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Vol 2 Chapter 1720: Ready to play 1 wave of opponents

"Mo Dao Tian is extraordinary ... You are now 'Lv.1, 1 win'. After you sign up, you will be matched with a rival of 0, 1 or 2 wins at the same level tomorrow. Tonight in Pokémon Book Information notice, please do not leave the signal area. "

Guan Liyuan also registered at the Battle Club in Longwei Town.

Dragon tails and dragon heads sound like the names, but because Longwei Town is close to Ssangyong City, it is already considered as a human settlement in the United District, and it is no longer a desert in the north. Much richer than Longshou Town on the fringe.

Not only in the small town, it is relatively large, but the size of the battle club is naturally larger, and you can see people coming and going in the lobby.

If Guan Liyuan is not a Platinum member, he may have to make an appointment today ...

Thinking of the heroic attitude when Miss Guidao was reminded to make an appointment, she seemed to be pulling a sword and pulled out her "Platinum Membership Card." The look of glory in the class will not be more dazzling than this.

"I don't feel like I can lose. Can I sign up for a 2 win match?" Guan Liyuan asked.

The lady answered gracefully, "Hehe."

After that, Guan Liyuan first continued to train the little black eye's dodging ability in the scheduled dodge training room ...

Make sure that Little Black Eyes can train independently, and Guan Liyuan knows that it will definitely not be lazy, so he has a skill training machine on the side, ready to train Xiao Wanzi.

At this time, the small ball is like the original Naruto, and the cost-effectiveness of technical training is not high. It still teaches how to "splurge" physical strength to be more effective.

First, Guan Liyuan chose "rock blockade". This trick is very flexible, whether it is used to attack or block the opponent's actions, and it is a natural property of the rock series-Xiaomaru.

Compared to small black eyes, small **** are more naughty. Although training is not lazy, it is easy to divert attention ... Is this also a side effect of excess energy?

But finally it depends on good talents, Guan Liyuan and special skills to assist in training moves. The most important thing is ... having unlimited energy-that is, unlimited practice.

Therefore, in just one day, I have basically mastered the common use of "rock blockade", but I am not yet familiar with it.

It's hard to do that with a Pokémon of the Heavenly King class.

For other trainers and Pokémon, when training and learning moves, the most influential factor is not only their own understanding and qualifications, but more importantly, physical strength-so when Pokémon is not high-level, they often cannot Learn too powerful skills, and even the Pokémon of the King level, it is impossible to train skills like Xiaomaru.

But this time until the evening, Guan Liyuan received the duel information, and Ada did not find it.

She also said before that there is a very important thing to do in Longwei Town ...

When Guan Liyuan returned to the Pokémon Center, he just met a happy face, and waited for Aida when Guan Liyuan came to ask.

"What's wrong? So happy?" Although Guan Liyuan could probably guess something, he asked with interest.


Sure enough, I saw Aida happy, holding a badge to show me ...

It is the official certification of the official Taoist Pavilion of Longwei Town-the dragon tail badge!

Although only one lonely dragon tail badge appears in the badge box at this time, it is normal for the new trainer to get excited when he gets the badge for the first time.

"Congratulations, the road to championship has officially taken the first step." Guan Liyuan said.

"Hey, it's still a long way away ... seven badges are still needed to participate in the competition." Ada seemed modest, but her tone was obviously proud.

Hezhong also needs eight badges to be able to compete in the youth group and ten to participate in the unlimited group.

"By the way, Yuan, don't you go to the gym? Your little black eyes and small **** are enough to get the first badge?" Ada asked curiously.

"In my case ... let's challenge the combat division first! If the combat division route doesn't work in the end, I'll have time to challenge the gym again," Guan Liyuan said.

Actually, because you can only use your real name when registering in the Daoguan, Guan Liyuan will definitely cause a "sensation", and then the identity of "Mo Dao Tian extraordinary" may also be exposed.

Since it was decided to follow the line of the combat division, Guan Liyuan tried not to touch the Dao Pavilion.

"Well? I heard that it is more difficult for the combat division to obtain the competition qualifications than to collect the Taoist badges ..." Aida said in surprise.

"It can't be said like that ... if you just barely collect enough badges to qualify for the competition, you won't be too bright in the competition."

Guan Liyuan finished speaking, and found that Ada frowned, as if she was making a decision ...

So he quickly added: "Of course, if you want to participate for the first time, it is also good to collect badges, so that your opponents won't pay too much attention to your strength!"

Sure enough, Ada was relieved when he heard Guan Liyuan say this-she was already thinking whether she would also take the line of a combat division ...

At 11 am the next day, Guan Liyuan came to the Battle Club on time. Yesterday's text message informed Guan Liyuan that this was the scene.

Guan Liyuan's opponent has already arrived. In addition to the opponent himself, there is a companion to accompany him, both of them are dressed in black suits.

While confirming his identity with the referee, Guan Liyuan heard keenly, and the other two were complaining.

"What! We actually want us to participate in such a mentally retarded showdown!"


"And also pretending to be cute ... Look, this weak chicken, if you let me use the Pokémon you have, you can kill him in one round! It's so late!"

"Well ... for a while acting like a bit, don't attract the attention of the club, then ..."

These two probably didn't expect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan's hearing would be so strong, but in the latter words, he instinctively lowered his voice even more so that Guan Liyuan could not hear.

[Order above? Need a match club identity? Even sneakily ...] Guan Liyuan was calm on the surface, but secretly thought about it.

"Shh, don't say it ... Look at the expression of the rookie, you may find that we are whispering!"

Guan Liyuan: ...

Say yes, do you dare to expose me? I think it's hard for you to defile the Lord!

Looking at the other person's expression of reluctance, Guan Liyuan said deliberately: "Good luck! A random newcomer with 0 wins! Hahaha ... My Pokémon is already at level 20! "()

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