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Vol 2 Chapter 1238: Return to the main world

"Old man Tan, old man Tan, are you ready for Treasure? Also want to see, what is the level of Treasure with the wings of the speaker of the church ..."

After returning to the main world, Guan Liyuan took a night's rest, went to visit Zhong Liqiu in the morning, and came to Mr. Tan's little black shop at noon to ask for the previous "compensation".

As soon as the old man saw Guan Liyuan coming in, his facial features were twisted into millennial cakes. After the pain, he also asked with a fluke: "Let me see first, your new profession can really pretend to be an abyss creature. Isn't it possible? I can help you wake up your new career without blame. After all, you need more now ... "

The old man Tan said half of it, then swallowed the words behind him, and saw that Guan Liyuan's whole body turned into gray and black, and there was a flesh of "tentacles" on his head, which looked a bit more skinny ...

Abyss breath!

As a former devil Tan, Lao Tan is no longer familiar with this breath. Although he does not understand how Guan Liyuan did it, Guan Liyuan now looks like an abyss.

If it wasn't for Mr. Tan's little black shop, a special seal was set up, I am afraid that Xingshun City has already sounded the alarm.

Seeing that Guan Liyuan really did his job of awakening the abyss, the old man had no choice but to take out a bit of pain for himself to prepare a secret treasure for Guan Liyuan. Who made him owe it at that time!

"Huh? What's this? It's so small ... this is some kind of nut?" Guan Liyuan saw the old man Tan brought it out, it was a walnut-like, but red, fruit-like treasure.

"This secret treasure was made by me using 'Youwei Faguo' ... This is a good thing I picked when I died of two gods in the blood and sea system with the same strength as me!" Skimming.

"Promises? What is it for?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"The biggest effect is that you can make clones, but ... the reason I gave you this is because you gave them the secret treasure of Dingchun. If you guessed it, it should also be a plant secret treasure, and it should be the whole plant. Plants, you can try to refine this promising fruit around the node that carries that secret treasure. If the fusion effect is triggered, although it is temporarily unavailable, you may be able to produce more 'false For the fruit of law. "Said the old man Tan.

Guan Liyuan looked at him in disbelief with Tan's character, and should disdain to lie so directly. When he usually lied, he always said that he was ambiguous and could not grasp the handle!

But this time I made it clear that the old man Tan had obviously tried his best to obtain the fruit of the law. The value is self-evident, and ... it seems that the old man Tan has observed Guan Liyuan's situation. He was specifically handed over "the promising fruit".

It was painful before obviously ... Could he actually be proud?

As to why the old man Tan knew about the "outer golem", Guan Liyuan was not surprised. In the days when Guan Liyuan left the paradise, they often stayed with Miss Mo until they left them.

After Guan Liyuan's promotion to the higher ranks, in addition to the initial "golem state", the "elegant golem" can also enter the "ten-tailed state". Nine-tailed beasts also need to join hands to control it. Stronger ...

With the eyes of the old man Tan, it is not surprising to recognize that the "Waidao Golem" is actually a plant type and a whole plant.

And with the evidence of the old man Tan, Guan Liyuan was even more convinced that after the Ninja Sect's super order, the "outer golem" should be able to open the final "state of the **** tree".

It is said that although the "outer golem" originated from the world of Naruto, it was originally refined by Guan Liyuan into the professional rune of "Summoner of the Other Worlds", but then the "Summoner of the Other World" class was divided into two, creating the home of the Summoning Beast. Part of it is incorporated into Medusa, while part of the summoning is incorporated into Ninja ...

Therefore, the "Waidao Golem" went around and became the secret treasure of "Ninja Sect"!

"Secret treasures can also be integrated?" Guan Liyuan was the first to hear about it.

"Some special treasures ... such as a complete plant and the other one are fruits that may trigger 'fusion', but there are actually two kinds of treasures, but if grafting is successful, maybe they can multiply more, although The effect may not be comparable to the original, but it will certainly not be lost if the grafting is successful.

But you don't have to look for it, after all ... "

The old man Tan just said that this situation is not so easy to meet, he was interrupted by Guan Liyuan: "Well? Is this OK?"

Guan Liyuan said that he took out "xiandou".

After being teleported to the main world, Xiandou has also been transformed by rules. Although it no longer has the effect of "instant and complete recovery", it can also be used as an energy storage bin if it is refined as a secret treasure!

Old man Tan: "..."

The old man Tan carefully identified it and determined that it was indeed a fruit treasure. After smashing his mouth for a long time, he said, "You can try it together, but it may not be successful. If there is a law fruit, even if it fails, you can Used to make a clone. "

Although the fruit treasures may not be more precious than other treasures, but ... it is too casual to take out the treasures, right? Have you been a demon before? The old man muttered in his heart.

But after that, the old man Tan told Guan Liyuan some rules about "marrying to improve some success rates.

"Do you have any enemies?" Guan Liyuan could not help asking.

The old man Tan heard about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can not help but gave Guan Liyuan a glance: "Yes! But you can't fight any of them, you want to help me get revenge, you and Miss Mo are still tender."

"I just asked casually ..." Guan Liyuan said, having been kicked out by the old man Tan.

Yes, the reason why the old man Tan promised Miss Mo to come to Xingshun City, or to help Guan Liyuan come up with promising results, although there are problems of betting and compensation, but the root is actually the old man. I want to bet!

Even if he knows, Miss Mo and Guan Liyuan, the possibility of growing up to the level of the devil is not high, but if you do not gamble, the probability is zero ...

And ... indeed, both of them gave him a lot of surprises, which made him start to believe that he could win.

Of course, it's not far enough to make the old man think "a shuttle"!

For example, "Youwei Faguo", indeed, as the old man Tan said, for this thing, he died of two existences equal to his own, and took great risks to get it ... but the old man Tan did not tell Guan Liyuan, At first, he got more than a hundred "reasonable fruits", but when he was besieged by other demons, most of them were consumed as a life-saving means ...

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