalent to bringing a super Pokémon radar, as long as the Zigger cells in the Z886 "signal" range, all the information is feedback ... equivalent to as long as Guan Liyuan appears If you want Pokémon, you can learn its whereabouts!

Even if the signal range of the Z886 is smaller now, it is definitely “good value for money”.

And ... as long as there is a core of Kegelde, it is relatively easy to collect Kegelde cells, like Bao Jian that Guan Liyuan encountered before, is to bring a "big pot" of Kegelde cells, and then Let your mutations become the core of Kegeld and form the "Kee Dog".

A single Kegelde core, although the ability to gather Kegelde cells is limited, and the strength shown is the bottom of the beast ... but even the beast at the bottom of the third echelon is much stronger than the ordinary Heavenly King!

In the previous Kanto contest, if there was no Guan Liyuan, Baojian's ever-changing version of Kegelde could completely crush other opponents.

If the trainer in the Carlos area knows that Guan Liyuan has abducted another native beast, I'm afraid his face will look good!

But what puzzled Guan Liyuan was that when the real "Kiegeldeer" came before, it seemed that the relationship with the old card was not good. Why did Z651 give Z886 its own care?

"Z651, what is the core of your Kegelde, and what is the real Kegelde ...?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Real Kegelde? How do you say ... I am 'Kiegelde', but 'Kiegelde' is not me," Z651 said.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Looking at Guan Liyuan's unpredictable look, Z651 added: "Using your human mind, you should be our family of Kegelder, and you will often be" ghost upper body "... but we are very respectful. Your own 'ghost'. "

Guan Liyuan felt that the parable itself lacked respect!

"Are you sure Kegelde would like Z886 to follow me?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I don't know. Actually, racial will has not appeared for a long time. When I was awakened, the racial will also scared me, but if there is no objection, it should be willing." Z651 looked casually.

Guan Liyuan estimates that Z651 does not have the memory of Kegelde's advent. It really seems to be "attached", but it is the core of Kegelde and will not exclude this "ghost upper body."

[Although it is not very useful, if you are willing to keep it, you can raise one. At this time, Lao Ka transmitted Guan Liyuan's voice, as if she was talking about a fifty-pound pure-suckling dog on the side of the road.

[Can you sign a contract? Guan Liyuan asked.

If Z886 cannot be regarded as "Kiegelde", and "Kiegelde" can control Z886 and read Z886's memory at any time, Guan Liyuan will probably suspend "signing".

Until now Guan Liyuan was not very understandable. The relationship between Kegelde and Kegelde's core, after all, was completely different in race.

[If you can really sign a contract, it's nothing ... your "forum" is far more powerful than the connection between the base dog and your own fragments, and the protection should still be in effect. If such fragments are not considered basic, If it is a dog, it will not be able to obtain forum-related information or memories from the fragments. ] Old Card said.

[That ... Are you having a bad relationship with it? Then I can reject it. ] Guan Liyuan asked tentatively.

[Hum, relationship is not good? It ’s just… it ’s not good for me? I'm too lazy to ignore it! If you really don't want to ...]

[Then adopt one! ] Guan Liyuan said immediately.

Kaoparis: [...]

After hearing the old card saying this, Guan Liyuan calmly agreed, and then let Xiao Hupa directly send himself and Z651 to the aroma town.

In addition, Guan Liyuan also confirmed to the old card. Sure enough, after leaving, Xiao Ai's emotions have stabilized. Although she has not recovered her consciousness, she knows that she is tired to go to bed. Haven't woke up yet!

Guan Liyuan also stepped out of the Golden Circle and found out that it was already morning. It was only early evening when he entered the cave before.

And the location of the teleportation is in the room of the Pokémon Center-teleportation with Esther as the space marker!

But unfortunately, there was no favorite bathroom or changing clothes. Salina was also in the room, but both looked tired. One leaned on the table and the other leaned back on the chair. Snoring came out.

Such a posture, of course, does not sleep well. When Guan Liyuan just teleported and stepped on the floor, the two of them woke up staggeringly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Well? what! Li Yuan, are you back? Are you okay? "

"What the **** happened?" Esther and Selina asked at the same time.

Guan Liyuan was worried about the danger before, so he asked Xiao Hupa to send Esther and Salina directly to the aroma town in advance.

At that time, Guan Liyuan thought that the core of Kegelde had definitely notified the Carlos League, so he did not explain to them what happened.

"Small problem, just encounter a strange beast, rest assured, it's all solved ... you rest first, I will go to the Aromatherapy Museum," Guan Liyuan said.

Obviously, Esther and Selina had been waiting for Guan Liyuan's news at night, and they just fell asleep.

Esther originally wanted to complain about Guan Liyuan's "mysticism", but then suddenly found that Guan Liyuan had a pool of green things hanging on his shoulders. At first, he thought it was a pattern of clothes or a stain. But at this time But found that this beach of green objects was moving ...

"Huh? Li Yuan ... on your shoulder ..." Esther's expression was unbelievable.

"Oh, this is Z651." Guan Liyuan said.

"... is Kidder?" Esther asked directly.

As a trainer in the Carlos area, even if you don't know Alzeus, it's impossible not to know Kegeld!

"To be precise: it is Kiegelde, and Kiegelde is not it ... For you, this understanding may be a bit complicated. I still have something to find the owner of the Ma Xiu Museum, about Kiegelde. The core question, let me study it together when I come back. "

Esther and Sallyna are now completely convinced that ... even the core of Kidgard has turned back, and what Guan Liyuan calls "minor problems" is definitely a "big event" for 99% of people!

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