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Vol 2 Chapter 1371: Pinghai Cannon

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After more than a month of intense research work, the Revolutionary Army has imitated the Pluto secondary weapon and constructed the Pinghai Cannon. It has completed the final commissioning stage and can be put into production. It is divided into two types of ship-borne guns and self-propelled guns. "1/12" Unit-One unit is equivalent to one AOE of the Navy.

However, counterfeiting is expensive, nearly a hundred times that of ordinary ship guns, equivalent to a small combat ship ...

After Guan Liyuan got the plan from Frankie and Lindbergh, he crossed out the words “imitation of the Pluto ’s secondary weapon” with a disgusting look, and re-written “Independent R & D under the unremitting efforts of Guan Liyuan, Baby-5 and other people around the clock.” ".

Frankie and Lindbergh wanted to oppose, but were dismissed ruthlessly by Guan Liyuan-what kind of counterfeiting? Every time I drill in and debug, have I seen Pluto's drawings? Since it is not, it is independently developed!

Regarding Guan Liyuan's unreasonableness, Frank and Lindbergh could only roll their eyes. Anyway, this report was Guan Liyuan's own review, and he didn't know who he showed to ...

After Pinghai Cannon was approved for full production, Guan Liyuan also asked a serious question: "Actually ... there will be similar debugging tasks. If you find a woman to do it, willn't Baby-5 be shy? Isn't it necessary? Why don't you come to me? It's inconvenient for me to be so big. "

Frank and Lindbergh paused for a while, and then both came to realize ...

Sure enough, these two guys are because there are not many women in the research and development base, so they don't think about this!

As for Guan Liyuan?

It also came to my mind a few days ago, but Pinghai had to be developed at that time. Of course, Guan Liyuan had to bite his teeth and fight for the main force of research and development!

At the same time, others have not been idle for more than a month.

Dorrag has also made contact with the Lightmoon family of his country, and is ready to join forces to fight with Caddo.

Ace is said to be being tuned by a **** of food, and Guan Liyuan doesn't know if it's unreliable, isn't he learning to cook?

Marco, the white-bearded pirate group, quietly entered the West Sea when Ace worked hard for "tests", and seemed to be in trouble for getting black-beard.

The red-haired Shanks still floated heartlessly at sea ...

The center of Mary Joa lived up to expectations in the dispute and gave the revolutionary army the best development time!

It is precisely because everything is carried out step by step that Guan Liyuan has time to devote himself to research and development.

However, the days of "quietness" have also come to an end. The conflict between Mary Joa's center, Chairman Zefa and Speaker Karp, is very high. Zefa has repeatedly rejected the resolution to pass the war in parliament ...

Now in Maria Joia, not only the Warring States also tends to be moderate, but since the outbreak of the road-protection movement, Rob Luki, who was with Zefa under the Air Force Speaker, has also begun to move closer to the Warring States.

After Zefa found that he couldn't bypass Karp, he offered to resign ...

And Karp, the Warring States, and others were not effective. After resolutely resigning, Zefa left Mary Joa directly and came to the Chambord Islands to stay there. Also leaving Mary Joa ’s army!

Originally, before the dissolution of the Old World Government, the Shatti Islands was occupied by Katakuri. At that time, the Shatti Islands uprising was led by Katakuri. Later, the League of Nations was established, and Katakuri was also drawn into Mary Joe. Asia Central.

Theoretically, after Katakuri's independence from the BigMom Pirates Regiment, although it has relations with the revolutionary army, it should be more true that it belongs to the local faction of the Paulo Alliance, so it has not been swept out of Maria Joa. Lu Qi walked closer.

It was just that the Shampoo Islands had long been taken over by the empty new army. After the steel skeleton was dead, the new army was unsealed. At this time, it was occupied by Zeda's NEO navy.

Even if Zefa resigned from the post of "Chairman", it would still be the "handle" of the old world government factions.

After Zefa proved his importance with practical actions, the parliament did not dare to elect a new chairman after he resigned.

The center of the League of Nations, Maria Joia, is almost in a state of paralysis-one with a sense of righteousness but no one, one with someone but no righteousness, the two sides are deadlocked ...

Guan Liyuan hoped that they would "separate" for a lifetime, but when Guan Liyuan led the development of the "Pinghai Cannon", he had already received the news that Chi Dog intends to mediate the disputes between the two parties, and countless expectations that the old world government factions can be reunited into one. With the hopes of the energetic, ruling MPs, they have set off for Mary Joa.

When he saw this news, Guan Liyuan also felt that those members who were eager for reconciliation between the two parties were heads in the water. Red dogs have a face all day long. How can they be a mediation person?

I did n’t know that Lieutenant General Stierez, who was following the red dog and served as his deputy at this time, had the same doubts. Originally, the red dog also dismissed and even gloated over the division of Mary Joa, but since a few days ago, Zefa secretly and red After contacting the dog once, the red dog appeared very restless.

He even released the supernova pirate "Carpenter Becky" that he caught a while ago, and seemed to have reached a consensus with him. At this time, Carpenter Becky also wore navy clothes and remained on the Red Dog's ship.

And in contrast, the words of these red dogs still wear the navy uniforms of the old world government style until now. Although the red dog himself was awarded the rank of admiral of the League of Nations, he also wore the "justice" of the three naval generals. coat.

At the same time, after returning to Cake Island, Guan Liyuan also saw Ace who had "special training" for more than a month ...

Guan Liyuan originally asked for "long bread" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but after a few days of Ace's death, he was replaced by a **** of food to toss him.

When he first got the news, Guan Liyuan was not sure whether a certain **** of food could teach Ace ...

After all, Guan Liyuan only knew that a certain **** of food in the pirate world mastered several different overlords and domineering, and did not know much about the power of the **** of food in the pirate world.

More importantly, Guan Liyuan's most clear ability to eat God must be extended in his world ... Can it really be taught to others? Isn't it really teaching Ace to cook?

After returning to Cake Island, Guan Liyuan went to take a look at God of Food and Ace, but found that Ace was really cooking ...

"Hey, hey, are you very laid back?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly to Fried Rice Ais.

I saw Ace's hands turning into flames and holding the pot at this moment ...

Guan Liyuan didn't dare to say that the **** of food is not responsible for his or her career—they ’s true job is to cook and return to Guan Liyuan in minutes.

Had to criticize Ace.

However, Ace turned his attention to the pot, as if the eggs and rice in it contained some heaven and earth, the universe and the mystery of the universe.

"He's kind of talented," said God of Food, comfortingly.

Guan Liyuan grinned aside, indeed ... It is unusual for a chef apprentice who can turn himself into a "fire"!

After waiting for a while, Ace finally cooked the rice and found that Guan Liyuan was also behind him, and gave him a bowl ...

"Please taste it! My scorching hot fried rice!" Ai Shi said with a high tone.

Is this "beep" your line!

Guan Liyuan growled in his heart, wanting to put fried rice on his head!

However, he was hungry just now and could not waste food. Guan Liyuan decided to eat enough and then scolded the chef ...

Really scent ...

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