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Vol 2 Chapter 1347: I doubt you want to sneak rules!

After Guan Liyuan took the lead, he began to talk about his specific vision ...

"Did you finish?" The three sisters, Smudge, listened to Guan Liyuan's "plan", and have transitioned from the initial shock to the present "faceless".

"Probably that." Guan Liyuan said with some guilty conscience.

"That is to say ... it's not even a" joint "at all, do you mean to let the mother's Pirates completely merge into the revolutionary army?" Stron said dismissively.

"You can say that." Guan Liyuan said bitingly.

The friendly three-sister Snamon, who has been performing, can't help but say, "Did you get water in your head? Would you like my sister to screw it out for you?"

But Smoky was still a little sensible at the moment, and put it another way: "What else can you bring? Don't say it is the **** of food ... far from enough."

Although BigM claims that if a certain **** of food has obeyed her, she can "finish it all from one side", but Smudge does not think that the wind of God's pillow is so powerful.

"No, my friend is still acting or not ... but I can promise that in the future,` `regardless of race, gender, qualifications, all people are created equal '' will always be one of the highest constitutions of the new government." Guan Liyuan said.

"Do you think it's okay?" Smudge asked after a few moments of silence.

Guan Liyuan was also silent ...

He understood what Smudge was asking was not whether this article could be considered one of the highest constitutions, but ... "may" be a condition for persuading BigM?

Although Guan Liyuan also had this kind of thought preparation when he came, ... Smudge's words undoubtedly make it clear that BigM is not a person who will be seduced by "dreams".

After all, as a daughter of BigM, and one of the top four stars, Smudge definitely knows BigM better.

"Anyway, try hard." Guan Liyuan said.

Guan Liyuan also understands that BigM is not for the people who can dream everything, even "Wanguo" said that it is BigM's dream, and it is far-fetched.

Although Guan Liyuan has only seen BigM three times, but with Guan Liyuan's understanding of her, this is an enhanced version of Luffy without the most basic moral constraints!

What is Luffy's dream? One Piece? Too general, to be precise, this is related to Luffy's definition of "One Piece". The most free man on the sea is the One Piece.

Say to Luffy with this kind of thought, work for me in the future, wait for us to lay Mary Joa, set up your statue there, and write "this man is one piece" ... Luffy will promise to be a ghost!

BigM is actually such a fan of extreme freedom, and BigM has more control than Luffy, but lacks a moral lower limit.

As for "the nations" ... it's just the ideal of Mother Carmelo and it's only the ideal of "BigM thinks" Mother Carmelo!

For BigM, "World" cannot afford the word "dream", at best it is "want" to do so.

However, Guan Liyuan did not intend to give up on this, and was still ready to talk to BigM.

"Mom's mood is not very good lately, I think you might be killed ..." Stroon grinned.

Smoky stopped her younger sister from continuing to talk about Guan Liyuan and BigM playing back then, and the two returned. No one said anything about the result. Stroun didn't know, but Smoki, one of the four star, knew .

"If you want to do the same, please talk to your mother before the next time Mr. Food God comes." Smudge said.

When looking forward to the coveted deliciousness, BigM's ability to tolerate silly "beep" will be greatly improved, and even if angered, as long as eating enough delicious desserts, BigM1 can restore San value ...

When Guan Liyuan just left Baldy, the white earth island, it was the last time a **** of food came to Cake Island, and it was almost half a year.

"By the way, you just said that BigM's mood is not good recently? Is something happening?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Because of this negotiation, Guan Liyuan also made a lot of preparations for BigM. After attempting to let a **** of food be rejected, Guan Liyuan also made other efforts.

For example, "order" Moria released Qi Feng, and received Qi Feng's letter. After all, after accepting the proclamation of Clockdal, Moria is still a subordinate of the League of Nations in nominal terms. This aspect must be given to Guan Liyuan. .

For example, Guan Liyuan also sent people to the small garden. Unfortunately, neither the green ghost Dongli nor the red ghost Broki had the intention to leave. Although the wine and meat photos regularly sent by the revolutionary army were all collected, they were only considered revolutionary forces at best. "Friends of Wine and Meat".

BigM is hated by the giants because of his early experience. At the same time, BigM has the highest sense of belonging to the giants. Therefore, I always regret that there are no giants in "All Nations".

In addition, the Giants are also one of the very few "soft spots" in BigM's heart. They are replaced by other races. BigM has long taken tough measures. Although the Giants are strong, they are still far from the Four Emperors.

Before the giant prince Rocky was going to marry Qi Feng, this opportunity to ease the relationship between BigM and the giant tribe was missed because Qi Feng escaped from marriage ...

If it is a giant family opening to discuss with BigM, and not to mention that BigM will directly agree, at least it will be more concerned.

However, it is a pity that the two friends of the Revolutionary Army only gave Guan Liyuan a secret code to make the country of giants "Albaff" believe that they have some friendship with the Revolutionary Army.

As for the decision directly related to "Elbaff", the two giants who have not gone back for more than 100 years will not follow the peace ...

Who said the giants had no brains?

It's just a simple "meat and meat", and you can only associate with them to the extent of "meal and friends"!

Dongli and Brockie also specifically told Guan Liyuan not to disclose their whereabouts ...

Therefore, Guan Liyuan estimates that the face of the two giant legendary warriors, although it is quite good to use when they descend part of the giant navy, it is not enough to want to use to dispel the giant's aversion to BigM. If it is the two of them, I may return with some opportunities.

As for Qi Feng's letter ...

The role is more limited, after all, Qi Feng had fled the marriage and left, and BigM has not yet forgiven her.

"It's not because of that **** of food! Since eating the dessert he made last time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mom's mood has been a little wrong! In the past few months we have gone to teach some unsavory guys and have not returned to IWC , Before it turned out that Brother Clay ... "

When Stron said about half, he was interrupted by Smoky: "Well, my mother has really been in a bad mood lately, so it is best to choose a good time to die."

"Well, I'll try to contact the God of Food to see if I can prepare the next dessert in advance." Guan Liyuan said.

Listening to what Stron meant, BigM was in a bad mood. Did it start a few months ago?

I do n’t know if it ’s really because of a certain **** of eating or if Stroun simply wants to complain ...

However, each kind of dessert of a **** of eating will make you feel happy. How can it lead to a bad mood? Could it be that the marriage proposal was rejected by a food **** ... but this is not the first time!

Guan Liyuan reacted to a certain **** of food. After a "guest" had a problem with his emotions continuing to decline after eating his dessert, a **** of food replied halfway: "Aren't you trying to threaten with a bad review, but you want to rule me? Don't even think about it! 】

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