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Vol 2 Chapter 1678: Zi Xuan's Decision

The evil sword immortal did not let everyone "disappoint". On the next day, almost all the immortal gates got the news-thousands of half-demons and monsters gathered on the side of Chuanshu, and even issued "slang" It is to come to Japan and fight with the Daomen League!

And at this time in the Promise Pavilion ...

"Qian Kun Liang Yi array? What is this?" Guan Liyuan looked at Canggu in doubt.

Canggu just proposed a large formation method, hoping to use it as the battlefield for tomorrow!

Others in the various factions did not know until then-the original mountain guard team of Shushan was connected to the lock demon tower. Once the repair was started, the mountain guard team would fail. Actually, the main method of the mountain guard team was two years ago. After a while ...

Therefore, no one proposed to repair the lock demon tower one day in advance. No matter when the repair started, the evil sword fairy must have called at that time!

"This was created by the Taiqing ancestors. At that time, the Shu Shan Dao League fought with the bandits ..." Cang Gu heard the explanation.

Bandit ...

Well, the king defeated the emperor, and Emperor Liang Wu died in Shushan. He is not a bandit who is a bandit?

What Guan Liyuan cares more about is the effect of the "Qiankun Liangyi" array!

According to Canggu's explanation, this large array is also very applicable at present, because the biggest feature of the formation method is that it does not need to perform too many exercises in advance, as long as it is a practitioner, holding a banner, and holding a specific position Yes, its technical content is very high ... but it's all on the array, and it has little to do with the people who set it up, that is, fool-style operation.

After all, the "Shushan Dao League" at that time consisted of dozens of martial arts and a lot of casual repair unions. Although these martial arts were all in Shushan before, it was impossible to communicate too deeply ...

But now on Shushan, most of them are also disciples of other factions. They practice different styles of skills and do not usually play together, similar to the situation of the Shushan Daomeng.

At this time, the "Qiankun Liangyi Array" is the most suitable for exerting everyone's strength, and there is even an advantage, that is fool-like operation, so that even if there is traitor in the array, it will not affect the general trend!

In addition, this formation has another characteristic, that is, its defensive power is divided into two parts, that is, the dry formation and the kun formation, which can be put together into a circle, and the strength of the two formations can be transformed into each other ...

"Elder Canggu means ... that those evildoers will be put into the Kun array at that time?" Shen Yundao people understood Canggu's meaning.

"Yes, that evil sword fairy has already created so many half-demons, and collusioned with many demon clans from all over the place ... If they are only blocked from Shushan, I am afraid that after the defeat of the war, they will spread the world and bring life to life. If he can do his part in the battle ... "Canggu's eyes flashed with cold light.

In other words, the demons will be placed in the first line of defense, that is, the "kun array", and then blocked between the two lines of defense-this person in the array is also on the two lines of defense. In the meantime, as long as it is not dead, no one can enter the "dry array", and do not avoid worrying about the lock demon tower!

Guan Liyuan thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this method.

What Canggu was worried about at this time was exactly what Guan Liyuan was worried about when he was in southern Xinjiang.

"However, unless Zi Xuan completes the repair of the lock demon tower, then ... you must not change the line." Guan Liyuan specially reminded, in case the evil sword immortal that the course became deeper and deeper showed weakness.

"That's right, repairing the lock demon tower is the top priority." Canggu said.

"In addition ... I will not be there when the time comes, I will stay in the land of Qiankun." Guan Liyuan added.

The land of Qiankun, which is the center of the formation, which is where the lock demon tower is located, is like a typhoon's eye, where it will not be affected by the formation.

Canggu hesitated for a while, and representatives of other factions have already expressed their approval-everyone is still assured of the action of the League of Lords.

When Canggu saw this, he naturally only agreed with a bitter smile.

That night, Xu Changqing had to stay overnight, preparing for the final five-spirit sword array, and the other four elders would be with him, this time Zi Xuan didn't stop.

Instead, they looked for Guan Liyuan, Sedum, and Longkui, and they specifically called for the snow in Lvluo Mountain to see each other, and the four had a drink in a quiet place in Shushan ...

Now that it is known that the Shushan Fleet of Shushan is broken, Guan Liyuan directly asked Xiao Hupa to “open the door” to meet the snow—without the Hushan Fleet, I ca n’t find it!

Guan Liyuan knew that Zi Xuan said goodbye to everyone ...

"Sister Zi Xuan! You are going to repair the lock demon tower tomorrow? I heard the demon evil ... you are so good, look at the bad old men in Shushan in the future, if there is no face to stop you." Xuejian said with a smile.

Zi Xuan also smiled, but inevitably appeared uninteresting.

Sedum saw this, and coaxed specifically for the hot field: "After Sister Zi Xuan, I will definitely have to live with Brother Xu. I don't care what they think about it, I'm afraid we won't even see it!"

"Xiaotian talked again, how could it be so, then ... I will remember you." Zi Xuan said with a smile.

"Haha, that's good, this glass of wedding wine, I must drink it." Jing Tian said.

However, there was some whispering in Red Dragon Crow's heart-saying "not seeing" and not saying "forgetting", what does it mean to "remember" us?

But at this time, the blue dragonfly was showing out, so it did not show any abnormalities.

Guan Liyuan could not help but asked, "Is he ... not nearby?"

When Zi Xuan heard Guan Liyuan's tone, she knew that "he" refers to the demon respect building, and shook her head: "It should be absent. When I was in the Underwater City before, I tried to take him away."

"Eh? Are you talking about Hongmao? He shouldn't hurt us, right?" Jingtian may be called Shunkou, who was told his name last time.

Zi Xuan heard it, but just shook her head and said, "We don't need to mix in with our human race."

Guan Liyuan remembers that in the original work, there is a **** and a demon in the submarine city, and there is a man and a woman ...

However, when Chonglou and Feipong were in a decisive battle and the demons suddenly invaded the realm of the gods, the realm of the demon and the realm of the gods sent them to find them.

This also proves from the side that when the demon army sent troops, Zhonglou should not know, otherwise, who would be notified?

However, this demon and a **** met halfway, and fought, and somehow later ... the fighting spirit turned into a hormone, love at first sight, and both eloped to the realm!

I want to come to these two are the second pit goods of God Realm and Demon Realm ...

Not long ago, the fire on the bottom of the sea broke out. This **** and a monster forcibly lived along the coast. They forced the undersea city covering their whereabouts to stop. As a result, they were not only discovered and captured by the gods, but also because they were unwilling to attack any gods and demons ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ simply use all the magic and magic to seal the underground fire, and eventually die ...

Guan Liyuan suddenly thought that in the original work, this also happened a while ago from the Sealed Lock Tower.

In other words, even in the original work, Zi Xuan is likely to use this to lead a idiot away, or if Zhonglou always follows her, she may enter another "final" ...

As in the old and new versions, Li Xiaoyao's different answers to contemplative ghosts ... If different endings are regarded as different lines of cause and effect, there is a possibility that Zi Xuan will not die.

That is, Zhonglou will replace her and complete the "repair" of the Locked Monster Tower!

However, the Wulingfa Town of the Locked Demon Tower was set up by the Divine Realm, and the building was rebuilt to "repair" the Locked Demon Tower. Obviously, the professional is not the right one. What he can do is to completely wipe out the prohibition of the Divine Realm and then re-lay the prohibition ...

In this way, even for Zhonglou, it is too dangerous. In this ending, Zhonglou cannot even return to the Devil because of overdraft magic. He has been in the human world for more than ten years, and even feels he has to wait for the scene. When Tianlun returns to the next life, he can restore his strength himself—think of Du Xuan, a demon with no magic remains in the human world. Once discovered by the **** world, don't die too badly!

Even when fighting against the building and flying ponchos, the demon world bypassed his demon to see the soldiers, Guan Liyuan suspected that he did not even have the magic of shuttle between the two realms, but did not dare to return to the devil rush before he recovered!

In short, you can resurrect the demon Lord Xuejian and Dragon Sunflower in your hands. If you want to keep Zi Xuan, you have to pay great danger.

After all, Zi Xuan is different from other glamorous construction goods ... Although she was willing to abandon everything for "love", she chose the mission of the son-in-law and did not sacrifice "innocent" for this reason, so she went there specifically Donghai will lead away the heavy building ...

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