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Vol 2 Chapter 1698: I don't believe ...

"Hey, hey ... this is a little too strong, aren't these Xiduo Lanen considered as beasts?" Guan Liyuan said, looking at the twelve Xiduo Lanen who reached the level of second-rate gods.

If it is considered a **** beast, it is really "high yield".

"Ugly bastards! Bald! Idiot! Asshole! Give me death, death, death!" Xiao Shan was furious.

After being changed by the fairy body, it looks pink, and flashes of lightning with a little starlight, roaming in the cave, but ...

Guan Liyuan has also observed at this time, as in the game, Xi Duo Lan En is a "fire + steel" dual line, both lines are good at defending the power of the fairy line!

The "fairy system" in the Pokémon world is similar to the combination of spiritual power and the power of the stars, but the pokémon born by the super energy on the alien stars is also the birth of Pokémon ... I do n’t know this and Is it particularly good at defending the fairy power? Is there any connection?

Instead, Xi Duo Lan En spewed flames with a sense of quality at this time-not only the destructive power is strong, but also a semi-solid feeling, making it difficult for the opponents shrouded in flames to escape and escape!

It is the exclusive skill of Sidoran-Lava Storm!

At the same time, I saw a Zernhas, with twin angles flashing colorful streamers, sending out "Aurora beams", and took the opportunity to defeat a Sidolan.

That's right, it's Zellnias that Xiao Ai became.

After knowing that she was spotted, she inspired Xiao Ai's stubbornness ...

When I saw Xiao Shan's attack, the effect was not great at this time, but she was about to be trapped. After Xiao Ai resolved a Sidolan, there was also a tendency to be surrounded. Shoot!

Although the “Super Energy System” that Ocesis had mastered was also defended by the superiority of the steel system, the strength of the first-class **** beast still caused him to continually cover the end of the tentacle with the “ideal hammer” when he swings the tentacles that form the arms 2. Turn over Sidolan, and freeze them one by one with the "frozen beam".

The previous generation of Ochsis didn't make a shot, but also because Guan Liyuan wanted to use the Sidolan here to exercise his "hand-trained" battle experience of the beast.

And at this time, Ocesis, after a period of time, continuously absorbing knowledge from various radio waves, has gradually integrated into the Pokémon world, understands the existence of "death", and will not easily kill life ...

Deocisis, besides Guan Liyuan, was the only one who noticed that Zernhas was a change of little love—after deformation, little love ’s life magnetic fluctuations did not change, so he was discovered by Deocisis However, Guan Liyuan has told him to keep it secret.

Ge Jihua still looked at Zerniyas in confusion at this time-before Deleta said that this Zernhas was fake, Ge Jihua still felt strange, after all, in everyone's common sense, Zellny There is only one Yas.

So ... what is this Pokémon that is undoubtedly the strength of the beast? Variety is definitely not so strong!

Originally, there were some doubts. At this time, Ge Jihua saw the contrast between Deocisis and Zernhas and found that this Zernhas ... although it is also a strength of the beast, it is indeed weaker.

At this time, Guan Liyuan also found that Sidolan and the ordinary Pokémon are somewhat different. Even if they are completely controlled, they cannot be conquered by the elven ball!

"This is the last lap?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Well, it's better to invite Yppeltal first." Deleta said, but he can tell that Ypeltal is true.

However, Deleta did not answer the question of Guan Liyuan's question "Is Xi Duo Lan En a **** beast?"

Seeing this, Guan Liyuan knocked on the elven ball that Dayi lived in. Day Y showed up directly to his face. Guan Liyuan faintly noticed that it seems that Day Y also felt the solemn atmosphere here, so he appeared directly.

When the space anomaly was first discovered, Guan Liyuan had already contacted Xiao Hupa-indeed, the space here became difficult to penetrate through the wormhole gold ring after being quilted.

If it was before, Little Hupa could not penetrate the space here, but now ... Little Hupa has experience in the fairy sword world, and the mastery of space is more technical than before, and it is no longer purely relying on space. His favorite.

When entering the twelve laps, Xiao Hupa's response to Guan Liyuan was twelve minutes. Basically, every additional lap, Xiao Hupa took an extra minute to open the wormhole gold ring.

Such a speed can certainly not be used to avoid attacks and emergency escape, but it can be used to move soldiers ...

However, this time refers to the "time required to open a two-meter-diameter wormhole", so the beast must not get through, unless it takes several hours to open the wormhole, but Xiao Hupa's physical strength is also limited. Opening a wormhole is extremely costly, and even if it really takes a few hours, Little Hupa can't hold it.

Moreover, the field of distortion is not friendly to Beast ...

The rescue soldiers Guan Liyuan is going to move are those **** beasts-now Little Hupa is on the side of Al Zeus and is going to squat Nai Krozma, so there must be other first-class gods besides Al Zeus!

Even if you do n’t move Alzeus, you can at least get some other strong support?

Guan Liyuan really didn't believe it, but at this time Nekrozma would appear there!

After returning for a few minutes, Guan Liyuan saw an exit in the distance ...

However, the entrance of the cave reveals colorful rays of light, but Guan Liyuan understands that this is definitely not the exit of the cave in real space!

Otherwise, Guan Liyuan can't remember, somewhere around that huge rock, this kind of light will be emitted ...

In fact, just after entering the "cycle", Guan Liyuan was skeptical. It should not be that as long as you walk in, you will enter the space loop.

It should be that Deleta has some kind of "key", so I took everyone into this space. Otherwise, when I first entered the cave, I could still see the traces of ordinary Pokémon activities. After entering the space loop, But only Sidroan, who was outrageously strong in the field of distortion!

Sure enough, after exiting from the exit, the front is not desert, but the grassland within a square number of circles-on the edge of the grassland, whether it is the sky or the ground, is covered by a layer of mist, some like the seal that liberated Hupa At the border of the sea.

But it looks much brighter here. The light source is not the invisible sun, but a huge man-made building in the middle!

It looks very sci-fi. The shape is similar to a tower, but it is crystal-like at the center. It is not wide and pointed, but is similar to the flower bone. The flower stem below is very thin and carries an image 100 meters upward. It is a piece of water crystal, which is now glowing ...

Deocisis has sent out excited electromagnetic waves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he feels that there is something he needs in this "flower"!

"Be careful," Deletta reminded.

At this moment, it seemed to feel the arrival of Guan Liyuan and others, the crystal "flower" gradually bloomed, and the inside exposed was a huge Sidolan-although it was still a dragon suit However, the momentum of this Xi Duo Lan En has reached the level of first-class **** beast ...

[Little Hupa! Ready to open the door! ] Guan Li Yuantong knew.

A state-of-the-art beast, the situation is still under control, but ... still be careful!

[Okay, huh? The interference is stronger at you ... at least fifteen minutes ... huh? and many more! Arceus found a strange beast ... it seemed like Necrozma was about to appear! 】

Guan Liyuan: ...

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