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Vol 2 Chapter 1083: Medusa, unblock!

"Ten kinds of evolution stones and evolution materials are all here?" Guan Liyuan asked, looking at a few boxes of evolution stones, and a few piles of evolution materials stacked beside him.

"Yes, in this way, the working capital of the world's first house has almost been used up." Tomoko said.

"It doesn't matter, the Carlos competition will start in two months. By then, the Carlos branch can be opened, and ... it is not enough to apply for investment from Sakaki. As for this expenditure, even if ... ... Well, that's right, it's the R & D funding for new breeding techniques! "Guan Liyuan said rightly.

Although Tomoko's eyes were endless, in fact, it was not Guan Liyuan's lying ...

After many first beasts got a lot of good things, Guan Liyuan has reduced consumption by nearly half.

But now the old man ’s seal is about to be broken, so Guan Liyuan wanted to break through the “Medusa” career first and become an opportunity for professional integration.

Without any other surprises, no matter whether the integration is successful or not, the "Summoner of the Other World" profession will be promoted, and new cultivation skills are likely to appear at that time.

It's a reasonable R & D expenditure for new breeding techniques, right? -Guan Liyuan was thinking in his heart.

"Help me find a shelling ninja again, and hand it over to me later." Guan Liyuan said.

Tomoko asked uneasily, "Is there really no danger?"

Obviously Tomoko still retains his attitude towards Guan Liyuan's use of so many evolutionary materials and is not completely at ease.

"Relax! You can wait for the successful development of my new breeding technique." Guan Liyuan said with a thumb.

After a while, a shelled ninja flew in ...

Shelling Ninja is a very special type of Pokémon. In the game, as long as the Doju Ninja evolved into an Iron Face Ninja, you can get an extra Shelling Ninja if you have empty elves and spaces.

The dwelling ninja is equivalent to a larva of a cicada, an iron-faced ninja is like a cicada, and a shelled ninja ... is the layer of the cicada shell that has come off "fine"!

In the Pokémon world, the birth of the shelled ninja has nothing to do with whether or not there is an elf ball available. It is to cultivate an extremely excellent native dwelling ninja. While evolving, there is a pokémon of the ghost system and the amorphous egg group around it. If dreams mate, Pokémon will be born ...

Because of harsh conditions, it is rare to see "hulled ninjas" in the wild, on the one hand because of the high requirements for the cultivation of the dwelling ninjas; on the other hand, one side is the evolving dwelling ninjas and the other is mating The ghost Pokémon of the indefinite egg group ... how can there be such a coincidence!

If Pokémon without a ghost system and an indeterminate egg group is mating during evolution, there will only be ordinary worm shells, a kind of evolutionary material for worms.

It is only a matter of recent years that humans have discovered the law of the birth of the shelled ninja ...

The new life of the unshaped egg group of the ghost system will enter the shell of the Tuju Ninja and become the shelling ninja of "worm + ghost".

When this Pokémon was first discovered, humans were also shocked by their capabilities!

The husk ninja's race value can be said to be very low, only 236, which is only higher than weak sardines in the non-evolvable Pokémon, especially in terms of bearing damage, the fragile mess.

But its characteristics are very special-except for the five-line attack that suppresses the "worm + ghost", all other lines of energy attacks are all "immunity"!

In other words, its defense energy structure is extremely special. Unless it has its own restraint, other energy attacks will be unconditionally eliminated.

The reason why Guan Liyuan called a shelling ninja is precisely because of this feature named "magic guardian" ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan ’s “Medusa” career was also unblocked, and because the energy of the unblocking was entirely from the Pokémon world, the resonance with the “Summoner of the Other World” became more and more intense.

According to the theory of the storm gods, if Guan Liyuan can understand the power of the Pokémon world, it will greatly help to break through the base of the "Summoner of the Other Worlds". There is no landing, but ... "Medusa" career is a blend of Pokémon eighteenth power!

In the system of the paradise, the basic environment is to analyze skills one by one, from one skill, a series of skills, and eventually the entire profession to its own, transforming the power of the profession in the runes into its own strength.

However, at a certain level in the Qiankun world, Guan Liyuan found that many of the main world's power systems start directly with power, without professional runes, skill runes ...

Therefore, Guan Liyuan believes that as long as the understanding of the corresponding power is sufficient, it is possible to skip the step of analytical skills and directly transform the elemental power-this also coincides with the theory obtained by the Department of Storm Gods.

Therefore, in theory, if Guan Liyuan's "Medusa" career can be integrated with the "Summoner of the Other World" career, there is a chance to fully analyze, that is, to break through to the peak of the foundation.

But because the opportunity for the integration of the two professions is entirely based on "energy", according to Penguin's inference, the professional skills after the integration should also be split into two parts.

The "Medusa" professional rune is still in the seal ... To be precise, it is still in the process of being formed, so it is extremely malleable now.

According to the evolution stones and evolutionary materials of the Pokémon World, unlocking the seal and completely forming the profession will also make the "Medusa" profession possess the power nature of the Pokémon World ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it cannot be learned Pokémon skills, but can have passive abilities similar to Pokémon's characteristics.

After the seal is completely unlocked, the current two skills of absorbing evolutionary stones and absorbing evolutionary materials will be transformed into corresponding "characteristics" according to their respective sources, and the remaining series of skills can be formed in the process of Guan Liyuan. To guide yourself.

After many thoughts, Guan Liyuan decided to lead the "magic guardian" feature!

You should know that Guan Liyuan's physique is a full attribute of the eighteenth series. For the shelling ninja, the "magic guardian" is only immune to the thirteenth line of energy attacks, but Guan Liyuan can be immune to the seventeenth line, the eighteenth line in the Pokemon world. Among them, only the rock series has a countermeasure against Guan Liyuan.

Although there are more than eighteen types of attributes in the main world, these eighteen types have almost included all common attributes, and many derived attributes have also evolved and merged these eighteen types ...

Once Guan Liyuan's ability to synchronize the "magic guardian", life-saving ability in the main world will also be greatly improved.

Guan Liyuan feels that he is always in the main world and has the urge to let himself go, so he decides to "keep his life safe" to improve some survivability first!

Guan Liyuan stretched one hand towards various evolutionary materials, while the other hand pressed the "aperture" above the shelled ninja.

The role of "magic guardianship" is precisely in this "aperture" ...

I saw the light of evolution flashing round after round in a small warehouse that cultivated the four islands ...

In Guan Liyuan's consciousness, the professional runes of "Medusa" also became clearer.

At the same time, there is a certain resonance with the skills of "Summoner of the Other World", and the professional rune of the Summoner of the Other World also flashes along with it ...

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