Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1707: Ada of Miracles

"Electric flying squirrel is actually good, there is no evolutionary type, but the race value is as high as 428, and this electric flying squirrel ... the individual value should be about 110%." Guan Liyuan pretended to say to himself.

Of course, Guan Liyuan has actually seen that the individual value of this electric flying squirrel is 112%, but it is only about 110% to be modest ...

After all, humility makes people progress. Guan Liyuan feels that he has achieved today because he is modest enough!

Ida, who was walking next to Guan Liyuan, was dejected from the beginning, holding her head in a spiritless state, and let the electric flying squirrel play braids on her head.

"Yes ... the electric flying squirrel is not bad ... it's not the electric flying squirrel's fault ... it's all my fault ..." Aida muttered with negative energy.

"It's not exactly who's wrong! And, maybe ... just accidentally? You just painted some scoops." Guan Liyuan speculated.

"It wasn't the fault of the totem that I drew ... when in the village ... I also attracted swans ... it was my fault ..." Ada was full of negative energy.

Ada, who always seemed full of energy, was particularly sensitive to this matter.

Guan Liyuan also seemed to know why she "steal away".

"Dancing swan is also good! What about your dancing swan? Uh ... you didn't ask me." Guan Liyuan just asked out, and found Ada, who had originally bowed her head, looked up with tears.

"Fly away with the mother swan! Whoops ..." Aida complained in tears.

Guan Liyuan stopped, looked for a place of shadyness, and listened to her for a while, and Ada calmed down.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan also knew about Ada's life ...

According to herself, her parents were also "super-famous" trainers, who had traveled throughout the United District, and whose mother was an aboriginal village of Mother Earth, and her father later retired there.

In the Mother Earth Village, there is a magical prayer ritual that can guide the people to a suitable Pokemon of the earth-in popular terms, the ground is a Pokemon.

Guan Liyuan also made special use of the forum before and contacted Dr. Oki to prove that this "ceremony" that does not seem to be very reliable actually has some scientific basis.

Just like a superpower trainer, you can use meditation to attract superpower Pokémon ...

Some superpower trainers attract their first superpower Pokémon when their superpowers awaken.

The effect of this ritual is actually to enhance the attraction of the ground trainer to the ground pokemon, and achieve a similar effect.

But ... after a lot of leagues are researching, not too much energy is invested in this area.

In order to maximize the effect of this ritual, it is clear that he is not a super-powered trainer, but also needs to learn meditation to trigger this ritual. After the ritual, for non-super-powered, fairy, and other special trainers In other words, the previous meditation exercise was in vain.

The so-called "most suitable" is just the Pokémon attracted, which is easier to match the personality of the trainer.

If you have time to learn meditation, you might as well subdue one ...

And like the Mother Earth Village, according to Ada, this ritual is also the ancestor of the Mother Earth Village and helped the "Land Cloud", so it is left, only the descendants of the Mother Earth Village can use it. Certainly not replicable.

However, whether or not the outside world is interested in this ritual, at least for the people in the mother village of the earth, this ritual has a very important symbolic significance.

It usually takes place in adulthood. The higher the quality of the Pokémon attracted, it usually means the better the trainer ...

However, Ada has always been under the halo of her parents, and has doubled her strict requirements. She thinks that she has already entered the room in the field of Pokémon. The elders in the village have said that she can feel the resonance between her and the earth ... It's just the "child of someone else" in the village.

Until the last sixteen-year-old adult, at the Mother of Earth ceremony, a dancing swan was called!

The dancing swan is still an evolutionary Pokémon, and Ada estimates that the dancing swan has about 50 levels, and the qualifications in all aspects are also good. It is an elite Pokémon that requires little training.

It can be said that in addition to the wrong attributes, for the newcomer trainer, this is a very gratifying result.

However ... At the Mother of Earth ceremony, the call for flying Pokémon not only made Ada depressed for a long time, but also her degree of fit with the Pokémon of the flying department was not high, and the swan dancer always ignored her. .

Therefore, they were also nicknamed "Ada of Miracles" by the little friends.

Maybe others are not too malicious, but Ada is particularly sensitive in this regard.

And you should know that the dancing swan was originally a proud Pokémon. For the trainer who doesn't have a high affinity with himself, the tolerance is very low!

When Ada finally figured it out and decided to use the dancing swan as his initial Pokémon, the dancing swan had already flew with another swan sister ...

After being depressed for a long time, Aida quietly "taken" a trainer's illustration book stored by the village head-in-law and embarked on the journey of the trainer's journey-usually in the mother village of the earth, a new trainer You must train your Pokémon on the ground to the competition level (15000 combat power) before you can get another picture book, and then leave the village to experience.

And Ada, who had no initial Pokémon, made a lot of jokes and caused many dangers in order to conquer the first Pokémon, until ... encountered Guan Liyuan not long ago.

After learning that this pictorial book must have an initial Pokémon before it can be used, Ada cheered up and encouraged herself for a long time, then decided to try again, and as a result ...

"Squeeze ~ Squeeze ~" The electric flying squirrel imitated the sound of electric current, and at the same time wanted to swing in Ada's braid.

"Let me see if you're public ..." Aida said, pinching the electric flying squirrel overhead, and forcibly opened his hind legs to look.

"Squeeze, squeeze!" The electric flying rat screamed in panic.

"Well, you are also a big pig's hoof!" Ada said with a lip.

Guan Liyuan: ...

Ida may be a big pig hoof ... ah no, it is a shadow of flying Pokémon, after attracting a call to flying squirrels, he did not conquer.

After forcibly undergoing a physical examination, the electric flying squirrel was so scared that it kept hiding on Guan Liyuan's shoulders, peeping at Ada across Guan Liyuan's head.

Then ... is this electric flying squirrel too alert? Wild Pokémon is so loved?

That night, Guan Liyuan and Aida had arrived in Longshou Town ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Aida had not made up her mind to take over the flying squirrels, so… and did not enjoy the free accommodation in Pokemon Center.

"If you have Pokémon Center ... you must have at least the identity certificate of your Pokémon trainer, otherwise you won't let you live if you have money." Guan Liyuan said at the entrance of Pokémon Center with some headaches.

To register as a Pokémon trainer, you must have at least one initial Pokémon.

"No, then you are wrong. Do you think I just didn't register the book?" Aida said.

"Well? Can you make an exception for Pokémon Center?" Guan Liyuan looked at her doubtfully, secretly: Could she have any amazing origins? For example, my parents are hidden kings?

"No, I mean ... I don't have any money, either," Aida said arrogantly.

Guan Liyuan: ...

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