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Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Believe it or not, kill you

"No! I wield my sword for 'rescue'. I ... will not hurt anyone!"

Facing the difficulties of the record officer, Rebecca retorted in an inferior and humble manner, but there were some unharmonious voices around it. Obviously, many people here also recognized Rebecca--the Don Quixote family announced her Identity.

"Can't let her sign up!"

"Garbage, jerk, violent mania! She only defiles the bullfighting arena!"

"Yes, deprived her of enrollment!"

Guan Liyuan suspected that in addition to her character, Rebecca's sword skills of the style "backwater sword dance" were also related to her proving that the Liku royals were not addicted to killing.

"Wave a sword for 'rescue'? Hey, this is the first time I heard ... but you want to be a sword fighter, but the sword fighter has the rules of the sword fighter, the armor and weapons have a prescribed weight, you know Right? "The record officer smirked.

Rebecca nodded: "I know, I'm ready according to the rules ..." He raised his arm and motioned.

At this time, Rebecca, like the other players, had already put on the armor and weapons they had prepared-this is also something to check.

It's all about Li Yuan. I only took a long "broken sword" that didn't seem to be very valuable.

"No, you don't need to prepare it yourself, we have prepared armor for you." The record officer said that someone had lifted the shelf behind, with a bikini-style armor hanging on it.

Rebecca looked red and said, "No ... no, this is not convenient for fighting. I still use my own ..."

"No! It seems that you haven't figured it out yet. If you want to participate, you must use this special armor!" The record officer sternly said.

"There is no such rule, obviously as long as the weight is up to standard ..."

"Well, that ’s for other people, you guys, what qualifications are the same as others? If you are not satisfied, just get out! If you are satisfied, put on this armor and come back ... By the way, remind you that this armor The workmanship is very particular, and just meets the requirements, and one gram is not rich, so don't think about anything else cheating! Hahaha ... "The record officer laughed very annoyingly.

What is even more annoying is that at this time there was a roar of laughter and ... a roar and a whistle.

"If that's the case, she can get her registered!"

"Hahaha, I think so!"

"The man who designed the armor is a genius ..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe since he has inherited the blood of evil, are you ready to be a sword fighter?"

"Don't scare people away, hahaha ..."

Although some people remain silent, even frowning like Guan Liyuan, it may be because of Don Quixote's family, or because of the disgust of Rebecca's bloodline, at this time, there is no sound, and it can be perceived first. It is naturally these coquetts.

Rebecca's grievances continued to shed tears, but she barely cried, but instead reached out to take over the armor ...

However, Guan Liyuan behind moved at this moment and took two steps to reach Rebecca, which was directly opposite the record officer ...

"You, what are you doing? Don't you understand the line?" The record officer showed some cyanosis because of Guan Liyuan's size and the sword in his hand, but instead thought that people around the Don Quixote family, and even There were cadres in there, so the spirit was immediately full.

"The bullfighting arena has existed for 800 years. It relied on the word 'rule'. Failure to abide by the 'rule' means humiliation to all sword fighters and trample on the dignity of all sword fighters. The rule is that sword fighters prepare their own weapons and armor. Everyone must prepare by themselves, there is no **** organization to replace! "Guan Liyuan said in a deep voice.

After listening to Guan Liyuan's words, the noise of surrounding noises was smaller, some of the people who were originally laughing also became much quieter, and some of the people who originally felt such inappropriate, nodded secretly at this time ...

Of course, there is also some **** against Guan Liyuan intensifying at this time.

After the record officer gave a little sigh, he immediately said, "Bold! Is there a place for you to speak? I said this is the new rule, this is the new rule, she must wear the armor we provide! And ... you What dogs, dogs ... what were you talking about just now? Are you trying to slander the great Don Quixote family? "

With the "back" of the record officer, some of the trash still screaming and scolding, even more arrogant.

But Guan Liyuan said, "Your new rules? Yes, but I want to tell you one of my" old rules ". If someone tramples on my dignity, I will kill him directly!"

Guan Liyuan said that he had directly pushed his thumb out of the scabbard ...

The record officer looked at Guan Liyuan's serious eyes and said, "You, do you know what you are talking about? Do you dare to kill me? You know you will ..."

"What will happen to me? After killing you, I'll go and get a hundred straight wins! Anyway, I want to sign up as a sword fighter!" Guan Liyuan said softly.

That's right, the prisoner of death is also a "prisoner sword fighter". If he wins a hundred games in a row, he can be exonerated.

Anyway, I also want to be a sword fighter, and there is nothing to kill individuals ... No wonder!

In everyone's memory, no one has ever done a hundred straight victories, and the only one who has done it has now been forgotten.

In other words, all the death penalty prisoners finally died in the gladiatorial arena, and can the "Prisoner Sword Fighter" and the "Free Sword Fighter" be the same? The former must participate in daily life and death!

But looking at Guan Liyuan's serious eyes, the record officer swallowed with a guilty conscience ...

And Guan Liyuan also looked around at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The people who were originally coaxing, when they met Guan Liyuan's eyes, they lowered their heads.

"Either give up the humiliation to the sword fighters and complete the registration process normally, or ... I will kill you now!" Guan Liyuan's arrogant direct threat of murder.

"You ..." The recorder's mustache shuddered, not angry, but flustered!

Intellectually, he does not believe that the other party will do this. This is the territory of the Don Quixote family, but emotionally ... The recorder feels that the other party is looking at his own eyes as if he were looking at the dead.

And just then, someone finally released him.

"What happened? Has anyone messed up? Keep off, keep off!"

I saw a young woman wearing a maid costume, but with a strong voice. A young woman smoking a cigarette and carrying several weapons on her back, turned away from the crowd and walked around.

The record officer, as if he saw his relatives, said immediately: "Master Baby-5! Yes, he is disrupting the registration order and threatening to kill me! Please ... kekeke ... yeah, very arrogant."

He originally wanted to add something like "Please preside for me", but swallowed back in time ...

Many people know the weakness of Baby-5's character, but at the same time ... they also understand that this is absolutely unusable, even if accidentally triggered!

If it ’s Don Quixote ’s cadres, it ’s ok to joke with each other. If it ’s his shrimp, dare to trigger the weakness of Baby-5 ’s personality. For whatever reason, it will definitely be cleared by Doflamingo later "No, there is no chance to be a sword fighter. Many mad bees and waves have been verified with their own lives-this cheap account for the death!

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