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Vol 2 Chapter 1373: Red dog :? ? ?

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"The red dog went to Mary Joa to mediate the battle between Zefa and Master Cap? The red dog ... I have also seen it once. When did he have the skill of mediation?" Ace also slipped his lips when he knew.

Guan Liyuan didn't say much, just expected in their hearts that the longer the mediation time, the better!

In the following half month, Ace completed the "two-month fight against the **** of loss" to the **** of food, and learned from the Revolutionary Army channels that the Mikura brothers formed the Pirates in the North Sea. North Sea.

Both Mikura brothers have bounties in excess of 300 million-considering the years when the two were arrested, there are already a lot of 300 million, and the amount of gold is equivalent to the current 500 million or 600 million bounty.

Those who are "Rhino Fruit · White Rhino Form" and "Bird Bird Fruit · Rhino Bird Form" were said to have begun a siege of Roger, which caused Roger to fight and defeat the two.

It is not known how reliable "supposedly" is and what the so-called "fighting" is.

The two brothers also sent out when Guan Liyuan captured the advancing city. Although No. 2 was a bit reluctant, it was just right as the "first battle" of Ace ...

Guan Liyuan was not worried about his safety. The two brothers belonged to the better-faced people. Ace met them directly as the son of Roger and asked for "1vs2", they were absolutely embarrassed to use other conspiracy tricks.

And his "teacher" was a god-eater, and gave him a vacuum-sealed "bento", saying that when he was in danger, he could throw it out ...

Although Guan Liyuan did not understand why the bento would have an effect on the enemy, but ... for now, the **** of food is probably reliable.

At the same time, just after Ace left Cake Island, another news of Mary Joa swept the sea!

It's even more wonderful than the separation of the previous Speaker and Chairman!

When Red Dog came to Mary Joa, she actually used the name of mediation to contact the unstoppable Denon forces in Mary Joa. When she met Karp, she attacked Karp severely, and seriously injured Karp. Bring in Mary Joa, and control Mary Joa's center ...

After that, Red Dog invited the Five Stars who were under house arrest by the League of Nations, saying that "the world misses the world government." What kind of League of Nations is not reliable? Please ask the Five Stars to return to the mountain. Form a world government and abolish the League of Nations.

When Guan Liyuan saw the first-hand news from the dark channel, he couldn't help but have a toothache—this can really be done!

As for how the five thousand elite old navy mixed with Mary Joa with the red dog, Guan Liyuan was not surprised when he saw the name of "Carpenter Becky" also appeared in the seal.

Capone Becky is a Superman-based "Strong City Fruit" capable person, who can turn a small body into a castle, enter the people or things in it, the proportion will be reduced, and it will return to normal when it comes out. Thousands of people can easily get involved if they are specially prepared.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan complained about Karp in his heart: What about a good dog punching a red dog? You just kneel like this?

Immediately, Guan Liyuan also thought that because there was no top battle in the original work, the world did not have a "Kapu one punch second red dog" ...

Otherwise, the old guy will definitely lose face! Even now ... as a legendary hero in the navy, it was not pleasant to be "peckered" by red dogs.

But in fact, if Karp can refute, he will definitely cry-do you know what a sneak attack is? Originally, Karp only looked at red dogs that were not pleasing to his eyes. Who knew he was so brave?

And although Capone is a supernova, as a big speaker, Carp has only heard his name a few times. This time, he still used the fake identity of the former admiral to see himself with Red Dog ...

When the red dog first started, and Capu was attracted full attention, Capone suddenly opened the castle exits all over the body. The old navy hidden in it, and some strong guns and guns all went together. Among them were several swordsman class Slash, the attack of the devil's fruit ability ... Can Cap not succeed?

Really singled out a lot of results, but Karp, who was in an injured state, faced a siege led by a red dog, and it was normal to kneel.

Fortunately, Red Dog did not dare to kill Karp directly. Even Karp refused to issue a large speaker order and refused to convene a parliament. Through the reorganization of the world government, he was only detained ...

Guan Liyuan is really curious, who gave the red dog the courage to make him dare to inspire the world government?

From the perspective of popularity, even if the League of Nations is so unsatisfactory, it is much higher than the praise of the world government. From the perspective of strength ... Red dogs are taking advantage of Zefa and the Warring States. Qiao Ya, the master and the soldiers are all empty, and they are just taking advantage of "unprepared".

Are the troops in the Shamphat Islands, Malin Fudo, Dongcang Island and other places vegetarian?

As for desperation, use obliteration fruit ...

After the death of the Speaker of the Sky, the fruit of the killing was not far away, and Mary Joan was reborn. It was quickly searched by the League of Nations and placed on the empty throne again.

But ... In order to show the strength of the commitment, the League of Nations legislation banned gold from entering into Mario Joa, and even the tax deducted from gold was kept in the Shampoo Islands and Marin Fudo!

Even if it is a little vault, selling the red dog will not erase any important things ...

In fact, not only Guan Liyuan, Red Dog's deputy Lieutenant General Stierez was also startled, but he did not expect his boss to be so fierce!

"Mr. Sakowski ... Marshal, we just laid down Mary Joa, and announced the revival of the world government ... is it revival ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is it a little too urgent?" Stierez said very gently, in fact He was more inclined to do this because the brain of red dogs was evaporated!

"Don't worry, I have my own plans, Malin Fodor and Dongcang Island's old, weak, and sick are not a concern. As for Teacher Zefa in the Shampatian Islands ... Do you know why I am just a Marshal?" Chi Dog asked calmly.

When Sttierrez's eyes brightened, he felt relieved ...

That's right, although the Red Dog was originally a naval general of the old world government, but the restoration ... Ah, no, the restoration of the world government's so much credit is actually just promoted to the navy marshal? What about the position of General Marshal of the whole army?

After listening to Red Dog's explanation, Shitierrez realized that it turned out ... Mr. Zefa had hinted that Red Dog did this, so the General Marshal of the army must be Mr. Zefa.

It is even conceivable that the future "General Marshal of the Army" will no longer be subject to the restraint of the five old stars. In the future, the world government may operate with the "General Marshal of the Army" as the core, but it does not matter ... at least the world government is back!

As the deputy of Red Dogs, Stierrez naturally also expressed his heart to the world government!

After that, on the second day of the restoration of the world government, waiting for Zefa to take the lead, all over the world reverted to their sincerity ...

Zefa publishes obituaries against red dogs, calling on the local army to jointly counterattack Mary Joa-in fact, it is just for the "calling" of the "leading brother" name, in fact, there is no need for anyone to help.

Zefa directly instructed Qing Ye to lead the original naval faction as a vanguard. After his NEO navy was overwhelming, he killed Marjorie back.

From Shampoo Islands to Mary Joa, in a few hours ...

Strieres watched the red dogs stinging after receiving the obituary, and whispered, "Marshal Sakowski, have we been tricked?"

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