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Vol 2 Chapter 1318: Diplomat from Blackbeard

"Oh? Are you Lafayette?" Guan Liyuan looked at the white-skinned and thin rod in front of him and said with interest.

"It's a great honour that the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army actually heard the name of the scumbag ..." Lafitt said slightly surprised.

"The Devil Sergeant of the West Sea was deported by the State of Carranfoo because of violent law enforcement and causing a large number of civilian deaths. In fact, I asked someone to go to the West Sea to find you before, but I missed it." Guan Liyuan said.

"It's really a proud thing ... was it to kill me in the spirit of the revolutionary army? Or do you feel that I can actually be made?" Rafitt asked curiously.

"None, just want to use the waste." Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

Lafitte was not angry, but he bowed calmly and said, "Thank you for the value of Mr. Guan, but compared to the purpose of my visit this time, my business is insignificant ..."

"Then who do you represent now?" Guan Liyuan could probably guess, but still asked.

"I'm here to see Mr. Guan this time to represent the Ill Captain, Marshall D. Titch, to ask the Revolutionary Army for the Governor of the West Sea." Lafitte said.

Guan Liyuan gave him a curious look, and seemed to be saying "Who gives you confidence" ...

Governor of the West Sea?

So far, there is no such thing as "Governor" in the Revolutionary Army, but listening to the saying of the Governor of the West Sea, does Blackbeard want the governor of the entire West Sea? Why didn't he go to heaven?

In the original work, it is indeed Lafitte. After Blackbeard caught Ace alive, he dived into the Seven Wuhai Conference of Marin Fudo, and proposed to the Warring States that he wanted to obtain a vacant "Seven Wuhai" place for Tiki and paid. The exchange is identity-sensitive!

Now Blackbeard obviously can't do this. If I send Ace to Dongcang Island at this time, let alone the position of Qiwuhai, the Warring States will be alone with him in minutes-the navy can't stand the torment of the Whitebeard Pirates now. Already.

Lafitte came to Guan Liyuan at this time. In fact, the latter had a little joy in his heart. Although he knew that black beards were both hungry and wolf-feeding, they were even more dangerous than Cockdal, but ... In addition to fighting and dare to gamble, there is also an instinct to "benefit".

In the original work, the black beard lurked on the white beard ship for many years. After discovering the dark fruits, he rebelled immediately. Then he joined Qiwuhai at the best time. After the goal was achieved, he immediately stabbed the navy to go alone ...

Now the black-bearded people come to find themselves, at least to show that in the eyes of Tic, who has a vision, the revolutionary army has a great advantage!

"West Sea? Hahaha, your captain has a big appetite." Guan Liyuan smiled disdainfully.

"The appetite matches his own value ... Mr. Guan, who even knows me as an unknown little soldier, should know about the recent battle at Banaro Island, right?" Lafitte said.

The Battle of Banaro Island was not news in the news newspapers, but it is still very famous in the high-level circles of all parties ... The white-bearded second captain Ace, and the rebeled black-bearded man in Banaro Fighting, from the scene, the winner was Blackbeard, but after that Blackbeard and Ace disappeared.

"So?" Guan Liyuan asked without interest.

Is it necessary to use Ace? Roger's son is not worth the price! Guan Liyuan can think about binding Yim's son!

"You probably don't know the other identity of Potkas D. Ace? Not only is Captain White Beard as simple as that, but ... is the last of Gore D. Roger, White Beard and Governor Cap. , All know this. If Ace's identity is identified and sent to Dongcang Island, what would you guess will happen? Of course, this is the behavior of our Black Bearded Pirates, and has nothing to do with the Revolutionary Army. " Lafitte said.

Guan Liyuan has to say that these **** are shady enough ...

If it is just the white-bearded second captain, who is not very eye-catching, then announcing Ace's life and sending him to the Navy will undoubtedly make the Warring States a dilemma.

For the sake of the bigger picture, you can let go of the "White Captain's Second Captain", but no matter how you think about it, you can't let go of "One Piece's Son" or even secretly put Ace!

As for killing Isleyway with homeopathy?

For half a year ago, the Warring States Period might consider taking advantage of the opportunity to use the white-bearded pirate regiment to stand up, but now ... the reality does not allow him to consider such a thing at all. In the end of the 50,000 headquarters navy, the white-bearded toss can't be restrained.

And Blackbeard also said very intimately that he could send Ace in their name completely, to avoid Capu might cherish Guan Liyuan because of this.

However, Guan Liyuan still said, "It's just a navy. It's hard to make a big difference. It's not worth the West Sea."

"No, not only Ace, Mr. Guan is going to Dresrosa afterwards? We actually have some cooperation with Doflamingo now. If you have any ideas, we can arrange ..."

"Oh? When did I say I had an idea for Dresrosa?" Guan Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

That's right, this time Guan Liyuan quietly detoured to the New World and the preparations before Dorag, indeed, it was Dresrosa.

However, even many cadres of the Revolutionary Army, www.wuxiaspot.com, did not notify this matter. How could Blackbeard know about it?

"Mr. Guan does not have to rush to deny it. In fact, we are not sure. We just speculate from the current situation ... If Mr. Guan really wants to do something to Doflamingo, we can help one or two. If not, consider How's it going? "Lafitte said.

Under Guan Liyuan's gaze, Lafitte's expression did not change, and finally Guan Liyuan laughed and said, "Hahaha, interesting and fun ... Dresrosa? It is also good to use a flag of the Dragon Dragon Festival, but ... … It's just not enough to assist 'One or Two', is it enough? "

No matter what Lafayette thinks, Guan Liyuan pretends to have a temporary intention.

"In terms of Mr. Guan's strength, there is no difference between 'One Two' and 'Seven Eight', but just to see if this one or two is in a key position, isn't it?" Lafitte said.

Guan Liyuan was not surprised that Blackbeard had an alliance with Doflamingo.

After all, in the original work, the two had an unclear suspected ally relationship. In the battle at the top, Doflamingo was the only one who was not surprised by the appearance of the black beard, but lamented "the show started." And, when Lafayette proposed Blackbeard to be Qi Wuhai, it was also Doflamingo's first help ...

It just seemed that now, Blackbeard sold Deflamingo decisively.

Of course, Doflamingo certainly wouldn't trust Black Beard in its entirety. It's hard to say to what extent Black Beard can help him.

"This is the condition you exchange West Sea?"

"It's not 'the West Sea', it's just 'the Governor of the West Sea'."

"I want Ace, too, and don't have to hand it over to the Warring States Period. Send it to me."

"A successful deal, a good cooperation, Mr. Guan ..."

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