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Vol 2 Chapter 1684: Robbed

"Uncle? How can you ..." Chang Hao was startled and was about to ask, but was interrupted by Canggu.

"I will completely dissipate soon, and there are still a few things to explain. The disciples must not interject ...

The pot of the evil sword immortal was passed by my five brothers. Fortunately, Shushan disciples and various friends from all factions helped each other. This calmed down the robberies. I am very grateful to the five masters and brothers. Do it! I just waited for the three of them, and almost caused a great disaster, engulfed by the evil sword fairy. Fortunately, I was helped by the Lord of the Alliance to avoid this disaster ...

Disciples of Shushan have used this incident to slander the Confederate Lord in the future. Regardless of the reason, they will be treated as a traitor, and all of you will be witnesses!

In addition, after the first brother Qingweixian went, he took charge of the poor Taoism. He died today and was included in the head of Shushan. He will be the nephew of Xu Changqing in the future. Three heads ... "

When Xu Changqing heard this, he couldn't help interrupting: "Uncle Canggu, the disciples are now ordinary people ..."

Canggu just looked at him, and continued: "The rise and fall of Shushan, one thought in Ru ... it must not ... because of the private affairs of children ..."

Without saying anything, the remnants of the three Canggu have exhausted themselves to dissipate ...

Before waiting for Xu Changqing's response, there was already an Elder Shushan, who took the lead and worshiped: "Please Xu Zhangmen to lead Shushan and help the right path in the world!"

Most of the other elders and disciples also have the same learning style, a pair of people who are not in charge of Xu Changqing ...

On the one hand, Xu Changqing is well-known in Shushan, on the other hand ... more pragmatic consideration-after the evil sword immortal, Shushan not only fell prestige and was regarded as the "culprit", but also died before and after Shushan Five The existing strength and prestige cannot match the status of Shushan, and the words of the descendants of the son-in-law just now have been heard by the elders of Shushan who are close. Xu Changqing is expected to achieve true immortality in a short time ...

In other words, if Xu Changqing becomes the new head of Shushan, maybe Shushan ... wouldn't it be miserable, at least if he could restore his vitality?

Of course, the pragmatic school with this idea will be very pleased in the next two decades. Xu Changqing ... It's not just as simple as restoring Shushan's vitality!

Although Chang Hao was unwilling at this time, except for a few of his devoted supporters watching him, most of the other Shushan disciples were asking "Xu Zhangmen" to take orders ...

In particular, Chang Hao's supporters are mainly concentrated in the junior disciples, and most of the other Shushan elders after the death of the five olds are more optimistic about Xu Changqing.

Chang Hao probably also understood that Xu Changqing's succession could not be stopped at this time, and his rash opposition would only have fewer opportunities in the future, so he also pretended to invite Brother Xu to succeed ...

Xu Changqing didn't pay attention to Chang Hao, but Zi Xuan's affairs made him unable to let go, so he deliberately rejected it.

However, thinking of Cang Gu's entrustment, Zi Xuan's words before she died, and the current embarrassment of Shu Shan, Xu Changqing finally accepted the position of head ...

After that, the most important figures among the immortals were mostly in Shushan at this time. Xu Changqing performed an overly rude inauguration ceremony before locking the demon tower. Some elders opposed it originally, but Xu Changqing "stayed alone", they naturally also Opposition is invalid.

At the same time, they are also able to understand some of Xu Changqing's good intentions. Perhaps this is exactly Xu Changqing expressing his determination to keep everything simple and starting from scratch in this time of abandonment!

Guan Liyuan took back the Wulingzhu while everyone was not paying attention—the Wulingzhu has become five ordinary stones at this time.

Wu Ling Zhu is not the same as Dragon Ball. After being exhausted, even if it reappears, it will not borrow the previous body. Guan Liyuan can only retrieve it as a souvenir.

After Xu Changqing noticed, he specifically re-committed to Guan Liyuan. The three things that Shushan had promised Guan Liyuan before will still be valid in the future ...

Although the deaths of Canggu, Youxuan, and Jingming were related to Guan Liyuan ... there seemed to be some relationship, but at this time, no one raised the matter, even Chang Hao just thought about it in his heart.

Guan Liyuan did not quit, this is the reward he deserves.

As for the reason why the five stones that were transformed into the five spirit beads were retrieved, it is not just to remember ...

It was because when Zi Xuan was casting a spell before, the red fire-the fire spirit god-the true spirit was hiding in the fire spirit beads!

From Zi Xuan spit out the water spirit beads, the spirit began to disintegrate, and the red fire secretly contained some fragments of Zi Xuan's soul in a secret method ...

See the thunder spirit and earth spirit **** sweating!

Although "theoretically" the emperor's son-in-law has already died, but ... who knows the truth? At this time, he may be found in the descendants of son-in-law, maybe he will be found!

However, the red fire still did ...

It is not surprising that she can do this. After all, Zi Xuan's secret method of inner Dan was left by Chihuo in the past, and she is no stranger to it.

But just collecting some soul and soul fragments, not even the soul, can only be said to retain a hope of resurrection.

As for why Red Fire did this?

In the words of God of Thunder—What do women think, how do we know?

Guan Liyuan estimated that it was Zi Xuan's approach that touched the red fire?

However, because she did not know her past, Guan Liyuan was not sure.

At this time, this shard of spiritual soul was confined to the sacred stone transformed by the fire spirit pearl. As for how to resurrect Zi Xuan, the five spirit gods did not know or even dare to determine whether it could be resurrected!

It was obviously too abrupt to just retrieve the stones transformed by the Fire Spirit Pearl, so Guan Liyuan picked up five together.

Guan Liyuan didn't tell Xu Changqing about it. After all, telling him couldn't help him, and Guan Liyuan couldn't explain how he did it. An accidental accident might expose the five spirit gods ...

Compared to the "master of Shushan", after the overly simple succession ceremony, the disciples of the various immortal gates did not stay much. At this time, Shushan apparently did not have the intention to entertain the guests, and they left one after the other.

Guan Liyuan and Jingtian also resigned to Xu Changqing at noon the next day ...

Although Xu Changqing was filled with the son-in-law's aura yesterday ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, she was tired at this time.

Just when the three of them said goodbye to each other in the Wuji Pavilion, suddenly a vast expanse of indescribable Qi machine came from the direction of the lock demon tower, and just the Qi machine, which had not really triggered the aura tide, had already shook Shushan ... ...

The well of the demon is penetrated? Tianwei's door reopened? King Yan Luo opened the ghost door?

"Not good!" Xu Changqing's eyes flashed for the first time in these days.

Although Xu Changqing tried to persuade himself with a sense of responsibility, Zi Xuan's "departure" made him unable to concentrate. The sense of responsibility towards Shu Shan and the contradictory mind of wanting to retreat from this place have been lingering in his heart.

At this time, the change in the direction of the lock demon tower undoubtedly stimulated Xu Changqing's dual emotions towards Shu Shan and Zi Xuan at the same time!

Guan Liyuan and Jing Tian immediately followed Xu Changqing to rush past, and saw a red-haired and red-haired figure standing in the air in front of the lock demon tower ...

It is licking ... the invincible demon respect building!

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