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Vol 2 Chapter 1725: Ingenuity

Guan Liyuan, as "Mao Dao Tian extraordinary", stayed in Longwei Town for a few days, winning four games in succession, and raised the level of the combat division to Lv.2.

As for Lv. 2 duel, Guan Liyuan is going to put it in Ssangyong ...

In the Lv.2 matchup, three Pokémon can already be registered, and two opponents need to be eliminated before they can win.

Since the first confrontation in Longwei Town a few days ago, after meeting the plasma group, they have been calm and calm. The two members of the plasma group did not appear in front of Guan Liyuan, and no other members of the plasma group came. Find trouble.

The battle club has also locked the opponent ’s ID at this time-because there is no tangible evidence that Kelly and Perkins are fighting in the alley, the two were not nominally wanted, after all, there were no victims before. Even if there is tangible evidence ... it just damages the public property!

However, in fact, the information of the two has been monitored. No matter which division of the battle club is registered in the future, they will be immediately noticed and even secretly interfere with their promotion ...

Almost all plasma group members whose identity has been exposed are treated like this-even if there is no evidence for the time being, they will be subject to additional monitoring!

Even going to the Pokemon Center, they have to be "looked at differently." Who made these guys too bad and notorious?

Soon after leaving Longwei Town, Guan Liyuan suddenly noticed something and said to Aida whispering: "Be careful, I don't want to look around after I have said ... as if someone is following us."

After Ada paused, he also understood Guan Liyuan's intention. He also asked Guan Liyuan without hesitation: "Who? Who is the bad guy of plasma?"

"Very likely." Guan Liyuan said.

"Oops, your two friends, have already gone to Ssangyong City first?" Aida said Kojiro and Musashi.

"It doesn't matter, we can think of some ways ..." Guan Liyuan has many ways, but if he doesn't consider the beast, he can only look at Guan Liyuan's ingenuity!

After all, the plasma group in the United District is too bad, and the novice trainer experience is very poor!

In other areas, there are few such dangerous situations ...

[Let Little Black Eyes and Little Balls try to set traps, if not, just stop them! ] Guan Liyuan secretly decided.

"Eh? It's a squirrel ... go! Little black-eyed!" Guan Liyuan deliberately sent little black-eyed and chased into the forest on both sides of the path.

Aida couldn't help but look at Guan Liyuan in confusion-a rat? Why didn't I see it?

And ... why would you want to send Pokémon out?

However, Guan Liyuan did not give her a chance to respond, and she directly pulled Ada into the grove ...

"Hmm ... hmm?" Ada was also shy.

After entering, Guan Liyuan also shouted: "No, there are sentinels ... you go too, little balls!"

Kelly and Perkins were startled, and quickly followed ...

"Oops! Did he find us?"

"You don't have to try again ... at least wait for his Pokémon to come back!"

The two thieves did not die, of course, in order to **** Pokémon, just attacking Guan Liyuan is meaningless.

Because of his identity, he was excluded from the plasma group ’s covert operation. He was also scolded by his cadres, and each of them was confiscated a Pokémon.

Therefore, the two did not mention the small black eyes and small balls. They only said that after losing, they were frustrated and had to run into the elite members of the Rockets, so as not to be "robbed"-if they could not grab Guan Liyuan's Pok Dream, this time it's really nothing!

The two followed for a while, and Pukins noticed something wrong: "What's going on? Has he lost his Pokémon? And ... why is he walking slowly?"

"It looks like it might have been discovered! He may have deliberately let Pokémon escape ... Within five minutes, if he doesn't merge with Pokémon, he will catch him first, and then lead to Pokémon!" Kelly said. .

"Only this way ... Ah!"

Perkins was about to reconcile, and suddenly the two of them were empty, and they fell into a pit with only one layer of floating sand.

At the same time, the two men who looked back also saw a net hanging between the treetops above their heads-more importantly, the net was full of "stones"!

"It is now, the enhanced version of the" Seal of Rock "!" Guan Liyuan said, and the little ball lying in the tree "snapped" a few times, breaking the rope that caught the net.

Suddenly, there were countless rock blocks crackling down ...

Instead, in other worlds, ordinary people are smashed like this, afraid that they will die without the whole body!

However, in the Pokémon world, even if it is a real rock, there is not a great chance of being killed, let alone ... these are not real rocks, but the rock seals accumulated before the small balls-otherwise the net cannot bear this weight.

Yep? When do I give them a net? Could it be a keen instinct? Guan Liyuan flashed a little doubt in his heart.

After all, the "rock seal" was condensed by the power of the rock series. The "suppression" of the creatures is better than the real rocks. Although the small **** are now made out, the piece is only half a meter in diameter, but even the strong man is suppressed Can't break free!

The point is not to be smashed, but to be trapped below ...

Before that, Guan Liyuan passed through Xiaoheiyan and Xiaowanzigou. Immediately after leaving, he set up a "trap" in a suitable place. Xiaoheiyan dug the pits covered by floating sand with special abilities. Xiaowanzi kept accumulating "rocks" seal"……


"not good!"

Kelly and Perkins exclaimed, and quickly released their Pokémon, but ... in the pit, everyone had no place to hide.

Even if they had the absolute combat advantage, they faced so many rock seals directly, and the twelve Pokémon of the two were also crushed to the bottom of the pit ...

But Guan Liyuan also understood that he couldn't hold it for too long!

Earlier, even Kelly's temporary training striker was able to crack the rock seal, not to mention their real Pokémon partner?

Of course, at this time Guan Liyuan didn't know that the two Pokémon who were the most “handy” were already confiscated—the plasma group was also fierce to their own, because there was “will Pokemon never deserve to own their trainer. The core idea of ​​"liberation at hand" is used as a basis, and after failure, it may be considered "unworthy" ...

For example, Kelly and Perkins's Elf Balls are connected to the Plasma Research Institute. Except for the Elf Balls that they usually carry with them, other Pokémon are usually under the control of the Plasma Group. It is easy to "confiscate"!

"Run!" Guan Liyuan shouted.

But then he made a "snoring" gesture to Ada, and then turned around ... hiding in a pit not far away.

Yes, Xiao Hei had dug two pits before, and the other was more hidden ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The reason why shouting "run" is only to mislead Kelly and Perkins ...

After that, just hide here, wait for Kelly and Putkins to come out, chase in the wrong direction, and then leave, this is the ingenuity of Guan Liyuan! A flawless plan!

Sometimes Guan Liyuan was scared of his own mind, fearing that he would be called "Bingxue smart" in the future!

Just when Guan Liyuan was proud, a wild electric spider crawled out, staring at Guan Liyuan and Aida badly ...

Guan Liyuan finally remembered, the net just used ... a little familiar? Could not help looking at Xiao Wanzi silently.

And Xiao Wanzi said after a stalk: "blame me? Didn't you give me the net? Isn't it the things on the ground, everyone's? Isn't it hanging on the tree? 】

Guan Liyuan: ...

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