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Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Battle 5 scum of Namibus daily

"This recovery ability ... I can't measure it at all quickly, I don't know if it is the reason why my total energy is not high now, or if I can maintain this recovery speed in the future ..." Guan Liyuan muttered in surprise.

How fast does the demon body recover?

Guan Liyuan just stopped the "energy accumulation" consciously as much as possible, and then used air dancing to consume half of the energy equivalent to 100 combat power. As a result, the limit was restored again and he was full again. Guan Liyuan himself did not respond ...

"Energy accumulation" is only 1% per hour when additional energy is added, but the recovery rate after consumption is completely unmeasurable.

Somewhat similar to the "original Buu" in the original ...

The initial form of Buu is not the strongest in animation or comics. For example, Buu after absorbing Bic and Sun Wuhan can crush Sun Wukong during the same period.

But Buu, who lost all his absorbers and returned to the original state, was purely fighting, but he was even tied with Sun Wukong in the same period, even slightly lower ...

But the primitive Buu has almost unsolvable ability-unlimited energy!

Unlimited physical strength, unlimited energy, unlimited regeneration ability ...

After continuously absorbing other strong players, although the total energy and explosion of Buu increased, but the recovery speed and regeneration speed decreased!

Now Guan Liyuan should be in a primitive state in theory. The reason why it is black is just the influence of the abyss power on the nature of the profession.

"After that is the 'energy burst' ... why can you only use 5% of the energy at most? If you can play it 100%, you have at least 100 combat power! What exactly is this 'energy control' for ..." Guan Liyuan is still confused about the skills of the demon.

Although the 100 combat power is not high, it can be similar to the Turtle Fairy. Occasionally, the energy can be released. The current state of the five slags and the power of the external energy release is roughly equivalent to 2 straight combat fists-it seems that it is not trained Ordinary Earth people, the combat power is 2?

Although there is no consumption problem, the power is really terrible ...

As for "energy control", Guan Liyuan didn't know what it was used for.

At first, Guan Liyuan thought that it was the ability to control the change of energy flow, but now I found that after opening it, I didn't feel any change, and it seems that there is no effect on the ability to control energy.

Guan Liyuan, while striving through conventional meditation, wanted to magnify the effect of "energy burst", and turned on "energy control" from time to time, and wanted to judge its true role ...

Unconsciously, two hours passed—not without gain, and the effect of the "energy burst" increased to 6%, but the speed of this increase was somewhat touching.

When Guan Liyuan felt that Prince Aojiao was slow, he suddenly heard the sound of Capricorn Rock behind him, and quickly turned around ...

I saw a slightly lifted forelimb, with a foot more than two meters tall and a long neck, with a green umbrella-like membrane, and the hind legs looked very strong. The green lizard was being used behind a rock, with a dumb look To yourself!

The environment of Nexus has just recovered. At this time, the wildlife is huge and rough, similar to dinosaurs. This green umbrella-necked lizard is relatively small ...

"Friend, make sense, do you eat bugs?" Guan Liyuan looked at the green lizard's dumb eyes, and had a bad hunch in his heart.

However, regardless of whether Guan Liyuan speaks the common language or the Mak language, the green lizard obviously does not understand. The answer to Guan Liyuan is in the electric light flint, like a bullet blasted into Guan Liyuan's tongue!

Fortunately, Guan Liyuan has been focusing his attention, and when he saw the lizard's mouth slammed, he rolled over.


I saw the rock behind Guan Liyuan's original standing position and was punched into a small hole with a big fist, and the shadow of the tongue had been retracted.

If this tongue is replaced with a straight punch, the combat effectiveness will be 10 points!

At least as Guan Liyuan, who fights the five slags, a full-fisted straight punch can only crack in the more brittle parts of the rock, and the strong position can't be moved at all ...

"Go, goo!" The green lizard saw Guan Liyuan dodging, and twirled and ran towards Guan Liyuan.

Guan Liyuan saw his legs and ran!

The green lizard has thick hind legs, and it has already approached the shape of Tyrannosaurus, but its claws still show a breast shape. The waist is twisted and twisted, which looks funny, but it is not slow at all.

Guan Liyuan does not run slowly, the most important thing is that he can always sprint without worrying about physical strength.

As for air dancing?

Guan Liyuan gave it a try and gave up-when using air dance, especially when he just flew up, his speed was not as good as a full sprint, it was possible that he could only be stretched out by two before flying out of the attack distance of the green lizard More than ten meters of tongue rolled up!

"This guy won't really treat me as a worm?" Guan Liyuan muttered in a depressed mood.

Although this lizard does not use gas, that is, it does not attack energy in vitro, but physical strength is also a part of energy, which can also be converted into combat power-in fact, single digits, dozens of combat power, does not attack energy in vitro, Is normal.

Although it was okay for Guan Liyuan to die once or twice, now all five Dragon Balls are in his body. He was beaten to "explode the equipment". In case he was swallowed by a lizard, it would be difficult to find afterwards!

"The chase is so tight ... Does the gray meat look delicious?" Guan Liyuan has rushed out of the previous gravel terrain, in front of which is a plain with ferns, it may be more dangerous to continue running.

Vegeta is also thinking about it--Frisa's men will not notice the five slags, but ... the environment of Meker is already very dangerous for the five slags!

Guan Liyuan also began to observe the green lizard's behavior gradually, and found that its speed has dropped a lot compared to the beginning. When initially chasing, Guan Liyuan also took advantage of flexibility to circle and drill holes to maintain distance. Now The opponent's direct speed is almost the same as Guan Liyuan.

At the same time, the strongest attack of the green lizard is not that it can slap the front claws of the rock, nor the tail that can split the trunk when swept, but the one that can "shot" the tongue at a very fast speed.

But the weakness is to maintain the power, you can't change the direction after you stick out your tongue, and the withdrawal speed is slower ...


Finally, Guan Liyuan found an opportunity. When the green lizard spit out his tongue again, Guan Liyuan no longer just dodged, but flashed to the side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The antennae on his head slammed suddenly--the momentary extension Go out and make a sound like a green lizard's tongue!


It looks like a snake hitting a seven inch. It is slamming on the tongue of the lizard that is about to be retracted. The telescopic tongue that can't see the shadow suddenly loses its strength and shows the prototype. It swings like a coiled spring. Retracted, but Guan Liyuan did not give it a chance, kicked his feet on the ground, and bounced towards the green lizard, grabbing his tongue that had lost speed ...

The other hand continued to wave into the mouth that was opened because of the tongue being caught, "No two straight punches in a row!"

I saw a bunch of weak chickens, but continuous energy bombs, "stuck" into the mouth of the green lizard!

Although the tongue was too slippery and the strength was not small, I finally didn't catch it, but the green lizard only took back the tongue, and then turned and escaped with a few sighs of pain ...

The green lizard is obviously not a irritable predator among wild animals, and will not fight because of resentment. When it thinks that the hunting target is too physical and uneconomical, it will choose to leave!

"Sure enough ... an animal's power can be imitated too!" Guan Liyuan sighed.

Just now, the antennae of the devil's body extended to attack, which mimics the force of the tongue of the green lizard. At the moment of the force, the structure around the antennae also adapted to it, perfectly replicating the green lizard's bomb. Tongue attack ...

However, when Guan Liyuan was relieved, he suddenly felt a sound behind him—a dinosaur-like creature afraid of a real tyrannosaurus with a height of more than ten meters, already seeing himself!

"A green lizard looked delicious just now and ran there ..."

Guan Liyuan showed kindness, but Tyrannosaurus still looked at him ...

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