Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1711: Stronger little black eyes

"Good job! That's it ... hide again, hide again ... Ah! I'm sorry ..."

I saw that Little Black Eye was in a simulated field with a diameter of ten meters. There was a stereo projector around it, which continuously simulated the figure of the "crying mask" and released the "shadow ball".

Of course, this is just a simulated image. The opponent does not rush to the close, and does not need small black eyes to step forward to attack, all it has to do is to continuously avoid the opponent's "shadow ball"!

This is one of the more advanced and often "updated" main training items in the training club's training room-long-range evasion.

Among them, ball and ammunition attacks, because the attack path is easy to simulate, it is a relatively mature technology. Even if it is only a small town's battle club equipment, it can basically simulate more than a dozen games that are common in Pokémon and below the level. The trajectory of all ball and ammunition attacks.

However, it is only a simulated trajectory. After being hit, it directly "ends training ..."

It is specially used for training to avoid and does not train the ability to withstand injuries. Training by item is also one of the auxiliary training features of the battle club.

At this time it was evening, and Guan Liyuan and Little Black Eyes had been unknowingly and had been training for most of the day ...

"Ah! You are really here, I guess you will sign up for a Platinum Member." Ada broke in suddenly.

"Wait ... we are troubled to do this, you can't peep at other people's training, if we continue, we will move you to Junsha!" The voice of the security staff could be heard later.

"Well, I know this, and it's troublesome for you." Guan Liyuan stopped the security personnel who were already pulling the elven ball.

After Ada came in, he looked at the equipment in the training room surprisingly.

"Big ... big pig hoof is all right?" Guan Liyuan forced himself to accept the name.

"Well! That aunty Joe said, as long as there is no high-intensity training in the last two days," Aida said.

At this time, Ida came curiously to take a look again. Little Black Eye had just scored 37 points in the training.

It is not a percentage system, but an unlimited upper score. Comprehensive scores are made from evasion actions, preparation time, and so on.

In the game, most of these skills must be hit, but in the Pokémon world, there is naturally the possibility of evasion. Not to mention in the animation ... "Quickly escape" is parallel to "stand up" and "persist" One of the three great skills.

Just now Guan Liyuan chose the difficulty of 6000 combat power, escaped the shadow ball four times in a row, and was eliminated only the fifth time. In terms of the current strength of Little Black Eye, it is a good result, but ... and the previous week ’s record, Compared with the monthly record, it seems a bit pitiful-after all, the little black eye is only about 5,000 fighting power!

Considering that Guan Liyuan has only begun training for a day, the master trainer level is proper.

"This kind of training is just practice. When there is a real duel, there will not be a chance to stare at the other party to prepare to avoid it." Aida said in an old-fashioned way.

Guan Liyuan estimated that the old trainers in the village told her that the sub-item training of the battle club did have certain limitations, and that such a place of worship in the mother village of the earth, the old trainers would despise this training method. Also expected.

"It is also good to be able to make a little progress. As long as this avoidance forms a habit, it will instinctively dodge in the duel." Guan Liyuan countered.

"That's right ... Yeah." Ada was not stubborn.

At this moment, Guan Liyuan's illustrated book suddenly rang—the message was received.

"Tomorrow at 10 am, I have a battle challenge." Guan Liyuan said after watching.

"Well? Did you sign up so soon? You only have one Pokémon, right?" Ada wondered.

"In the Lv1 match, only one Pokémon is needed. Although Pokémon can be replaced once, as long as the little black eye wins," Guan Liyuan said confidently.

Guan Liyuan was in front of Ada, and naturally did not dispatch Deocisis.

Two generations of Ochsis, also the only Pokémon who has been with Guan Liyuan now,

As divine beasts, they can still stay awake even in the elven ball, that is, in the old world, and the special life form allows them to collect various radio waves from the position of the elven ball-that is, they have been obsessed with Television, radio, and the communication between the two of them will not be blocked, so staying in the elven ball will not be boring.

Other beasts are usually on the island, including Ypeiertal who has only recently followed Guan Liyuan and feels that he has not slept.

"Do you know the opponent?" Ida asked.

"It reads" Xiaohua ", it should be the usual name used? But there are countless combat divisions in Lv1, and I don't know who ... Anyway, it should not be that one sentence in English, and there are a lot of letters to write. Foreign friends, even the one who dreamed of studying abroad. "Guan Liyuan said.

"The trainers outside of you really say something that you don't understand ..." Ada is also used to it, and she doesn't even bother to chase what "English" is.

"It's already this time ... let's go to dinner! After that, today's training will end here ..." Guan Liyuan said halfway, Xiao Heiyan came over and called "Hei Hei" twice, and raised his claws to embrace Guan Liyuan's Trouser legs.

"Well? Do you still want to continue training? No, now go to eat first! Nutrition needs to keep up to be able to train better! Well ... After eating, you can train for another hour, and then you must rest! Guan Liyuan said.

Little black eyes really looks like Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not only honest and loyal, but also strong ...

"Little Black Eyes works hard, so it will definitely be a great Pokémon! To reward you, let me have your dinner tonight!" Aida praised.

Ida was talking about the little black-eyed dinner. When she was with Guan Liyuan, she was always responsible for the Pokémon diet.

Although it is normal to order Pokémon nutritious meals, it is also one of the skills that the cultivator must master. Guan Liyuan has indeed made up for it, but ... as the world ’s first trainer, it is indeed lacking in this respect, just ordinary Educators are almost the same. In the first room of the world, a large number of professional nutritionists are employed.

And Ada is not familiar with the Pokémon diets of other departments. Only the Pokémon of the ground system is considered to be a quasi-master level.

After eating that night, before the break, Little Black Eyes scored and scored 40 points, which was considered a breakthrough in self.

Guan Liyuan looked at the little black-eyes' efforts and realized that he had picked up the treasure again. He has his own unique training method (skills). With his own efforts to become stronger, the future of little black-eyes will not be affected by it. Limited by talent!

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