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Vol 2 Chapter 1380: Zou Colossus

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On the colorful juice number, Guan Liyuan's phone bug rang suddenly, watching the phone bug's response, it was still a strange number.

However, since it can be directly contacted by phone bugs, the distance should not be too far, and there is no strong magnetic field interference.

"Hey, is it Brother Guan?" Said a confident female with a lazy voice.

"Excuse me ..." Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Hahaha, the first call, it was my father with white beard that asked me to look for the giant statue of Zouwu, and then told Brother Guan you, you can call me Huaidibe." The girl said.

Ice Witch, White Bay!

His Majesty the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the Ice and Snow Pirates, is also the number one in the New World.

But ... this doesn't matter, what's important is that Guan Liyuan always feels that he has been taken advantage of ...

"Dad" tells you "Brother"?

Wouldn't the white beard deliberately let out so many people on the sea, and take advantage of yourself to touch porcelain?

It ’s just that this is n’t the time when Guan Liyuan inquired about the location of Huaidibe. The result was that the angle between the three islands came over. After the calculation, the approximate position is determined-because the pointer is shaking, it is not very accurate.

"Is it three days? Yes, I ’ll watch it for Brother Guan, but ... I also found the Beast Pirates. They are also a group of people who are exploring the road. They are not big troops. Instructed, but I can only be careful not to trouble my dad, which won't help my brother in this regard. "Whitby said.

"Cheng, just follow the Zouwu elephant. Don't move around. I'll send you oranges!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Ha ha ha, Brother Guan is polite, but then again, Brother Guan's mind is really easy to use. This triangulation method was created by Brother Guan?"

Guan Liyuan reluctantly took the advantage back, and after a few polite words he hung up the phone.

"Find the Zou giant elephant?" Smoky the long-legged frown asked.

"Well, it's almost the same along the current route, and I will confirm with her again every six hours." Guan Liyuan greeted Waitibe before.

"Oh." Smudge looked unhappy.

"Do you know Waitibe?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Guan Liyuan didn't do anything, and Smudge was unhappy, it must be Huaidibei.

"Nothing, once invited her to my boat, but was rejected." Smudge said.

"Boarding" here is definitely not the meaning of inviting her to be a guest, nor the insinuation of inviting her to engage Ji, but the meaning of inviting her to join the party!

"Her fruit is good enough to chill my drink," Smudge added.

Guan Liyuan: ...

In fact, Guan Liyuan also knew that Huaidibe did not deliberately take advantage. Calling him "brother" was actually a close expression. This is the "pirate group culture" of the White Bearded Pirates.

The next day, Guan Liyuan did math problems every six hours, and then reported the data to the sailor of the colorful juice boat.

The closer the target is, the smaller the error will be. Although it is a bit difficult to merge with a ship under this error, but after almost two and a half days, Guan Liyuan has been able to see the shadows on the horizon. !!

"Is that the giant statue of Zouwu?" Guan Liyuan said, pointing to the distance or the shadow of "a group."

Because the foot is a "star", the first thing you see on the sea is the back of the giant statue of Zouwu, so you can't determine whether it is the shape of an elephant.

"It should be that ordinary islands cannot be so much higher than the sea surface." Smudge also only heard about the Zouwu elephant. After all, it takes luck to encounter this thing.

At this time, Whitby contacted Guan Liyuan again.

"Bebe, we have already seen the giant statue of Zouwu, no need to report the coordinates." Guan Liyuan said.

"Already seen? That's great, Brother Guan, you guys hurry ... the beast army is here! This is not a normal size, and I have seen a few incredible guys," said Wadibe.

"What? It's almost here ... what about you? If you don't find you, let's withdraw! We will deal with it later." Guan Liyuan said.

Because there was no fighting voice from Whitby, Guan Liyuan's tone was not too urgent.

In fact, in terms of distance alone, the Beast Pirates Group should be at least two days earlier than Guan Liyuan. However, some people also reported their position next to the giant statue of Zouwu. Obviously, the other party was farther away. The more you need to avoid extreme weather, the second is ... Guan Liyuan's positioning method is indeed more accurate, which is much better than the traditional "XX island is about XX degrees away from XX meters".

"Rest assured, they've actually found out. To be precise, I discovered each other with the Pathfinder team from the beginning ... But I don't want to fight with them, do they want to fight with my dad?" Whitby's tone was still full of confidence And also a little lazy.

Indeed, don't look at the fact that Whitby is underpopulated, but because she is underpopulated, there is only one pirate group under her jurisdiction here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hundred Beast Pirate Group will not be difficult for her.

One is because the beast pirate group also has to face, and the target is not a white-bearded person. It is not necessary to take all the main forces of his own house and bully one of the pirate groups under the jurisdiction of the white-beard. Second, if it is a normal battle, It ’s not that you lost your life, and Whitebeard wo n’t intervene. It ’s just a kid, but if all the main forces of the Beast Pirates are bullying on Huaidibei, it ’s bullying Whitebeard ’s family!

The colorful juice fleet, after learning that the Beast Pirates had arrived, rushed towards the Zouwu Elephant at full speed.

But ... Wangshan runs dead!

Now the Zouwu elephant is right to say that it is a mountain in the sea. The net height on the sea is three to four kilometers, not to mention the deep sea bottom of the Pirate World, which has a depth of about 10,000 meters ...

what? The disproportionate body of the Zouwu elephant?

That's right, it must be different from normal elephants, otherwise it looks like normal elephants on the sea. Isn't the 10,000-meter sea negligible for the Zouwu elephant? Even if the planet can't hold it ...

In fact, in the creator universe, the author of the original work also drew an analytic drawing of the Zouwu giant elephant when answering the reader's question-that is, a long-legged elephant with legs several times the length of a normal elephant.

It is said that the inspiration may come from Dali's abstract painting "Space Elephant", but according to the forum theory, it should be the concept of the existence of the Zou giant elephant in the Pirate World. It first spilled into the creator universe and was inspired by Dali's thinking. Later the inspiration of the original author was drawn in the meditation.

But even so, the sea part is a mountain ... and it is not a hill!

The Colorful Juice Fleet advanced at full speed, and it took half a day to arrive. At this time, you can also see the pirate fleet below, dozens of small and large. After discovering the Colorful Juice Fleet, a team greeted ...

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