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Vol 2 Chapter 1693: Advent of Pokémon

"嘤 嘤-嘤!"

I saw on the stage, I was maintaining the state of **** and evolution, while holding up the long sword condensed by pink crystals, making the final appearance ...

Keeping the shape of holding a long sword, the focus lights on the stage gradually went out, and the lights in the audience lit up.

The huge auditorium with tens of thousands of people around them suddenly burst into endless applause.

That's right, now is the scene of Carlos gorgeous contest!

The short drama "Princess Gem · The First · The Third Season", which was just starring in 嘤 嘤 嘤, is also officially ending in the competition!

With the help of two sons, Agile Worm and Snail Knight, Princess Gem defeated her evil thoughts and maintained world peace ...

The script has changed a lot from Guan Liyuan's original idea, because in the second season, He directly evolved into Tianxi, so it will look weird to continue to play as a negative character-no matter how you look, Ti Anxi is not the style of the reverse character!

And Guan Liyuan probably already felt that Alzeus was very subtle about the story of Princess Gem ...

If you continue to blacken the gem princess, Arzeus will probably also feel that Guan Liyuan was ironic that she wanted to destroy the dark history of Shenao after being betrayed by humans ...

In addition, at the end, Guan Liyuan also specially arranged an "Easter Egg."

In the one or two seconds between the focus light turning off and the audience lighting up, in the background of the starry sky on the stage, some "tentacles" appeared on the planet, and some weird laughter appeared ...

The finale, the finale, etc., of course, it must be connected with the second one!

Regarding the "tentacle" status, the audience also talked about it. Some people said that it was an arabesque or giant arabesque, some said it was a canine cage, and some said that it was a number of grass-based Pokémon using the "vine whip" ... ...

Naturally no one can guess that the second part of Guan Liyuan's Gem Princess is still undecided and the script is not yet ...

In particular, Guan Liyuan, the boss of Boss in the end, hopes to be replaced by Deocesis, which is the real villain's face. However, people now have no intention of signing a contract with Guan Liyuan.

"Appeared! The highest score in the audience, the highest total score ... Hui Yeji player's comprehensive score is ... 98.8 points!" The host announced.

After all, Guan Liyuan has even invited out the beast, and the script has been carefully rehearsed many times.

Not to mention a feature film, and some difficult talents have been shown before, even if you let her simply fly around the auditorium twice, few opponents can win her!

In this way, Guan Liyuan made his debut under the stage name of "Fighting Night Ji", and won the Carlos Gorgeous Championship in the first year. Within one week, he reached the Carlos Unlimited Pokémon Contest and Carlos Gorgeous !!

"It looks great, but is‘ Y ’stronger?” Deleta said.

As a straight steel man, Deleta couldn't understand the beauty of the "Gorgeous Contest". In his opinion, it was still Ypeltar-the so-called "Y", more "beautiful".

Guan Liyuan is also not surprised about this. When he was facing Deocesis with Ypertal, Guan Liyuan already found out that this guy is likely to be a giant with "ancient energy".

Although the body "shrinks" into a normal "tall person" in normal times, after picking up the Shield Sword Monster, it can still expand to a height of more than three meters. Even now, you can see that his hands and feet are larger than normal people!

Thousands of years ago, Arceus and several other **** beasts blocked Nekrozma in the Shen'ao area-the Archean exiles of the Taigu armor and the Beasts who fought in the Beginning of the Ancients. In the new world, weird beasts and Pokémon The culprit of mutual hatred can parasitize other Pokémon to draw energy and have an immortal body ...

During that war, Nekrozma was sunk into the magma layer, and a neutron star was also called. To protect this main life planet, Alzeus was seriously injured and the ecological environment of the Shen'ao region was greatly damaged.

Thanks to the rules of the Pokémon World, the neutron star is not so scary, it is just a bit denser than ordinary meteorites and has a special energy response, otherwise this life planet may be completely destroyed.

From the fragments of the neutron star, the ancient Carlos, that is, the giants, discovered "infinite energy", or "ancient energy", a substance that can release infinite energy in the eyes of the giants!

With this as the core, the giants created artificial pokemon such as the mud puppet giant ...

A few months ago, Alzeus again blocked the recently restored Necrozma, and because of the three primitive gods responding this time, the "neutron star" summoned by Necrozma did not cause much damage.

However, there are two neutron cores. After approaching the life planet, affected by the breath of life, wisdom was born, and a new **** and beast Pokémon was born-Dai Ocsis!

At that time, the ancestor of the ancestor, who stopped the fall of the neutron star, sat empty. Because Deocis was from the neutron star, and also because of "language incompatibility", he fought with two generations of Ocsis, and one was defeated. Only the core is left.

Because the wounded Ocesis has its own energy storage function destroyed, the other Ocesis wants to find "infinite energy" which is the same as them as a substitute.

Many of Deletta's Pokémon are equipped with ancient energy, and even they have merged ancient energy, so there have been some conflicts between the two sides-but it has been proved afterwards that Deo Ocesis has just awakened and the world view has not yet formed. The logic is very different from ordinary people, so there are some unfriendly actions, which have now been appeased by Guan Liyuan with "now becoming docile again".

At the same time, Deleta seemed to understand the feeling of "I have only one of her companions" for Deocesis, so after agreeing, I would take Deocisis to a giant ruins, where there may be remnants of ancient times. Energy, Guan Liyuan also promised to help ...

Now Deleta and Deocisis ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are waiting for Guan Li far to finish the race to start with them-without Guan Liyuan, Deleta and Deocisis could not communicate with each other at all.

As for the location of the ruins, Deletta has also reminded Guan Liyuan, not in Carlos, but in the Hezhong area-indeed, the Hezhong area is another ancient energy development place outside Carlos. Giants and other ancient man-made Pokémon birthplaces ...

In counts, the Shen'ao area is really bad luck. Not only has it directly suffered the damage of the neutron star, the ecosystem has been almost destroyed, but afterwards, the good things have not caught up, and the remaining ancient energy has fallen to Hezhong and Carlos across the ocean.

The old card and the big Y are not at Guan Liyuan at this time, but to assist Al Zeus, go to the northeastern mountain moorland of Carlos, and stop Nacrozma ...

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