Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Break my field?

"The next thing to be auctioned is the Sacred Realm adventure team. In the depths of the Yatta Valley, they killed several of the strongest guardian beasts that were comparable to the realm, and finally got towering weeds!"

A small wooden box was put on the auction table with the introduction of the wealthy little sister-in-law.

After the master of ceremonies opened the lid of the wooden box, they could see that it was a tree smaller than the fist by two circles, flashing with emerald green fluorescence, and from time to time, there were a few light green puppets ...

This is the penultimate lot, and ... "Qing Lian Di Xin Huo" has not yet been auctioned off, and it seems to be the lottery lot!

If this is not "Tower of Heaven", it means that the gossip is wrong!

Guan Liyuan was relieved at this time, and at the same time "bullet loaded", ready to bid!

"According to the analysis results of the Goblin and Dwarf Federation, this natural towering rattan species can be directly used as a heterogeneous refining. It is suitable for wood, plant, and life practitioners. While increasing the strength of the element, it also comes with The effect of greatly improving the speed of physical recovery and wound healing ... "

Guan Liyuan pursed his lips and suddenly lost all interest!

Warren also persuaded: "It is very difficult to meet the alien species that fully meets the expectations. If the techniques of towering vines and Mr. Guan match, you may also try ..."

What Guan Liyuan wanted was a treasure alien with a seal or restrictive effect. As a rattan alien, towering rattan was likely to derive this property.

However ... this towering vine species obviously does not have this function, but tends to strengthen its own vitality!

"Never mind, my` `storage space '' is very valuable." Guan Liyuan said a lip.

It was only half a day before Warren wanted to understand what "storage space" meant. Although the cultivation systems are not the same, they all share the same goal. The number of treasures and alien species that can be refined by this practitioner is usually limited, usually The stronger the power of cultivation and the better the cultivation itself, the greater the amount of refining.

The professional rune system of the Land of Land must be simpler and more rude-for every ten professional rune nodes, you can refine a secret treasure. The higher the rank of the class, the more rune nodes and the ninety-nine rune nodes.

But ... when Guan Liyuan had seen his secret treasure in the land of joy ... maybe Miss Mo is full?

The same is true on this plane, even in the absence of abyssal creatures as raw material sources, the treasures and alien species of this plane are more precious than the secrets of the Happy Land plane.

Warren has not heard of anyone who picks different kinds of treasures because of the problem of "storage space"!

Soon the towering rattan with a base price of 600 million was enshrined by the imperial realm of the ancestors and was photographed at a high price of 1.5 billion ...

Guan Liyuan was a bit surprised. He originally thought that the price would be higher, so it seems that his own green lotus is in the Southwest auction, which is indeed a very bright existence!

"Next is the last lot you have been waiting for! I believe everyone also knows that a few days ago, we took an exception, because its value is enough to make an exception for us. We also believe that this exception will make The auction is more successful!

This is a special natural fire alien species taken from the depths of the ground, and it is not only effective for fire fighters and mages, but also because of its unique calming effect, it is suitable for alchemists who need precise operation, or some special All the exercises can form a good assistant!

In addition ... Because it was born from the ground veins, this "Qingliandi Heart Fire" also has the power to control the natural fire veins. In some special areas, it can greatly enhance the combat and support capabilities ... The reserve price is 1.75 billion Ten million, the price increase is not less than one million each time ... Bidding starts! "

"Two billion!"

"2.1 billion!"

"2.1 billion ... 10 million."

"2.5 billion!"


As the last lot of this auction, the popularity of "Qingliandi Heart Fire" is stronger than expected, with a reserve price of 1.75 billion and an estimated transaction price of 3.5 billion, but according to this momentum, I'm afraid it will soon be worth four billion!

This is indeed the case. It was not until after 4 billion that the rate of bidding slowed down.

The reason why the price has soared so fast is because two groups of people have increased their prices by a very “cruel”. Others have used millions and millions of units to overdo it. The two groups of people have directly increased by the billions!

At present, the individual passengers on the first floor have basically no movement, and the guests on the second floor are only two groups of people ...

"Well? The Lord of Magic Fairy Castle seems to be interested in Qinglian's heart, and in the other box ... who do you know?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

Another group increased their prices by three or five adjacent boxes. According to the principle of the auction, the guests in these boxes are likely to come from the same or friendly forces.

"It seems that the Lord of the Immortal Castle is not only curious, but it is very likely that the lottery from the Goblin knew what the lottery of the ice reagent was squeezed out ... After all, they also have to give an explanation to the Lord of the Immortal Castle. The Lord of the Immortal Castle should also really Need 'Qing Lian Di Xin Huo'! As for the group of people ... Looking at the location of the box, it should be the people of Doulong. "Warren said.


"Yes, the north and south of Doulong are divided into two by the 'Jiechuang Mountains'. The north is adjacent to our country of Barbara. The national boundary is the Yatta Valley, and the 'Jichuang Mountains' itself has Natural fire ... "Warren looked a little worried towards his box.

Guan Liyuan also understood the meaning of Warren. The people of Doulong are not only just in need, but also have a strong desire for monopoly. Although they also have a sense of competition within them, if "Qingliandi" "Heartfire" fell into the hands of others. People in Dou Long Guo were afraid that they would not sleep well!

The old goblin is just an appraiser, and the analysis of the situation in the six southwestern countries is not accurate enough, so this is miscalculated.

It stands to reason that in the present form, the Barbara State should not fall out with the Doulong State because of a foreign species, but seeing the Lord of the Magic Fairy is also an inevitable posture ...

At the time of the bid, the box also had a sound-changing function-I didn't know it was Valen doing something!

Even Figala thought so ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On the one hand, I was shocked by the black fat man of Waren, who was so rich and crying poorly with himself. Leaving his own box to find Warren so that he does not go too far.

"The Lord of Magic Fairy is practicing the fire department?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"That's not ... but the magical method of Lord Moxianbao has some defects in his mind, so he longs for this kind of alien species." Valen whispered and Guan Liyuan explained.

At this time, Figara also came to Warren's box, knocked open the door with a beard and stared ... and found his aunt inside!

The result not only failed to persuade the owner of Moxianbao to give up, but was asked by the host of Moxianbao how much money was available!

"Five billion!" The master of Moxianbao received the blood from the treasury balance, and the overbearing direct price increase was 500 million.

Dou Long Guo was silent for a while, while Guan Liyuan hesitated. If you want to spend a little money, buy an additional lotus seed to avoid creating unnecessary contradictions. In terms of meditation effect, it should be similar to "Qing Lian Di Xin Yan". And as long as 88 forum coins, the shipping cost is only 200 forum coins ...

It is only then that taking out the lotus seeds may cause some trouble.

However, at this moment, a box in Dou Long Guo turned off the sound-changing device and said in his voice: "What does this thing mean to me in Dou Long? Friends in Barbara should understand that this At that time, there were a lot of dragon fighter mechs in the Dragon Kingdom to help your country resist the orc threat ... I also hope that your country will give my king a thin face, 5.1 billion! "

Guan Liyuan heard the words, his face suddenly became dark ...

I just wanted to be a peacemaker, but now I have no such thoughts at all, but I am angry that this idiot does not talk about the rules, and actually maliciously lowered the price at the auction ... or his own price!

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