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Vol 2 Chapter 1700: acting

"Well? What's behind you? Get out!" Necrozma found the wormhole golden ring behind Guan Liyuan.

At this point, the gold ring of the wormhole has been opened to a diameter of 1.5 meters, and even if Guan Liyuan is in front, it is difficult to remain undetected.

However, the gold ring at this time looks like an ordinary copper ring, and there is no space blur, obviously it has not completely penetrated ...

[Do you want to penetrate the wormhole now? ] Little Hupa can already feel the situation here.

At this time, Xiao and Xiao Shan were no longer in this space-before Li Keizma was about to seriously hurt them, Guan Liyuan took them back to the elf ball.

As a tailor-made body of Nekrozma, Sitolan is complementary to Nekrozma's ability. After Nekrozma's possession, even the dragon-like appearance was under the dark armor. The majestic feeling ...

And even if Xiao Ai has been transformed into a super-dream body that is best suited to exert all her strengths, she has to single out Nekrozma, who is much stronger than herself, and is too stretched. Just half a minute ago, she was just beaten and flew out. Severely fell on the outer wall of "Eternal Flower".

Guan Liyuan originally wanted to temporarily collect her into the elf ball, but Xiaoai directly bounced the elf ball's collecting beam-even if it was just an ordinary **** beast, he could not forcibly close the beam without his cooperation, let alone Little Love.

【hold on! You continue to support the golden ring first! ] Guan Liyuan said.

Now Xiao Hupa can directly penetrate the wormhole to let objects under one meter in and out, but ... this way, the speed will be slower after the first penetration and then gradually spread, and there is nothing so great that the beast can come under one meter.

But if Guan Liyuan only wants to escape, even Deleta can be stuffed in!

However, looking at Sidolan, who was fighting with Deocisis and Ypertal, Guan Liyuan felt that Nekrozma had got a stronger body here, and even merged the fission with it. ... I'm afraid the power will be more terrifying.

Thinking about Nekrozma now, he can already stir the wind and rain in the Pokémon world, and then think about the peaceful and peaceful Pokémon world in general. Guan Liyuan decided to delay it for a while-at least two meters from the Golden Circle. Say diameter!

Although Alzeus is relatively small in the first-class gods and beasts, the creation ring on the back has a diameter of two meters. Even if it shrinks in, it needs at least a two-meter diameter wormhole.

"Unless ... across my body!" Guan Liyuan stepped forward and made his debut.

"Oh? So stingy? Unfortunately, I didn't plan to leave your body ... turn it into dust!"

I saw that the black crystal part of Nekrozma on the body of Sidolan flashed black electric light, and then from the two giant claws, a black current beam-a charging beam was emitted!

This world, because of the advent of the beasts, has been completely transformed into Pokémon rules. After Nekrozma came here, all Pokémon were also possessed. Naturally, he was also used to fighting in the way of Pokémon. , Even the skills are the same as Pokémon ...


Only listening to Guan Liyuan shrouded by the charging beam suddenly made a loud scream.

The cry was so miserable that both Ipertal and Deocisus, who simulated the "ear" to receive sound waves, couldn't help but pause ...

The little love, which has been transformed into a super-dream form, has red eyes and a violent mood, and the energy of restlessness is pouring from the bottom of my heart when I hear it!

But then a super-dream-like face showed a weird expression, then rolled his eyes, and decided to slowly and look for opportunities.

That's right, just now Guan Liyuan sent a message to her, telling Xiaoai that she was fine, even if something happened, don't be so excited!

In fact, Guan Liyuan is really fine-in the Pokémon world, because of characteristics, Guan Liyuan "immunizes" the sixteen series of the seventeen series skills. Although they are only immune to attribute power and cannot be immune to physical shock, but ... "Almost contains no physical shock.

Originally, this immunity is also limited. It cannot fully immune to the attacks of first-class gods and beasts ...

However, Guan Liyuan ’s material rules have now gone one step further. The “characteristics” subordinate to it are naturally stronger in the Pokémon world, between Lv2 and Lv3 ...

Using combat power statistics, a characteristic of Lv2 is 30,000 combat power, and Guan Liyuan's combat power is almost catching up with the second-rate **** beast ... But in fact, because the body is still an ordinary person, at this time, the actual combat power of Guan Liyuan is estimated by statistical combat power. Not scientific!

However, it is enough to be immune to the attacks of first-class gods-provided that they do not contain physical shock attacks!

"Ah ... it hurts ..."

"It's terrible to call me ..."

"I'm so afraid of electricity ..."

"I'm **** ..."

Guan Liyuan pretended to be miserable. I hope that it will take a little longer, about three minutes, before Alzeus can come over!

However, even though Guan Liyuan's acting skills were amazing, Nekrozma still found something wrong--how could this cricket sound become more and more loud?

Seeing Nekrozma's hand stopped, he looked at himself suspiciously with Sitolan's eyes, and Guan Liyuan secretly regretted not being able to flicker for a while.

"Be careful, it will also be an ice-based skill!" Xiaoai shouted suddenly.

Whether it is Sidoran or Necrozma, in the original work, they will not have ice skills, but because Necrozma in the real Pokémon world is good at possessing, each time he possesses, he will Learn the skills of the other party, so I have mastered almost all the skills. I just used it in the fight!

"Ice? Is he ... terrestrial? Human? Terrestrial?" Necrozma tangled.

Indeed, when it comes to the immune system and the fear of the ice system, it is the ground system!

However, even if it is a real Pokémon on the ground, it is impossible to be immune to Nekrozma's charging beam, unless ... its ground properties reach Lv3!

But Nekrozma was just wondering why human beings have attributes, and immediately it was an "absolute zero" ...

"Damn the ground! Turn it into an ice sculpture!"

Seeing Nekrozma, using "absolute zero", Xiao Ai and Guan Liyuan were relieved again ...

"The absolute zero degree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in the game effect is" 30% chance of spike ", in the Pokémon world, it is also one of the strongest ice attack skills.

However ... there is no physical impact, just a simple and extreme decrease in temperature!

Guan Liyuan could not help but light up, and said secretly: "Good luck! 】

If it is replaced by a blizzard or freezing wind, even if Guan Liyuan is immune to ice forces, he will be "blown" to death, let alone ice hockey and hail ...


"so cold……"

"I'm freezing like Grandpa ..."

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