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Vol 2 Chapter 1095: Tenacity

In Carlos, the birthplace of modern super-evolution, the first super-evolved Pokémon was Lucalio. At that time, Lucalio, who was extremely good at waveguides, discovered an inexplicable power in the wild. Calling myself ...

Then his trainer unearthed a super-evolutionary ruin, in which a super stone was found, and through the hints on the mural of the ruin, the correct use of super stone and key stone was found.

Although some super stones were unearthed before, they were mostly used as decorations. If it was not Lucario, the power of the waveguide was used to perceive the power, and it may not be possible to reproduce the super evolution.

But ... the power of the waveguide cannot be used as a "mind reading". Maybe in a quiet state, it can be used to roughly judge the mind of the other party, but under the performance of Little Nima, Lucalio seems to believe it completely and There is no "bulletproof" feature.

After all, the "bulletproof" feature is a rare hidden feature for Brickalon itself, and in order to act more realistically, Little Nima does not hesitate to really eat Lucalio's damage—except for the damage of the wave missile. Yes, everything else is true!

"Nima, Nima!" The little Nima's sleepy beast yelled.

On the surface, Guan Liyuan's Brickalon has fallen into a desperate situation. His own attack, Lukalio, who is completely unable to capture the power of the waveguide, has been suppressed in melee, and the "wave missile" that cannot control the steering at a long range ...

"Until this time, haven't you used the right to exchange? In this case, I'll take the first win first!" Kerni asked.

Guan Liyuan didn't pay attention to Kerni and he put pressure on him, just smiled.

Little Nima still has a chance, and ... Guan Liyuan's idea is indeed that even if Little Nima is defeated, she will never use the right to exchange!

In the Daoguan battle, Guan Liyuan, as a challenger, has the "priority exchange right", that is, as long as Guan Liyuan does not exchange Pokémon midway, Kerni can only send out when Pokémon in the battle defeats the North. A Pokémon.

And if Guan Liyuan used the "priority exchange right" because at the same time, one party could not actively exchange Pokémon at the same time, it became Corney's grasp of the rhythm of exchange. As long as Cornie did not exchange Pokemon, it was equivalent to her every A Pokémon comes with a "step shadow".

And since Kerni directly sent his trump card, Guan Liyuan also made up his mind, and he must eliminate Lucalio first!

[It should be almost ...] Guan Liyuan secretly said.

If Little Nima continues to install, it is estimated that even if the wave missile does not cause damage to it, it will still "fake it!"

Sure enough, after being knocked down this time, it seemed that Little Nima had made a desperate bet, and "jumped up and down", evading the wave missile, and rushed up to Lukario.

However, Lucalio still looked grim-this situation has happened many times before, and every time Nima was hit by his own tracking wave missile.

It was just that the stubbornness of Little Nima gave Lucalio a headache, so this time Lucalio directly released three wave missiles and decided to solve them all at once ...

Although the little Nima wolverine dodged several times, but according to the previous "law", as long as he attacks from behind, his reaction will become very slow-because of the existence of the huge carapace, it is true that Brickalon came after himself. Attack, perception will be difficult.

But at the same time, behind him is his strongest defense position ...

When Little Nima rushed in front of Lucario, the three wave missiles that had turned behind her were also about to fall on him.

Except for Guan Liyuan and Little Nima, everyone seems to have seen the later "play"-the three-wave missile, before Bricalon "touched" Lucalio and smashed it down. In front of Lucalio, Lucalio stepped a few more feet to end the fight.

"It's a tragic charge, it seems that the owner of the house is ready to 'sacrifice' Brickalon to ensure that the second Pokémon can be used to eliminate Lucalio." Barbaro was already guessing Guan Liyuan's strategy intention.

However ... the actual situation is obviously different from everyone's imagination!

I saw three-wave missiles. When they contacted Bricalon's carapace, they only made three muffled sounds, but they did not take effect!

"Huh?" Cocobour's eyebrows were raised, and he reacted the first time ... apparently well prepared!

Cocobour just raised his eyebrows. After seeing that the wave missile was not effective against Bricalon, the corner of his mouth slightly ticked, and Lukalio on the field had his eyes glared before that.

Earlier, Nima ’s acting skills deceived him for a while, but ... just a little proud of Nima ’s moment, Lucario realized that this “waveguide” was even one step ahead of the wave missile hit. !!

Guan Liyuan also immediately noticed this, and secretly said in his heart: [No! 】

I saw Lucaio, while the wave missile was being ignored, the figure suddenly shrank, but it turned out to be short, stretched his legs and swept towards Little Nima!

Fighting skills "knock down"-the effect in the game is to give damage based on the weight of the opponent, and there is a chance to cause "winking" effect.

However, in the Pokémon world, kicking is not as simple as its name. UU reading www.uukannsu.com After all, many Pokémon are on four legs, even Pokémon like Sandcastle, There is no concept of "falling to the ground" at all!

This trick, as a "skill" of the combat system, is not as simple as a pure attack technique. Instead, it uses the power of the combat system to attack the opponent's gravity and break the gravity balance of the opponent's body, and to give damage according to the weight of the opponent. ... There is a certain chance that it can disrupt the opponent's gravity distribution for a period of time, causing an effect similar to the damage to the cerebellum, causing the opponent to move imbalanced.

And Brikalon's weight, even if it is not the heaviest batch, can catch up to the tail of the second echelon, especially Guan Liyuan's little Nima, and he is especially robust ...

That ’s right, Lukario has n’t let go of his guard completely, so Little Nima ’s “tactics to seduce the enemy” have not fully taken effect.

And with the current physical condition of Little Nima, this time it was a desperate bet. If you are hit by a "knock down", I am afraid that you will be out!

Even if he barely avoided, he would miss the chance of victory because he missed the opportunity to approach.

However, at this moment, I saw the light called "Not wanting to make up lessons" flashing in Little Nima's eyes. While shouting "Nima, Nima", her arms swelled in a circle, and the arm shield The spikes are even more bulging. Although the body loses its balance under the "knock down", it still smashes into the short lower body Lucario!

Combat skills "arm hammer" and grass skills "spike arm" are combined at this moment ...


"not good!"

"This, is this ... tough?"

Cocobul and Corney also reacted at this time, but Lucario showed a stunned look, apparently the attack had exceeded his expectations ...

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