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Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Conquer "Ghosts" (2 in 1)

[Emmm ... delicious! Human, you are too messy to be the messenger of Kaoparis. How about being my messenger in the future? Kaoparis, although stronger than me, in the present world, "powerful" means that the activity time is short ...]

Guisi wiped the old card with his fingers while rubbing residues in the empty jar, while drawing Guan Liyuan by the way.

"No, even His Excellency Kaoparis, as long as he has the corresponding canned food, he can move freely ... Mr. Guisi should have found it, right?" Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, Guis has actually felt that this kind of canned Hypacerton is not only "delicious", but also has a great effect on its energy supplement!

Just because Ghosts was expecting before, Guan Liyuan only has "Hyper Jayden Can"-because the attributes are not the same, it may not have any effect on Kaoparis, so ... the human in front of it may not know how big the can is to it effect.

However, before waiting for Guisi to flicker, Guan Liyuan directly dismantled it.

In order to win all kinds of beasts, Guan Liyuan ordered a variety of cans to "appropriate remedies", such as the Hyper Jayton can, which is very suitable for Geng ghost!

Of course, canned Hyper Jayden actually contains no Hyper Jayden ingredients, and the main ingredients are only three generations of Jayden, as if there were no lobster in the lobster ball and no crab in the crab "beep"-this is not a fake Underneath the two-story iron can, a row of small thumb-width characters actually indicates the composition.

In order to make the energy colloid made by the three generations of Jayton feel like Hyper Jayton, there is no falsification. It is indeed that the three generations of Jayton have absorbed "despair and fear" ...

The characteristic of Geng Gui is that it can absorb the fear of other creatures, and the mischief of Geng Gui is also related to this.

For example, because they have the ability to blend into the shadows, some wild Geng ghosts often enter the shadows of humans, and then deliberately cause the shadows to make different actions from the body when humans notice them, thereby creating fear.

For this kind of canned Hyper Jayden, it is also a delicious and tonic existence for the first beast Geng Gui!

After eating a can, Guisi has a long-lasting sense of abundance, and even feels that he can go out for a long time ...

[So ... how about I exchange my most precious things with you? Ghosts asked.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Guan Liyuan didn't know what the most precious thing was, but he was not interested!

【and many more! That thing is too expensive ... I don't really want to ... but ... let you take advantage of it ... No! That thing is super easy to use in the Pokémon of the ghost system ... It may even catalyze a beast ...】

Guisi seemed to be tangled, but from time to time he glanced at Guan Liyuan, a poor performance, alas.

Although Guisi thought it was hidden for real purpose, it was too big for Guan Liyuan because of its body, and it was difficult to discover these details!

"Precious things or something, you can talk about it later ... first see if you sign a contract." Guan Liyuan said, "sent" the contract of the summoner in the consciousness in the past.

【call? What is this? New gadgets developed by humans? Ghosts wondered.

After "Ghosts" probably understood the effect of this contract, they couldn't help asking: "There is no mention of canned food in it!" Don't you want to lie to me? 】

Canned food is Guan Liyuan's own purchase from other members, and has nothing to do with the occupation of the host world. Of course, it will not appear in the contract ...

"As long as this contract is established, I will give you a can of the kind before that every month, and every time I summon you, I will also have extra cans. If this entity summons your entity, if it endangers your It's safe, you can choose to refuse ... but I can also terminate the contract at any time. "Guan Liyuan said.

As for the projection of the call in other worlds, because there is no danger, it cannot be rejected!

[This ... there are too few cans a month, and one can be done every day! I ’m pretty good, as long as the cans are in place after signing the contract, even Alzeus ...]

Facing the ghosts who wanted to brag, Guan Liyuan interrupted directly: "Only one can per month, and the cost of my cans is not low."

[Ten cans that month ...]

"A can."

[Three cans, three cans are all right? Am I still worth three cans? 】

The energy of three cans of "Hyperjayden Can" is probably enough for "Ghosts" to wave for two days-provided that it is not too wavey, if it fights, it will consume more.

"I'll pay you five cans at once, and then two cans per month." Guan Liyuan took a step back.

Closing the deal!

Race: Geng Gui (super ancient);

Attributes: Ghost (Lv3), Poison (Lv3);

Features: Cursed Body (Lv3), Step Shadow (Lv2);

Level: 377;

Race value: 600;

Individual correction rate: 150%;

Height: 41.21 meters;

Weight: 0-66.7 tons


After the contract was reached, Guan Liyuan's information was completely calculated.

At this time, Guan Liyuan also understood why the old card and the ghosts did not reach the "full level" of the corresponding realm. The old card was only 474 at this time. Normally, the beginning beast is based on 100. of.

According to the old card, it is because of the long-term "malnutrition" that the strength of the Beasts has been degraded to a certain extent. The old card is also the most degraded because of its strength!

If you have enough energy, you can gradually recover to the peak. For example, the old card can be restored to level 500, and the ghost can be restored to level 400.

At this time, the ghosts were less than 100 levels lower than Kaoparis, and the race value was 600 points instead of the ordinary Geng ghost's 500 points. Among the characteristics and attributes, all of them except "step shadow" have reached With Lv3, normal Geng ghosts will have the feature of "stepping on the shadows" only after super evolution or frustration evolution.

In addition, Geng Gui's "weight" is quite special. Even when the total weight is released, the weight is only over 60 tons. The density is quite small, and it can be completely shadowed and become a shadow without quality ... ...

Calculating the combat effectiveness of 830,000, although it is lower than the million of the old card, but according to Guan Liyuan's calculations, third-class, second-class, first-class beasts, the combat benchmark is almost only 250,000, 500,000, 750,000 ...

"Gui Si" has obviously reached the level of first-class gods and beasts, after all, Ghosts was also a top-level beast.

In the main world, there is probably a terrifying existence in the world.

Therefore, after contracting "Ghosts", Guan Liyuan even faintly felt that the professional power of the "Summoner of the Other World" was expanding, and the seal on the professional rune seemed to be mourning ...

Guan Liyuan estimates that he has contracted more gods and beasts, and Tan ’s double seal will definitely be breached by himself-then he should be blackmailed ... Ah no, what is the claim?

After all, the seal price of Mr. Tan's is so high, and the compensation for failure is not small, right?

However, Guan Liyuan didn't really want to break through at this time—at this time, the profession of “Summoner Summoner” and the profession of “Medusa” have some similarities. The best can be merged before breaking through!

With the strength of the "Medusa" profession, and then combining a "Summoner of the Other World" with a rule system, it can definitely reach a grade, and it will also promote the breakthrough of the basic environment in the future.

At that time, Guan Liyuan's double-strength product will not be weaker than the combination of Miss Mo's "awake and double-stroke product".

"Yes, what is the most precious thing you said to you?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously about Guisi.

[This ... the contract doesn't say what I want to give you, right? Ghosts said cautiously.

"Just show it to me. If it really works for me, I can trade it with you ..."

【Ok! Then you are optimistic ... Even in the old times, this is the only thing I can do for thousands of years. After the world collapsed, I have only left this point. See if it works, I won't trade it to you. 】

I saw Guisi talking, in its shadow, separated a small group of dark shadows without entities!

If Lao Ka's dragon scales are a collection of dragon power, then the shadow separated by the ghosts is a strong ghost power ...

Five minutes later, I saw a total of ten cans of "Hyper Jayden Can" in front of Guis, of which five cans were the "down payment" and the other five were "transactions" that had a shadow with Guan Liyuan ...

At this time, a mass of shadows was gradually integrated into Guan Liyuan's shadow.

This shadow is just a small ball for "Ghosts", but for Guan Liyuan ... it is a big deal!

With the integration of the shadow several times his own, Guan Liyuan's shadow became thicker, as if stepping on one foot would make the soles dipped in ink.

And just then, a light of evolution flashed ...

Guisi also looked at him curiously, muttering in his heart: [咦? Can I absorb the shadow of my ghost, am I wrong? Not humans but ghosts? 】

Then came the second, third ...

That's right, the shadow separated by Guisi is actually the energy crystal of the ghost system, which can promote the evolution of the pokemon of the ghost system, and even ... there is a chance to give birth to the beast!

The first beast of the Ghost clan was the "Machado" that stood out from Geng ghosts after merging the ghost's ghost.

Guan Liyuan, who has a "medusa career" and "the strongest theory", can use various postures to urge his own evolution. The ghost's shadow has also become Guan Liyuan's evolutionary supply at this time.

In the end, stimulated by the shadow of the ghost, Guan Liyuan evolved four times in succession, pushing the indicator of the ghost system to 11 times!

Seeing Guan Liyuan's evolution four times in a row, his body shape has not changed, and he hasn't even felt any stronger. Guisi also stared at him strangely for a long time ...

Guan Liyuan also felt a little unexpectedly happy-if other first beasts were so "in stock", the first house in the world could save a lot of money.

After that, Guan Liyuan was here at Ghosts, leaving a batch of "miracle seeds" and experimenting with the effect of repairing grass in person.

Being able to expand the oasis is also a good thing for Guisi, so Guan Liyuan did not specifically order it.

And looking at Ghost's performance and attitude towards the seeds of miracles, obviously as Old Card said-canned and miracle seeds, will be something that no beginning beast can refuse.

Cans represent "now" they will be active, and Miracle Seeds represent "future" expectations.

Although at the speed of miracle seeds, even if several oasis are planted together, it will be a long process for the restoration of grass to spread throughout the old world, but this magic plant that can gradually heal the rules of the collapsed world is enough to be called For "hope."

Guan Liyuan didn't ask Guisi, did the other animal find it before, what he wanted to say would naturally say ...

Anyway, under the "Canned Seeds" offensive, all the beasts have no disadvantages. It was not important whether they were connected with other beasts before.

The old card said very clearly-even if there is a joint beast and a strange beast, the root cause is too long and lonely, so there is no need to investigate.

Other beasts have a shorter sleep time than the old card, and they are not as convenient as dragon tooth pendants, and it is not so easy to get in and out of the new world.

"It turns out that 'Dragon's Tooth' doesn't have all the first beasts ... then you haven't been to the New World yet? Would you like me to show you?" Guan Liyuan could not help asking.

[The ontology did not leave here, but we also have our own methods, such as my words ... every year I can split a residual image and enter the new world in the form of "ghosts" for a day, which can make me look at ghosts The current situation of the clan. Ghosts said.

Guan Liyuan heard that the Guis had changed a bit-although he is a bad guy who likes to make fun of people, he still cares about the ethnic group, and he goes to the New World every year to see ...

But before Li Guanyuan ’s improvement of fermentation, Gui Si has added: “But in the past two thousand years, I still feel scary and more interesting, so I go to a place called Maiden Gorge ... Well, now humans It ’s more fun than scaring humans back then! "

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Well, it seems that "Ghosts" is still that bad guy, whether the race is flourishing or not ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is enough to watch it once every two or three thousand years, or it is more scary and more fun every year ...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan also faintly remembered that there seems to be an episode in the animation. It is Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia who came to a small town and heard the legend of Maiden's Gorge. One thousand years ago The girl who returned from her lover turned into a stone statue on the sea cliff.

And after that, Xiaogang and Xiaojiro of the Rockets were tormented by a "strange" ghost ...

The ghost was hypnotized, transformed into a human, and even turned into some inanimate object out of thin air. The means were so strange that Xiaozhi had nothing to do with it.

And from the end, the protagonist of the haunted rumors for two thousand years has actually been this ghost, and his life is also a bit long!

However, the mysterious ghost did not look malicious. Although he frightened Xiaozhi and others seriously, after dawn, he used the excuse that "the ghost cannot move during the day" and left ...

Later, there was a female voice from a stone statue. The dialogue with this ghost was mainly to say that in order to make people not forget the allusions of the stone statue of Maiden Gorge, the millennium old ghost would appear scary every year.

It now appears that the prototype of that ghost is likely to be a shadow of the "ghost" in front of him.

I just do n’t know if Xiaozhi encountered the ghost in the same way as in the animation. When he meets next time, he can ask ...

Although Guan Liyuan looked forward to other starters, can he surprise himself, but because of the calculation of time, the new world is about to dawn, so Guan Liyuan also left the reverse world.

Now that you've been to this "Geng Gui Oasis", with the ability of Little Hupa, you can start directly from here next time!

"Little Hupa, archive ..."

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