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Vol 2 Chapter 1153: Big Y

Carlos Unlimited Group Contest, on the eve of the semifinals, in the early morning, the White Sandalwood Mountains, the wilderness ...

I saw a "giant" nearly four meters tall, holding a two-meter giant sword in one hand, and a small shield of more than one meter wide on the other arm, standing in the wilderness.

At the same time, an "Armstron cyclotron accelerated Armstrong gun" was flying in the sky ...

Confronting the two, it was ... an alien?

Guan Liyuan suddenly felt like watching Alien vs. Predator—the style of painting was totally different from other Pokémon!

This guy, Deleta, actually took out the big sword, and he became the size of the big sword. Guan Liyuan didn't know that the shield sword monster had such ability!

Can ancient energy be used like this?

Or is Deleta a "special" existence not only because of ancient energy?

However, the fighting is not too fierce at present, because the "Giant" side is not an "alien" opponent at all. Deocisis can easily block all the attacks of Deleta and the symbol bird, but there is no too deliberate counterattack. That's it.

[This is not the way ... you have to find a way to communicate with Deocisis. "Now it's meek again" It should be ... but "Now it's meek again" You must contact the other party to use it! ] Guan Liyuan planned while taking out the elf ball representing Ypertal.

I knew this would happen, and Guan Liyuan should have started from the beginning, before the other party had not blocked the surrounding space, let Xiao Hupa send himself to it!

However, the space inside the defensive hood around Ochsis now cannot be transmitted even by small Hupa. Maybe Ypeltar can force a crack, but ... Ge Jihua is still next to each other, Bandai Eugenes dodged. Even if it was not a malicious attack, the rules of protection did not necessarily hold the power of the beast.

[You must stop Deocesis ... Well, that's it! ] Guan Liyuan thought of a good way.

"Come on! Big Y, take down that ... big man with a sword!" Guan Liyuan said and released Ypeer Tal.

That's right ... Since you want to end the war situation, the "alien" side is obviously not easy to deal with, then the best way is naturally to pick the other side easily!

Because Yppeltal spread his wings and drooped his tail, he would form a "Y" -like figure, so Guan Liyuan called it Big Y.

In the beginning, Yppeltal was only mixed with Alzeus and Kaoparis ... Under the persuasion (xie) of the gangster, he followed Guan Liyuan with difficulty, and naturally he did not call the "big Y" cold.

Even when seeing Guan Liyuan's "through-train service", it is only a disdainful grin-although as a first-class **** animal that follows Guan Liyuan, Yi Peiertar will take a turn to "through-train service" once a day, but it does not help him much. .


After the appearance of "Salute Salute for the Birth of the King" ... especially after Guan Liyuan used it for the second time on the dragon ride, Ypeer Tal felt that it occasionally followed personals and signed a contract or something. (Xiang).

"Yiga-Yiga-" Ypertar shouted immediately after coming out.

At the same time, although it is midnight, but because there are no obstructions around and the moonlight is very bright, it can be clearly seen that the environment within a few kilometers with Yppeltal as the center has suddenly darkened. Twice ...

Dark gas field!

The unique characteristics of Yppeltal are to make an area centered on himself as his home field, with various bonuses, and can also absorb the physical strength and energy of the enemy within range!

For example, the "gas field destruction" by Kiegeld cannot be destroyed if only Lv1 is used ... To be precise, it is only effective at the moment of "destruction", and Ypeer Tul's site, BUFF, has its own source and is in effect.

Only the “Gas Field Destruction” of Lv2, because it has the effect of reversing the environmental effect, therefore restrains the “Dark Gas Field”, and the “Gas Field Destruction” of Lv3 will generate the unique gas field of Kiegelde, whether it is Yi Pei Neither Altal nor Zernhas' gas field can take effect in it ...

To a certain extent, Ypertal's aura is similar to the aura of the main world, and Kiegeld's aura is similar to the realm!

Of course, if Ippeltal ’s strength is projected in the main world, because it is not suppressed by the world, it is stronger than in the Pokémon world. According to the law, there should be a level of world level ... that is equivalent to that This kind of peak holy beast with aura ability, it is even possible that the "dark gas field" will be deduced to the extent of the field.

"Well? This is ... Ypertal? Now humans are able to conquer Ypertal?" Deleta looked surprised.

After becoming bigger, Deleta's expression also seemed to be "smart" a lot, and at this time she was wearing a few simple armors-Guan Liyuan finally knew what was in his mountaineering bag.

When Deleta was ready to fight alongside Ipertal, and Deocisus felt the alert of the emergence of a strong enemy ... Ipertal yelled into a shock wave, turning German Leta flew out and almost didn't hold on to the big sword!

Deleta, Deocesis :? ? ?

The blown-off Deleta fell to the ground and was rushed down and grabbed by Ypertal. The wings fluttered and countless "air chops" were inspired. The Muddy Giant, Pang, who wanted to protect Deleta, would be excited. Rock monsters fly, symbolic birds even fall!

After that, Ypertal circled a little ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ back to Guan Liyuan ... but still holding Deleta.

At this time, Deleta can be said to be a real "human-shaped Pokémon", or even a "human-shaped demon beast", which is not weaker than the "Armstrong symbol bird", but ... under the control of Ypertal , But there is no room for struggle.

"This is also the use of ancient energy? Is it related to the civilization of the giants? Forget it ... it's not the time to say these." Guan Liyuan muttered a few words to Deleta, then turned to look at Deo Sisis.

Pointing at Deleta, he said to Deo Ocesis: "I, unlimited energy, make money! Uh ... no, it's 'reach out'!"

After speaking, Guan Liyuan raised his hand slightly to indicate no war, and approached Deocisis.

Deo Qixis did not attack immediately, but did not lift the "light wall"-Guan Liyuan is not sure whether this defensive cover is "light wall + reflective wall". In short, I have not seen any attack power of Deleta. OK.

Deleta also guessed that Guan Liyuan's intention was to be close to Deocesis. Although he did not understand the reason, he also stopped the Muddy Giants from continuing to attack.

Seeing that the defensive hood was still blocking himself, Guan Liyuan turned his head and pointed to Deletta, then said: "Open, otherwise, tear up the ticket!"

Deletta: ...

This sudden abduction of "teammates" did not know what counted Deleta.

However, on behalf of Eugenesis, IQ does not seem to be enough, or ... it is not yet suitable for human thinking, and it may be judged that Guan Liyuan in front of him does not threaten himself, so he is on the hood Open a gap ...

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