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Vol 2 Chapter 1314: Frustrated conquest


In another two or three hours, the Warring States, who will be fighting the enemy occupying Marin Fodor, is meditating and adjusting the state in the cabin, but suddenly feels a feeling of being "eyeed".

The Warring States Period looked around and saw that the domineering was fully operational, but apart from the "premonition" at the beginning, there was no other name.

Some wondering Sengoku left the cabin and came to the deck.

At this time, it was night, and the news of "Kapu" proclaiming Governor Marin Fodor was uploaded early, and he came out from Marin Fodor the morning before the day before ... If we knew this was the result, the Warring States Period would not have been For the purpose of "deterrence", and want to go all out to crush the road maintenance alliance.

Thinking of the reaction of the world government, the Warring States also felt uncomfortable at this time-at this time he didn't know that Capu had really accepted the post of Governor Marin Fodor, and his heart remained at the level of "Professor Capu was a fake".

"Two more hours ... Is there an illusion because it is too nervous?" Warring States muttered.

This is the most unwilling battle for decades in the Warring States Period!

In fact, the Warring States initially was not active in seeking the road maintenance alliance. After all, in the road maintenance alliance, because of Guan Liyuan's inclusive policy, the lowest level of the alliance are all civilians in the sea train economic circle ...

It was only because the Baoluo Alliance and the Revolutionary Army got together that the Warring States took them seriously. Who knew that because they were too serious, they "killed" Karp.

I remembered the old boss's steel skeleton, "just now", he went to the southwest of Hongtu Da 6 to rebel, and also called Zefa, which was originally in the West Sea ... The haze in the heart of the Warring States was even more so, the Warring States known as the "wise general" In fact, I already have some doubts about this, but I have been reluctant to think deeply.

"It really is old, and I like to think wildly ... After this battle, I should almost retire." The Warring States Period silently established a f1ag for himself.

The possibility of arresting Karp this time has already exhausted him physically and mentally. At this time, the Warring States only expected Karp to have fled, and he replaced it with a fake Karp. He had no burden to fight. As for the other navies ... obviously they were just wrapped up. Yes, the warring nations' confidence can make them fall, and they will have the confidence to keep them in the future. Anyway, he will resign.

Think about the recent toughening of the world government's policies. Even with the navy, hawks are gradually taking the lead. It was still planning, and it was about to do a big thing ... I was going to start with a certain four emperor. However, the most famous white beard started Levi's.

No one expected the plan to be just a "plan". The revolutionary army first turbid the entire sea, which made the warring countries feel ridiculous ...

It is extended that the Warring States also thought about the problem of the successor. The three major generals were not reliable, nor did they become the marshal's thoughts, and they were automatically ignored. The other two were the green pheasant and the red dog. He's more moderate position.

If the white beard can be successfully attacked or even killed, the power of the navy will move to a new height, and then the green pirates will coordinate the parties and cool the era of the pirates!

The Marshal of the Air also hinted at the Warring States Period, and Qing Qing was more suitable to be a Marshal of the Navy ...

However, the Warring States can also feel that the senior officials of the world government attach more importance to the red dogs!

If the red dog is superior, he may use a more aggressive and rough way to treat the pirates.

It can be said that the upper rank of the green pheasant will make fewer pirates born, and the upper rank of the red dog will make existing pirates less ...

However, it now seems that the plan of the Navy is very difficult to implement. For a long time to come, including the navy, the main forces of the world government will be on the revolutionary army!

Before that, no one thought that using a few maritime railways as a fuse would actually make Yan Yan sweep the entire sea overnight.

And while the Warring States was thinking about this, suddenly I felt the feeling of being "eyeed"!

"What's going on?" The Warring States will no longer think that this time is too nervous.

Once again, seeing the domineering arrogance full, when the Warring States suddenly felt that something was falling in the sky, look at this momentum ... It was simply hitting itself!

And one after another, many goals appear in succession.

"Alert!" The Warring States Period shouted directly.

The navy, which was suddenly resting, also awakened and began to prepare.

Although it is night, nearly forty thousand navies on forty large warships and sixty frigates are quickly preparing for war!

As for why the number has decreased?

After the Warring States Period, after all, they accepted the suggestions of Qingying and Chigou. Qingying led his "Bicycle Elite Squad", and he took the lead at the front to ride at a speed, leaving a frozen rut on the sea. The Navy Elite followed their ruts along bikes-they were all trained!

At this time, Qing Ye and a small team led by himself were afraid that they had already fought with Marin Fodor.

As for the red dogs, they took about one-third of the navy and continued to pounce on the Baolu Union!

Although the two generals are not here, as a candidate for the generals, Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin are still with the main force of the Warring States ...

At this time, the two also showed something in their fleet ... no! To be precise, it is aimed at the main ship of the Warring States!

"Is it a shell? No ... it doesn't look like ..." Taotu induction with closed eyes.

At this time, the target is not close, and it is still at night, so it is mainly determined by sight and domineering.

Suddenly, Tea Dolphin said, "It seems like ... there is life ... is it human?"

"No matter! Order to fire!" Tao Tuyan directly ordered.

However, although he was fired in the front, the opponent finally landed ... or "smashed" on the deck of the Warring States!

Because of the artillery interruption, he finally missed a bit and smashed a hole in the deck.

A group of naval siege surrounded each other, and then saw a fat man in a tattered prison uniform, crawling out of the cave.

"Damn ... it was thrown into the navy pile!" After the fat man came out, his face was ugly, muttering cursingly.

"Who is it? Raise your hands!" A colonel in the headquarters shouted.

"Raise your hand? Raise your sister!" The fat man suddenly covered his arms with domineering power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and forcibly lifted a large deck of weapons from the damage as a weapon.

at the same time……

There are continuous "human flesh cannonballs" that landed on the main ship or near the main ship like rain!

"Ah! I remember, he is the ogre badaba! The bounty of 130 million pirates!"

"Wait, wait ... my hands ... melt ... ah!"

"It's Sicilian who ordered ... Damn, wasn't he arrested before?"

"Horsewind Sword? He is still alive ..."

"So here too! Nature? It's the acid power of Nature! Scrigg the Devourer? How could ... Minghe Crane arrest him in person!"


Seeing that the navy was attacked by many powerful pirates that fell like rain, or other thugs, and the other party has the same characteristic, that is, they should stay in the large seabed prison at this time ... The Warring States have also reacted to it-pushing the city Changed!

"Abominable, even if you advance the city so fast ..." The Warring States Period angrily hammered the mast and turned into a huge golden Buddha.

The Warring States Period is also a fruit-capable person, and it is also a fantasy beast of the animal department-the fruit of everyone and the form of a big Buddha!

"Calm! The other side has injuries, can't hold on for a long time, and we have tens of thousands of navy, afraid of hundreds of thugs?" The hammer that opened the bow around the Warring States flew two hundred million pirates and shouted, trying to boost morale.

However, at this moment, a messenger shouted with a megaphone: "Marshal of the Warring States! No, it's bad, I just received the news of the Judiciary Island. The Judicial Island has been captured by the Revolutionary Army ... and the Navy of Marin Fodor. , The Supreme Court of the Seas was torched, and Deputy Chief Commander Spandall of cp9 was hijacked ... "

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