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Vol 2 Chapter 1722: Tower Defense

"Pokémon of both sides lost their fighting power at the same time, and played a match. Please send the second Pokémon to the two sides." The referee said after hesitating.

At this point on the ring, Little Black Eyes and Kelly's throwing ghosts have lost consciousness ...

"Good job, rest first!" Guan Liyuan said, withdrawing his little black eyes.

"Well, that's bad luck," Kelly exasperated.

Then the two also sent a second Pokémon at the same time-Shi Wanzi, to fight against ghosts!

Fighting ghosts, Taekwondo clothing similar to throwing ghosts, but blue skin, taller and thinner than throwing ghosts.

Guan Liyuan came up, of course, is a small ball. After all, Guan Liyuan is not a demon, and he will not throw Deocisis up ...

The fighting power gap between the two sides remains the same-Xiao Wanzi's race value is less than 300, and the combat ghost's race value is as high as 465.

However, at the beginning of the battle, the little **** that bounced, first captured the people ...

I saw that after Xiao Wanzi jumped up again and again in the same place, when the body fell, there was still a ghost image, continued to fly upward, and hit the ghost side.

Looking closely, the ghosts gradually condensed into a rock larger than the body of the small ball in the flight-exactly the trick "rock seal" learned yesterday!

Not only is it a certain offensive, but it can also limit the opponent's actions ...

The way in which the small **** are used is still relatively primitive, and the rock blocks are all irregular.

"Actually learned the rock seal? No ... it's 'hereditary', isn't it? Luck is good, but ... How many times can you use a 20-level stone ball? But it is a flashy color ... It has a certain collection value what……"


Kelly said half of it was stopped by his companions on the side—a mere 20th level or something, unlike what the newcomer of Lv1 said to the warrior.

And when it comes to "collection value", Kelly's flash of light is somewhat revealing professional habits.

Kelly's guess also makes sense-not only can Shi Wanzi learn the "rock seal" the day after tomorrow, but he can also inherit the "rock seal" directly. With the current fighting power of small balls, in general, it is more likely to be hereditary ...

As for "how many times"? Good question!

Kelly obviously thinks that with the strength of 20-level Ishimaru, this expensive move should not last long, so at this time, he just directs the fight against ghosts and dodges the rocks falling from the sky in place ...

However ... Next, Xiao Wanzi bounced off without any exhaustion!

Although the way of launching skills is very rigid and relatively easy to evade, but ... soon after the fight against the ghost, it is almost impossible to hide ...

"How, how is that possible? This stone ball ..." Kelly couldn't help but startled as he looked at the rocky field.

If it is Guan Liyuan ’s hidden power of Shimaru, he can still accept some, but ... Before there were two rock seals, when he was about to hit the ghost, he was broken by the ghost with an "empty hand split"-apparently Shimaru The level is really not high, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as fighting ghosts.

Why is physical strength so scary? This is beyond the scope of talent?

Not only the rock blocks for the "Seal of Rock" are continually condensed, but ... the rock blocks condensed by the power of the rock series have not been lost, and the field is so full?

At the same time, Xiao Wanzi finally stopped at this moment ...

Kelly breathed a little sigh of relief, thinking that the other side's physical strength was finally exhausted, but saw that Xiaomaru jumped to a commanding height at this moment, and began to "snap" at the hitting ghost-continuously ejected from the hexagonal hole Rock bullets, fired at combat ghosts.

It is the rock attack that is the continuous attack skill of the rock series!

In the game, the performance is 2-5 consecutive attacks, in the Pokémon world ... Although the attack power of each time is not high, it is extremely fast compared to general skills!

Faced with rock bullets like Gatling, against the ghosts instead of bracing them, he immediately ran over and ran towards Little Maruko.

However ... whenever it wants to jump and jump over obstacles, it will be swept back by "Gatling", and if it does not jump over the obstacles of the rock block, it will run by itself ... Is this a maze?

Covering rocks? No. Obviously, Xiao Wanzi knows more about the structure of the "maze" and can always find a suitable sniping point.

Although the attack power is not high, the almost unlimited energy makes the small ball enough to maintain the effect of the seal of countless times, and the battle will be turned into a tower defense!

And limited to the Lv1 rule, Kelly can no longer replace Pokémon at this time-if it is a flying Pokémon, you can ignore the terrain at this time.

In the end, before the walking ghost walked in front of Xiao Wanzi, his bag fell down ...

"Fighting ghosts loses their fighting power, the winner ... Mudao is extraordinary!" The referee announced.

Aida was cheering by the side, and by the way made a face at the other side-who made these two men in suits always look very pretending!

When Kelly took back Pokémon, his mouth was still swearing, but another companion, at this time what was said in Kelly's ears, and then Kelly couldn't help but look at Guan Liyuan.

However, he found that "Mo Dao Tian extraordinary" with sunglasses seemed to be looking at him, and he seemed to smile with a smile, and quickly turned his eyes.

That's right, the "enlightenment" of companion Perkins just worked for Kelly-what's the loss of a duel? Don't forget who we are!

I found two Pokémon with very high potential, and have not yet grown up, this is the greater gain!

Ada frowned, as if instinctively felt the maliciousness of the other party.

"Let ’s go back to Pokemon Center to celebrate!" Aida said Guan Liyuan.

After that, she also made a special science popularization with Guan Liyuan-the seniors of Mother Earth Village told her that "outside" there were many bad people who robbed other weak trainers of Pokémon.

While Guan Liyuan was helpless to be relegated to a "weak trainer" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he also understood that this aspect proved the reputation of the plasma group ...

It's only a matter of robbing Pokémon, but it is also robbing a "weak trainer"!

In the Pokémon world, robbing other people's Pokémon is definitely one of the worst crimes. Other violent organizations are more robbing protected areas, Pokémon cultivated by the alliance, and individual training. The teacher ’s Pokémon, at least, must be talented enough to make them very tempted ...

The plasma group is different. Because of the core idea, they want to grab even an ordinary green caterpillar when they have the opportunity and don't care about revealing their identity!

There have been many records of all Pokémon who have been taken away indiscriminately after the terrorist attacks. It is also the hegemonic violent group most wanted by grass-roots personnel ... ()

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