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Vol 2 Chapter 1296: Meeting ceremony

"It's been eight years ... Eight years! I have loved Princess Baixing deeply, but I haven't responded yet. It must be the evil King Nipton. In order to arrange a political marriage for my dear Princess Baixing, she was prevented from meeting me , Broke up our loved ones ... and locked poor Bai Xing in the hard shell tower!

I won't let him succeed! Cute Baixing, waiting for me ... Today's love letter will also be delivered ... "

Like a delusional patient, Vander Deakin told himself that Bai Xing loves him deeply, and that he can use the ability of the target fruit to harass and even threaten Bai Xing!

Baixing has lived in the hard-shell tower for eight years ...

But from the perspective of all the weapons he has thrown in recent years, in fact, this maggot is not really stupid, just pretending to be stupid, and the reason why he misses Bai Xing is also because Musgarud eight years ago When Saint visits Murloc Island, causing White Star to awaken the power of "Neptune", Deakin sees it.

On this day, Deacon threw the axe and meteor hammer again, and under the effect of the target fruit, lased in the direction of Murloc Island ...

However, this time it was not so smooth. As soon as the various weapons flew out, Deacon found a dark shadow moving rapidly in the sea and swept away from a distance, while smashing all the weapons at the same time. "After the break, the effect of the target fruit disappeared.

Then Black Shadow moved all the way up the current, rushing to Deakin's pirate ship in the deep sea. Although the bald sea monster pulling the boat was large enough, it could not fully reflect the speed of Black Shadow!

With a loud bang, the black shadow hit the deck of the flying Pirate Ship directly-it was Guan Liyuan who was driving the speedboat.

At this time, Guan Liyuan's head was covered with a rubber film holding air. It was exactly what I got in the Shampoo Islands before. It looks like there is not much air, but it is only used to avoid "cursing". You can breathe half a minute. hour!

"Who are you? Why stop my beautiful love with Princess Baixing?" Deacon angered.

"Don't be nervous, I just need a little help ... I want to see Nipton once." Guan Liyuan said.

"Oh? Do you want to cooperate with me? How many people do you have to control the Dragon Palace? Let's say first ... I don't care about Murloc Island, but Princess Baixing is mine!" Dicken asked with interest.

"No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, it just needs your head to use it." Guan Liyuan said, picking up from the speedboat an ordinary long sword that had come from the pirates before.

"Look for death!" Daiken sighed angrily and threw a flying knife at Guan Liyuan.

Even if there is no target fruit orientation, Deacon has a certain flying knife ability ...

At the same time, the other mermaids on the flying pirate ship also sieged up with guns and knives!

Although Deacon saw that Guan Liyuan's armed color was strong, but here was the bottom of the sea-as long as Guan Liyuan's "waterproof ring" was pierced.

However, Deacon obviously had a wrong idea. I saw that before the flying knife hit the waterproof ring, Guan Liyuan's waterproof ring was also coated with a layer of black purple, and then all attacks were bounced off!

Under the reinforcement of the armed color domineering, the waterproof rubber membrane can also be as strong as steel, and at this moment, Guan Liyuan slowly pulled out his sword ...

"Your head, I accept it!"

I saw Guan Liyuan with a "black ball" on his head. Although his eyes seemed to be blocked, in fact, he saw that he was domineering and had no effect on his own perception!

Instead, screams kept ringing on the flying Pirate Ship ...

Watching the crew decrease, Deacon also encouraged to escape, but was immediately overtaken by Guan Liyuan ...

The blood rushing around proved that Guan Liyuan was not kidding!

"Wait, wait! Don't kill me, I can tell you a secret!" Deacon shouted.

But Guan Liyuan was not interested, and continued to cut down to Deakin.

At the critical moment, the bald sea monster who had been worried about accidentally injuring the ship without taking a shot, then raised a huge mallet and smashed at Guan Liyuan ...

But it was blocked by Guan Liyuan's weak, disproportionate left hand compared to the mallet.

The sword was only slightly off, and he cut off Van der Dicken's right arm with gloves!

"No!" Deacon screamed.

The ability to target the fruit needs to be recorded with the palm of his hand. His right hand touched Bai Xing eight years ago. In order to maintain the record effect, he has been wearing gloves for eight years and only used another place in his left hand to fight, but this is permanent. Only one record position left ...

Deakin's scream is both a sore throat and a scream that he has lost the record of White Star. It will be very difficult to get closer to White Star later!

But Guan Liyuan didn't give him a chance to have a headache. He didn't let go of it, and immediately chased him up and bowed with a sword!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan grabbed Deakin's head with one hand, and drew a sword in the direction of Deakin's body ...

"Huh?" Guan Liyuan made a sound of doubt.

At the same time, while holding Deakin's head, he took out the banana that had been prepared from his arms, and then made an action to stuff it inside ...

Immediately afterwards, I saw a blue-violet pattern on the banana, which became thicker and more grainy on the surface!

That's right, this is no longer an ordinary banana, but ... target fruit!

Guan Liyuan was able to extract the "soul" of the demon fruit, and naturally he could extract the fruit of the opponent when the demon fruit ability died.

But maybe because of the specialization in the art industry, Guan Liyuan can't do anything to human or biological souls at this time. This is different from bigmom, but bigmom can't manipulate the soul of the devil fruit ...

Of course, the ability to "plug" the fruit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also has a limitation-that is, you must know what the fruit looks like!

Although the demon fruit is very different from ordinary fruits, it is basically a "prototype" variant. For example, the target fruit is a "banana" mutation, and it can only be stuffed into a banana.

Therefore, the "Demon Fruit Book" is needed. According to Guan Liyuan's knowledge, the versions of the Devil Fruit Book are different, and the number of records is different. For example, the high-level internal reference version of the Revolutionary Army is a combination of four small versions. Guan Liyuan did not find it. Dark fruit, no Huangquan fruit found ...

But luck is that one of the four small versions was found in archeology. Although the style is quite bizarre, Guan Liyuan saw that the target fruit is banana type!

The reason Guan Liyuan expressed doubts was that he had done this more than once before, but ... this time it was the only time that he felt "drawn".

Normally when the capable person just died, extracting the fruit ability, it feels like cutting the pizza in reality, and now ... as if in the advertisement to open the pizza!

With such a big difference, Guan Liyuan found that Vander Deaken may not be that simple. After all, it is now "Vander Deakin IX", and the other party not only claimed that the ability of the target fruit was a curse, but this ability did Passed down from generation to generation.

Originally, Guan Liyuan thought that it was the first generation of Vander Deakin who had mastered the law of the regeneration of the devil's fruit. After that, each generation prepared the fruit in advance and died. Now it may not seem so simple ...

Think again about what secret Dicken just wanted to use for his own life, Guan Liyuan could not help but mutter: "It seems that I missed something ... forget it! In short, the meeting ceremony has been received, go to Murloc Island first!"

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