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Vol 2 Chapter 1074: "New" companions

The day after the challenge of the aromatherapy town hall was over, after Guan Liyuan got up in the morning, he packed his luggage, and when he left the Pokemon Center with Esther and Salina, he also received the message of love-she will Guan Liyuan waited outside the town.

"My friend who saved Salina before, do you still remember?" Guan Liyuan mentioned this with Esther and Salina.

"Of course I remember! We haven't thanked her in person yet!" Esther said immediately.

"Well ... yes, maybe she will also travel with us in the future, now it's time to go outside the perfume town." Guan Liyuan said.

"Really? That's great!"

"Ah! Then wait for me. I should go and buy a gift to thank you."

Esther and Selina, apparently welcome Xiao Ai, even if Este was scared by the oppression last time, they did not show any resistance.

But Guan Liyuan was still worried-if he wanted to live in harmony with Xiaoai, only such "awareness" was not enough!

"That ... there is one thing, I must remind you in advance." Guan Liyuan said cautiously.

"What's wrong?" Selina asked in confusion, she had never seen Ai from beginning to end.

"She has a weird temperament ... and ... how about? What about appearance ..." Guan Liyuan scratched his head a little.

"Relax! Even if we don't get along well, we will already try to get her approval, and ... Li Yuan, you can't criticize the appearance of the girl!" Said Esther.

Before, she faintly saw Xiao Ai wearing a cape, but when she wanted to get closer, she was startled by the oppression of Xiao Ai, so she always supplemented Xiao Ai's brain as a very fierce trainer.

However, because Xiao Ai rescued Salina, and according to Guan Liyuan, the other side was still a beast trainer, so Esther and Salina were very low.

"It's also ten o'clock, do you have an appointment? Then there will be some time. Sister Esther and I will go and buy a gift first ... but the fruit on the road is also worse. Let's break up!" Did not forget to thank you.

Guan Liyuan also did not stop, for gifts or something, it should be something relatively new to Xiaoai.

Letting Xiao Ai contact with some human things will also help her adapt to human psychology ...

After that, Guan Liyuan went to Pokémon Street to buy tree fruits, and other things to go to the southwest coastal area, while Selina and Esther went to pick a gift for Xiaoai.

At 9:45, when Guan Liyuan was about to go to Zhenkou for a meeting, he suddenly received a picture call from Esther and Selina.

"Li Yuan, where have you been? We seem to be waiting for your friend, is it a girl about our age?" Salina asked.

"Ha? How do you say it ... it should be." Guan Liyuan's definition is a bit delicate.

"Really! Li Yuan, what are you talking about! Even if they are fierce, you are so rude ... Let's say hello to her first." Esther's voice came in.

"Wait ... forget it, you first ask if you are waiting for me, it feels like you recognize the wrong person." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

If it really is Xiaoai standing at the entrance of the town, it is estimated that the whole aroma town will boil, and the "super dream" look, no matter how you look at it, you can't recognize the girl.

Later, in the illustrated book, Selina greeted her with a greeting: "Hello, are you waiting for Li Yuan?"

Guan Liyuan is now very convinced that they must have mistaken people—if it is a small love, although the super-dream is similar to a humanoid, how can they never approach the greeting with great care?

Who knows just then, the other party's answer is ...

"Yes, you are Esther and Salina, right? I heard Li Yuan mentioned you. In recent months, Li Yuan has caused you a lot of trouble? Thank you for your care of Li Yuan."

Guan Liyuan: "..."

This sound is a bit familiar, but it is strange, but it is certain that it is definitely not a small love, but rather like ... Xiaoxia? It's just that the tone is strange ... what the **** is this polite? Is it a noble lady? Are there any brain dramas on TV recently?

"Where, where, we are taken care of, and thank you for it ..." Esther gave a distinct glance.

After all, Guan Liyuan said "new companion" as if he had a bad temper, but after the meeting, he was actually polite and awkward, and everyone would be caught off guard.

At the same time, Esther is not without doubt-the figure I saw before is really the person in front of me? It's completely different from the temperament at that time ...

"Liyuan only told us in the morning that you were about to come, so I didn't have time to prepare any gifts. This is the aroma we just bought. It is a specialty aroma in Aroma Town. It's a bit of a heart!" Said Sharina.

Guan Liyuan smiled at this moment-Xiaoxia should know that she understood it wrong now? Guan Liyuan hadn't been told before about her coming!

"Really? He told you so?" Xiao Xia heard it in a very pleasant tone.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Guan Liyuan is already angry at the coffee table-are you doubting that I guess you are coming? Impossible, right? How can anyone guess something without clues at all?

In fact, Guan Liyuan was thinking wrong. Xiaoxia came here without whim. In fact, when Guan Liyuan just started from Miare and contacted Xiaoxia and Nazi, it was said that the two daughters of Fatong were also with themselves. At the time, Xiaoxia specifically mentioned that her special training was about to end.

And I have been following Guan Liyuan's travel plans ...

The reason why I came to Carlos now is entirely because of the previous mountain and marsh environment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is Xiaoxia's "not good". After all, whether it is a worm or a ghost system, Xiaoxia cannot cope .

"Of course, Li Yuan often mentions you with us." Salina said.

No wonder! Guan Liyuan also didn't know how the three of them could talk so hi in the situation of "severe misunderstanding."

But now things seem more favorable to Guan Liyuan? So Guan Liyuan didn't say anything to stop, just rushed to the town.

"Li Yuan usually didn't say anything about me, right?" Xiao Xia asked.

Well, Selina, who is so empathetic at this time, must be able to hear Xiao Xia's retreat and advance-just to praise! At this time, I must say, "How is that possible? Li Yuan often praises you ..." and so on.

However, Guan Liyuan was wrong, that is, Esther was outspoken!

"That's right! But Liyuan's guy is too much. It's definitely not as bad as he said! I think he just frightened us deliberately ... and it looks really cute!" Esther said directly.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Guan Liyuan could not see Xiaoxia's face at this time, but she apparently paused for three seconds before she laughed: "Hee Luo Luo Luo ... Li Yuan is really, always joking like this!"

Listening to this weird laughter, Guan Liyuan shivered.

And just then, another familiar voice of Guan Liyuan inserted: "You, Guan Liyuan's friends, right?"

This time is indeed a small love! Not only the sound, but also the tone of the cold ...

Guan Liyuan has been completely stunned: what's the situation? Did Xiao Ai really go into the fragrance town in the form of "super dream"? Don't scare people? It doesn't matter to scare people. It won't be because someone is scared, so make Xiao Ai more autistic?

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Shuquge_Mobile version URL:

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