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Vol 2 Chapter 1709: Black eyed crocodile

"This child has just passed through the growth period, how can he let it rain!" Miss Joy of Longshou Town said angrily.

The Pokémon Center in Longshou Town is not large, and there are not many staff members. With the symptoms of "big pig's hoof", Miss Joy, who is sitting here, is a very old and serious man. Joey.

"Sorry! It's all my fault!" Ada confessed frankly.

As for Guan Liyuan, he was wearing glasses and a sun hat, and did not reveal his identity ...

Although this kind of camouflage is far from easy to understand, if you really know Guan Liyuan, or if you observe it carefully, you can easily recognize it, but with your own anonymous pictorial book, it is still a little low-key.

The United District probably learned the lessons from the Carlos area. Guan Liyuan himself did not publicize where he was going, and they did not take the initiative to inform.

Even Guan Liyuan ’s anonymous pictorial ID has been specially monitored for a long time, but it is only within the alliance that knows Guan Liyuan ’s dynamics.

As for the various pavilions along the way, you can only inquire about the situation by yourself, lest the pavilions learn that Guan Liyuan is going, propagate for a long time in advance, but the last one is worse than the other ...

And now ... most of the United Road Museums without a "gateway" should not know that Guan Liyuan has arrived in United!

Guan Aiyuan only looked aside for Aida being aggrieved by Aunt George in charge of the Pokémon Center, hoping that she would learn a lesson herself.

Before she left, Guan Liyuan noticed that the big pig's hoof was very close to her, and after she left the town, she followed her specially ...

At this time, Ada also officially conquered the big pig hoof and the little cute, and became an earth trainer with two flying Pokémon.

Aunty Joe saw that Ada's attitude was good, her mood eased, and she asked the following precautions ...

The big pig's hoof is actually not "big", it's just a child. After the growth period just after birth, you can start training. Instead, the little cute actually has more than 20 levels. Its characteristic is a rare "electric engine" that can turn lightning into speed. , The individual correction rate is 115%, the individual value is 435-7 points higher than the ordinary electric flying squirrel!

That ’s right, the little cute is actually the Pokémon of the world ’s first house. Guan Liyuan called it a while ago ...

Originally, I just asked her to help me, but Xiao Ai seems to have a lot of eyes with Aida ... or does she like Zheng Tai? Anyway, I stayed with Ada for a while ...

Aunty Joe scared Aida after a good meal, and then told her that this time it was delivered in a timely manner. As long as one night's treatment for the big pig's hoof, he could recover tomorrow, 1978. Relieved.

Although Ada had already registered a Pokémon trainer, she was still holding a cute pig and other big hoofs on a rest chair inside and outside the Pokémon ward that night, and Guan Liyuan returned to the room to check out the black-eyed crocodile ...

Ten days have passed since leaving the eternal flower, and five days have passed since I met him. Guan Liyuan still only has three Pokémon. The first two do not require training, and the third one is his true initial Pokémon—black. Eye Crocodile.

The black-eyed crocodile has two stages of evolution, but the first stage of evolution also requires 29 levels, which is relatively late growth. Generally, there are two stages of evolution in each of the three royal families. Generally, levels 16 and 7 can be evolved in one stage.

Now Guan Liyuan's black-eyed crocodile has just reached level 17, which is a level 7 increase from five days ago ...

This speed of improvement is already very fast for ordinary trainers, but for Guan Liyuan, it is actually a "steady and steady" speed-the slow upgrade is mainly to lay the foundation. After all, this is only honest Black eyed crocodile, basic talent is not good.

After ten days of bad supplementation, the individual correction rate of the black-eyed crocodile has increased to 100%. Although it is still not good, at least it no longer hinders.

You should know that when Ada first saw the black-eyed crocodile five days ago, its individual correction rate was still low. When Guan Liyuan was first adopted, it was even less than 90%!

Race value has also been increased to 295, which is 3 points higher than the average black-eyed crocodile ...

Usually wild Pokémon, the race value is generally the benchmark value, no matter the height is very rare, after all, it directly affects heredity, and Guan Liyuan ’s little black eye has completed from ten points to three points in ten days. Counterattack!

For other difficult skills, Little Black Eye also learned some ...

At the same time, the only inherent advantage of Little Black Eyes is probably its characteristics-angry acupoints.

It is also inevitable to think about the little black-eyed character ...

The characteristics of most black-eyed alligators are "threatening" or "overconfidence", which is also consistent with the racial personality characteristics of black-eyed alligators.

And Guan Liyuan's little black eye is undoubtedly an honest crocodile. He is usually the target of bullying. He has no intimidation and is not indifferent to confidence.

On the contrary, the characteristics of "angry acupoints" are in line with the character of the honest man with little black eyes ...

In the game, the effect of "Angry Acupuncture Point" is that when attacked, the physical attack will rise by six levels-the attributes in the game will rise or fall, up to six times.

In the Pokémon world, the effect of "Angry Acupoints" is similar. It usually does not work. Only when the owner is severely injured or the mood fluctuates, the attack power will be maximized ...

Of course, in the Pokémon world, there is no such thing as up to six orders. The so-called "maximum" is the largest that it can bear.

At the same time, compared to the game, there is also an invisible difficulty increase-after the angry acupuncture points are stimulated, because the emotion is too excited, the black-eyed crocodile may fall into a frenzy and refuse to listen to the command. For the commanding ability of the trainer and the bond with Pokémon, The requirements are naturally higher.

But for Guan Liyuan, these are not the problems!

In the early morning of the next day, the big pig's hoof was okay, but Aunty Joe suggested to rest for another two days, and Ada naturally followed the good, and asked Guan Li to stay for two more days.

Although the illustrated book bound by Ada is not too high-end, at least during the first year of travel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you can enjoy the basic services of Pokemon Center for free ... including accommodation!

There is nothing special about Guan Liyuan. Although he will participate in the United Pokémon contest five months later, it is not short of two days.

Taking advantage of these two days, Guan Liyuan also wanted to check out the battle club.

In other regions, Guan Liyuan also patronized the Battle Club, but as an industry of the "East George" family, the Battle Club is far less popular than the Pokémon Center. In other regions, it often only has branches in large cities.

In the base camp of the East Georges, there are chain battle clubs in the town of Longshou, such as Longshou Town.

And Guan Liyuan has long heard that the "combat club" in the United District has a variety of training equipment that is more comprehensive and high-grade than other regions. It can also pass the duel to obtain the "combat division" level certification and enjoy some benefits ... ...

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