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Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Return to the main world

Guan Liyuan talked with Old Card here, and Alzeus came slower than he thought, and finally came to the oasis by riding Radina as a second ...

I don't know if Al Zeus is wronged, I don't want to appear for the time being!

At this time, Guan Liyuan and the avatar of Qi Ladina also talked about the information that Xiaomi learned-anyway, it was the avatar of Al Zeus, and it was no different from talking to Al Zeus directly.

Sure enough, there was some way of contact between Necrozma and the high-level creatures in the beast. Necrozma recently informed them that they would help it get something in a certain place ...

"'Somewhere', 'something'?" Cyratina repeated.

Obviously I feel that this expression is a bit too inaccurate!

"At present, it can be determined that the time will be from ten to fifteen days ... The exact location is not known yet, only it is in the northeastern mountains and marshes area of ​​Carlos, because some alien beast leaders at the level of second-class gods will be in the northeast mountains and marshes A new and old world tunnel comes over. "Guan Liyuan said.

"Are you sure that Nekrozma will be there too? Will that little beauty be with me when she arrives?" Ridina asked.

"She will fight for her. As for Nekrozma ... since it is" assistance ", it should also appear by itself. But if Xiaomi is traveling, if she wants to know the location, she must promise me ... When attacking humans or ordinary Pokémon, you cannot harm them. "

This is also the agreement between Xiaomei and Guan Liyuan-"cooperation" is only targeted at Necrozma.

"Yes, if I can really find the evidence that Nekrozma has misled the other beast, and use this as a bridge for reconciliation, I and my deity will be happy to see it," said Qiratina.

The "I" and "I" deities? It seems that there is a certain difference in consciousness and personality between the avatar and the body of Al Zeus ... Guan Liyuan also felt that riding Radina seemed more serious and aggressive than Al Zeus.

After leaving Radina, Guan Liyuan also planned the next thing.

First of all ... it ’s time to sign up for the Carlos Gorgeous Contest. This is something Guan Liyuan had already foreseen, and because of the Pokémon Contest, Princess Gem also sucked a big wave of fans!

After the gorgeous contest, you also have to accompany Deocisis and Deleta to find the ruins of a giant somewhere, and you may find "Infinite Energy".

Regarding the affairs of the first house in the world, whether it is related to the press conference or the specific awards and evaluation process of the "first prize in the world", Guan Liyuan has only set the general direction, and the rest is fully delegated to Tomoko. At the end of the press conference, Guan Liyuan can show up ...

But ... Guan Liyuan needs to return to the main world before that!

One is the most important script of the gorgeous contest, "Dragging Off" has not yet been written, and the other is that Guan Liyuan wants to find a secret treasure with the ability to capture and seal, and refine it into the "Meibao" professional rune.

In this way, the next time you come to Pokemon World, you can use it to capture or seal Nekrozma.

After all, Nekrozma has a body that Alzeus can't destroy, and there are many ways to escape. Guan Liyuan feels that even if he is blocked by Alzeus again this time, he may not be able to treat Nekrozma!

Rather than Guan Liyuan trying to grasp it, if it can be contracted, it is of course the best. Even if it can not, you can avoid being threatened by Necrozma at all times.

Although Guan Liyuan's coordinates in the main world at this time are no longer in the land of joy, but in a small world in another great world, but there is no such thing as "secret treasure" or "secret treasure", in fact There are similar things, just different names.

In addition ... the small world, according to Guan Liyuan's current speculation, seems to be more "barren" than the fragment of the plane where the paradise is located.

On the one hand, in the world of Qiankun, according to the geoduck, the "three thousand" world is "known", but not many small worlds are known, not all of them are rich in oil, such as the abyssal plane group, which can support There are planes that exist more terrifying than the Demon King, but also some weak planes.

The fragment of the plane where the paradise world is located, although it is a "fragment", is obviously a higher-level fragment-a fragment of Tang Sancai, which is worth more than the clay pots that you lay out!

The most important thing is that the invasion of the Abyss Plane Group awakened the will of the Shard of the Abyss, and guided the Aboriginals to fight back against the Abyss. In the counterattack, more resources were returned by the will of the Plane, which is equivalent to the entire plane. Squeezing yourself and dedicating to professionals ...

However, "barren" also has the benefits of being barren. Although Guan Liyuan is now only in the six southwestern corners of the outer corner, he does not know much about the strength of the three strongest central states. The power of a major country is probably "just" ten times that of the six southwestern countries.

It sounds very strong, but only based on the number of "sacred realms" on this plane, or the number of "super-level foundation peaks" in the paradise, as the statistical standard. There are about three to four hundred people-a large part of them are promoted after entering the three major powers in the middle, or are promoted to the three powers.

In this way, the sanctuary of the three major countries should also have only a thousand people, plus other small countries, the human holy place should not exceed 2,000 ...

Even considering that in this plane, the human race is only the strongest race, not the only race, or even the dominant race, other orcs, dwarves, goblins, elves, etc. are not counted, but since the human race can The most fertile land is the most fertile land, and other ethnic groups together will not be much stronger than humans.

Guan Liyuan estimates that there are only five or six thousand, and the fragments on the paradise plane ... Although the paradise of human snails is only a small part of the plane, the area is only about the same as that of the six southwestern countries, but each of the eight border defense theaters has 500 members. Above the super level of the top of the foundation, combined with the combat power in the stronghold in the abyss-occupied area, there should be five or six thousand of the super level of the base of the paradise!

Although many of these data are just Guan Liyuan's calculations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but it is not surprising that the whole plane is only about the same as the human beings ...

The only thing Guan Liyuan cares about is that the Queen of the Snake Caves and the Dread Demon King are likely to fall on this plane, and the main target of Guan Liyuan is also the Queen of the Snake Caves-because Qiu and Yingying have not released their crystallization !!

Now, to a certain extent, Guan Liyuan is also a "medusa", but he does not have the ability to resemble petrochemicals, and naturally will not be lifted, not even transformed ...

Prior to this Pokémon World, Guan Liyuan just helped the Storm God to repel a Legion of Trade Viscounts in the Goblin Dwarf Federation, although in the end, the "Dwarf Society" expelled the cavemen and occupied them. That dungeon, but nothing was lost to the storm gods.

Even ... the Sect of the Storm sometimes believes that the Viscount trade is very good!

Guan Liyuan did not know that the use of Qiu Daoyu to mobilize the power of the world and kill some of the metal of the **** has caused the alert of the Dwarf Society, and he did not know that the serpent clan in the orc clan took place on this plane. After the coup, within a short time, the snake family met a new queen ...

However, at the same time, because of the integration of the new product “Meibao” and the promotion to the higher level, the dual-product high-level element strength is not weaker than the ordinary super-order element power, and after “Meibao” promotion to the higher level, Guan Liyuan has already In the career of Meibao, the light environment is truly achieved, so the strength is far worse than before!

Although I still dare not to be tough with enemies of the level of the Queen of Snake Caves and the Dread Demon King, I am also ready to investigate the whereabouts of the Queen of Snake Caves ...

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