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Vol 2 Chapter 1353: see through

"Slightly ... the big bad guy is coming, the big bad guy is coming ..."

Before entering the BigM's palace, Guan Liyuan saw Zeus with a white cloud and a baseball cap. He was floating outside and made a face when he saw himself ...

In the end, Bree still felt that there was only one Zeus by his side, which would be very offensive. It was better not to carry one at the same time. At the same time, Guan Liyuan should see that the strongest Homiz was still there, so he left Zeus outside the palace.

The reason why Zeus made a face at Guan Liyuan and called him a bad guy was because the three strongest Homiz had been wounded by Guan Liyuan during the previous duel with BigM.

After all, Guan Liyuan's soul attack can also cause damage to a soul creature like Homiz, and ... At that time BigM was still pregnant, of course, Guan Liyuan killed Homitz to kill chickens and tamarins.

Guan Liyuan ignored it and walked directly into the palace hall. At this time, the banquet was prepared with desserts and fruit juices!

BigM sat in the main seat and saw Guan Liyuan coming in, and he smiled fiercely: "Xiao Guanguan, why didn't you come with the God of Food this time? Only you, is there anything worth seeing?"

The real BigM saw Guan Liyuan, and Bacheng also responded in this way. Don't expect how friendly, and Bree naturally learns everything.

"The God of Eaters will come tomorrow, be ready for God of Eaters ... Today I came to Captain BigM to say another thing." Guan Liyuan said.

"If you are working with the Revolutionary Army, you don't need to speak! Kata has been sent to you. As for deeper cooperation ... Hehe, I can't accept your conditions, and you can't accept my conditions!" BigM Said impatiently.

"What are the conditions of BigM? Let's talk about ... really want to occupy ... Keke, I mean to tie the knot with the **** of food, it is not impossible to discuss ..." Guan Liyuan has always been easy-going.

"This ... if you can really persuade God, I'll give you Smudge, as well as her Majesty's Minister." BigM also spoke very well.

At this time, Keli, Smoky, and Perospero are also in the seat. Fortunately, Smoge also knows that if it is a real "mother", it is likely to say this line last night. During the rehearsal simulation overnight, everyone thought together.

Guan Liyuan also just swiped his lips and understood BigM's meaning that a **** of food was not worth the entire BigM Pirates.

"Captain BigM's 'All Nations' is good. Don't you want the world to be 'All Nations'?" Guan Liyuan offered the "Ideal" card.

"Every country is everywhere? Well, I'm afraid I can't control it. I spend every day collecting my soul. In case someone disobeys, I don't know how much effort it takes to punish ..." BigM said.

Bree, they rehearse well. Is this like BigM's temper? Are all races equal as “All Nations”? Do not! All obediently listen to the words of "Mom", that is the country.

After listening to BigM's words, Guan Liyuan also understood that it was no longer possible to achieve this goal "easily". The last chance might be to talk to her tomorrow ...

Suddenly Guan Liyuan reacted!

God of food? Didn't the God of Food mess up things before and make BigM suspect that he deliberately overcasts himself?

Even if BigM is not skeptical, at least the following are the ideas of the stars and ministers, otherwise most people will not be able to command Brin.

However, now that the God of Food is mentioned, why not only BigM, but even Perospero did not react too drastically?

And BigM can't see any signs of depression.

Although Guan Liyuan hadn't guessed that BigM was fake immediately, he also felt that it was against ...

As soon as this sense of disagreement appeared, Guan Liyuan also discovered more details. For example, BigM now wears a small crown instead of a pirate hat.

They didn't even think of Perospero. Guan Liyuan knew about Bu Lei and Jing Jing Fruit from the beginning, and although he didn't suspect that BigM would have any big problems at first, Brin had a horror last night.

Therefore, after discovering various contradictions, even if Guan Liyuan did not believe it, Perospero would have such courage, but still instinctively sensed BigM with his sense of domineering ...

Bree's ability to mirror the fruit, when imitating other people, could not see the smell of domineering, the only flaw is the copied image, the left and right are opposite.

The appearance of BigM is roughly symmetrical on the left and right. Although there are differences in details, Guan Liyuan and she are not yet mature enough to distinguish left and right.


Guan Liyuan slightly used his sense of domineering, and immediately "watched" BigM's mood swings ...

Not to mention how anomalous this emotional fluctuation is, normally BigM, as the power of soul fruit, Guan Liyuan can't perceive her soul fluctuation!

【what's the situation? Is BigM now fake ... they are coups? BigM's old loyal minister bread has also been caught? So I looked at me like that yesterday? Guan Liyuan secretly wondered.

"BigM, do you remember the results of our war?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Are you threatening me? It happened that I was pregnant for more than eight months. It was a dangerous time ... if you do it now, don't think you can leave Cake Island!" If it weren't for me, BigM would be killed how you look like.

"Guan Liyuan! If you really want to choose to do it on Cake Island, don't blame us for not being moral!" Perospero and others made a stance to be embraced.

Even if the other three emperors came to Cake Island alone, they would never be pleased.

Creole, Smoky, etc., were also nervous at this time ...

Although terrible, they were not unprepared for this "skeptical of Guan Liyuan".

At least ... it's just skeptical now!

Their biggest reliance, www.wuxiaspot.com, is just "doubt". As long as they are tough enough, the other party will definitely not dare to use their lives to make a bet to verify this "doubt".

After all, not everyone is like Caddo, who can live without death or even death.

Since BigM's current situation has nothing to do with Guan Liyuan, who would bet on life verification because of some small loopholes found?

At this moment, the generals and ministers present were ready to bet their guts with the opposite Boss.

However, at the next moment, Guan Liyuan shot directly to BigM on the throne!


Others obviously did not expect that Guan Liyuan would be so direct. The acrylic frame reacted first, and instantly made a few biscuits with large door panels, attached with a domineering color, and inserted in front of BigM, then Guan Liyuan Smashed in one punch ...

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