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Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Epic monster

Vegeta has just killed Saab, a Frisian guard with the same name as the revolutionary army cadre of Pirate World. Among the men of Flisa, five are second only to the team of Kinut. The team is not yet at that level. Saab is already the strongest outside of Frieza.

After recovering from the dying state, Vegeta's strength has surpassed Saab who could have killed himself. At this time, I am in a good mood to find the last Dragon Ball that does not know where to fall ...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was still carrying several avatars, while "hunting" and trying to reintegrate with the avatars. The only feeling ...

Although the energy is different, it is much easier than assimilating purely other individuals. With the help of penguins, Guan Liyuan can analyze the differences when the assimilation phenomenon occurs again and again, and he has a deeper understanding of this.

"Well? The one in front is just one of the five most powerful epic monsters on Mick? Is it really big ..." Guan Liyuan stood on a rock pillar and looked into the distance.

I saw one that looked like a hill, with a shape similar to that of the Pokémon world, but the head was more like an ankylosaurus in a dinosaur, and a blue giant super creature that was moving "slowly" — —It looks very slow, but considering its size, it is definitely not slow!

Guan Liyuan had previously found a run-down "village" full of the bodies of grown-up Nameks, and a shivering Namak child was hidden in the water tank of the house.

Of course, it is a village, but in fact there are only three or five wooden huts, most of which are piled up. Next to the spacious caves, the village has fewer than ten Namikians ...

After all, the mexicans are all spitting eggs by the elders. Although the mexicans can vomit and breed eggs, not only are there age restrictions, but they will also affect their strength and reduce their life span.

The original Namik people were just reopening the planet after the environment was restarted. Therefore, with the exception of the elders, the other Namik people have not yet reproduced, and even if they reach the level of reproduction, they will maintain their strength first.

So in each village, there are only single-digit Namiekes, adult auxiliary Namieks, adult combat Namieks, and underage Namieks.

The people who attacked this village before should be the people of the Frieza Corps, and not long ago, because the people who came did not have the combat capability detection device, they were not good at sensing the "qi" of the Frieza Army's miscellaneous soldiers, and No hidden little one was found.

After Guan Liyuan rescued him, he comforted ...

In the beginning, he also regarded Guan Liyuan as a group of Frieza. After all, Guan Liyuan's appearance was obviously not the mexican, and the demon's body didn't look kind-fortunately, he didn't take those avatars. Otherwise, it will be properly judged as an evil force!

However, with the comfort of Guan Liyuan, he finally moved the little Nemexis and convinced him that Guan Liyuan was not a bad person ...

"Yeah, yes, the bad guy's words ... shouldn't be so weak ..." The first sentence of Xiao Nameixing was almost going to close Guan Liyuan.

Unexpectedly, Guan Liyuan's low combat power still has such usefulness!

That ’s right, the total energy of Guan Liyuan at that time was only four or five hundred, and the combat effectiveness was only more than 30. The mexicans, like the martial artists on the earth, would consciously cultivate "qi", so you can probably feel the combat power of Guan Liyuan. .

Even a small child on the mexican has one or two hundred combat power, which is stronger than most carnivorous giants, but the actual combat ability is worse. In combat, the mexican usually has two or three thousand. Fighting power!

Regarding the five epic beasts, Guan Liyuan also listened to the little fart named Moka ...

At that time, Guan Liyuan specifically asked him about some of the giant monster divisions on Nameker, and other basic information. Mokart mentioned the five epic giants. It is said that each giant has a separate combat Nameiker. The strength of the opponent-Guan Liyuan is estimated to be four or five thousand!

After all, the Nemeks alone can't beat, which also means ... the group attack is still sure. If it is higher, the 3000 Nemesis, it is difficult to defeat these giants with the group attack-all in the mouth. The kind that can spray shock waves!

Of course, there are a few of the fighting-type mexicans who are more powerful, and their combat power can be tens of thousands. It is said that initially there were more than five epic monsters, and the other five were just killed by the mexicans—all alone. .

If it is according to the custom of the Mexican, only the Mexican who has passed the test of the six elders can take the six dragon **** to find the elder, and then tell the elder what he wants and wishes Reason, you can make a wish after receiving recognition ...

One of them is an elder. Each test is an independent killing of an epic beast. This test has been completed by a total of five Na mexicans. However, only one who has passed all the tests and made a successful wish is Neru. Strong combat-type Nameker!

However, Guan Liyuan had no interest in Neilu, and the little fart boy Moka had just undergone a drastic change and was more sensitive. He refused to tell Guan Liyuan about the elder's location-even if Guan Liyuan was only a weak chicken in his eyes.

Although Guan Liyuan was interested in the elders, he did not reluctantly. After asking about the approximate range of activities of the five epic monsters, he shared with Moka.

It is said that after Moka, he wanted to go to Nauru, and seemed to be looking forward to that "the strongest Nameker" ... In fact, he was looking for the elder, and Neru was the elder's guard!

Guan Liyuan wanted to protect Moka, but ... Moka silently refused.

Well, Guan Liyuan also feels reasonable after all ... Moka anyway has more than one hundred combat power, what do you want a weak chicken with more than thirty combat power to protect himself?

Before leaving, Moka also specifically told Guan Liyuan a safe place-there are no carnivorous dragons there!

In Moka's view, Guan Liyuan is the one who needs protection!

Of course, Guan Liyuan could not listen to the little fart boy, who had to travel long distances to find the trouble of five epic monsters.

Perhaps because the epic monster's range of activities did not have the reason for the Mexicans to live, the soldiers of the Frieza Army did not come to these places. Guan Liyuan's journey was relatively smooth, and it was not long before they found it. A recent epic beast ...

At this distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan can already sense its qi, and Penguin immediately analyzed its combat power through Guan Liyuan's perception-4232 points, which is almost the same as previously expected!

Prior to "hunting" other ordinary carnivorous dragons along the way, Guan Liyuan's total energy was consolidated at 468, but the combat effectiveness was still terrible.

However, when hunting other carnivorous dragons, generally when encountering larger carnivorous dragons, they split their bodies to suppress the other side, and then Guan Liyuan hard plugged a piece of "meat" from his body into his mouth. When encountering small ones, they were directly Throw a piece of "meat" that splits itself ...

Guan Liyuan now controls the splitting of up to a dozen splinters and accepts the energy it absorbs from a distance.

That's right, now Guan Liyuan has realized his ability to split through the perception of "assimilation" time and again. The "tear" of the devil's body is not **** meat, but is similar to colloid and rubber. Mud-like structure!

However, it is not yet possible to directly use the split body to sneak attack and wrap the opponent like the performance of "The Devil Buu" in the original work, and then swallow it up instantly. It still stays at the stage where the opponent needs to start assimilation and the split " "Broken" doesn't move.

However, the body can be split freely, and the energy can be directly absorbed regardless of the distance. It is still considered to have a shallow understanding of assimilation. There is only one step to completely break through ...

"Coping" with this epic monster, several avatars can hardly help, their role has basically ended, they can be liberated to report to the underworld ... And if you want to enter the epic monster, you do n’t need to Trouble, Guan Liyuan flew directly to his mouth, and the other side swallowed Guan Liyuan himself-probably it had never seen such a stupid prey!

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