Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1728: 1 kind?

"Well? Still looking for it today? It has been around for three days ..." Aida said helplessly.

"Everything has been found. It's a pity if you can't find it." Guan Liyuan said.

"But ... the faeces were discovered three days ago. Even if it was a single dragon, three days later, the radius of activity was already very large. It is difficult to find it? And that faeces, similar to A lot of Pokémon? "Ada wondered.

"With the single-headed dragon's habit, although I like to run around, but the radius of activity is not great ... look for another day, if not found today, we will go directly to Ssangyong City." Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, just three days ago, when Guan Liyuan deliberately deviated from his schedule and came to find his "third" Pokemon, he found a pile of Pokemon excrement. After identification, it is likely that it was a single dragon. !!

In the wild area around Ssangyong City, there are many types of dragon Pokémon surviving and breeding ...

The rarest of these is, naturally, the quasi-god beast in the united place-the Pokémon of three evil dragons and one line!

The single dragon is the original form before the evolution of the three dragons.

In "The First House in the World", in fact, about the single-headed dragon that Li Yuan bought from the United Alliance at a high price, all the single-headed dragons with bad qualifications were acquired when the first-bedroom in the world was not well-known ...

Now, apart from the Quartz Alliance, basically no one is willing to sell the quasi-beast to the world's first house!

It is no longer a question of money, but the breeding of each quasi-sacred animal is basically under the control of the alliance. After all, the sacred animal is too far away for general trainers, and the quasi-sacred animal can basically be said to be a symbol of the place.

In general breeding houses, it is impossible to artificially breed quasi-beasts. Large-scale stocking only exists locally. Trainers who want to get quasi-beasts partner must go in person ...

At this time, the alliances around the world have also discovered that no matter how many dishes are sold to Guan Liyuan ’s quasi-god beast, even if other breeders have determined that the Pokémon that cannot be evolved, it will be cultivated as a “qualification” in the first room in the world. The existence of "heterogenes" is likely to breed in the three islands.

When Guan Liyuan first found the poop, he felt familiar, and also contacted Tomoko specifically, and took a photo of the excrement of the single-headed dragon on the island. Sure enough, except that it was smaller, it was almost the same. Simply analyze its composition, food The source is basically in line with the recipe of Shan Shoulong!

Anyway, Guan Liyuan is also a cultivator. This basic ability is still mastered. More importantly, Guan Liyuan also has a real single bowel poop, which can be compared and will not be confused with other similar **** ...

As for some differences, it is also inevitable-the development of the single-headed dragon on the island is much better than that of the single-headed dragon in the wild, the body is naturally larger, and the food composition is more scientific.

"A Yuan, this doesn't follow at all ..." Na Senran frowned at this moment.

That's right, this guy has been following Guan Liyuan and Aida since then, but he also helped before, Guan Liyuan was also embarrassed to drive him away.

And ... Nathan has never identified his identity. If you drive away directly, Guan Liyuan may feel more troublesome, so it is better to stay under the eyelids!

After a few days of communication, Guan Liyuan felt that Nasen was still able to listen to others' words, not a magic wand ... This is probably the reason why the plasma group is the easiest to get along with.

Two years ago, before the plasma mass was completely divided, in the dark period of Quiches's drastic and undisguised shots against other trainers, Nathan had realized that using violence to separate humans from Pokémon would give treasure Ke Meng also hurts-yes, his priority must be Pokémon.

In the past two years, Na Senran's thoughts have been "smooth" a lot. Although the core idea has not changed, like Guan Liyuan can also do it. Instead of relying on the function of the elf ball, let Pokemon follow him- In this regard, Nathan also affirmed that Guan Liyuan and other glamorous "beep" goods are different.

Similarly ... Like Ada attracting the proud pheasant to take the initiative to "trust", Nathan did not pose a "you should refuse" posture.

However, Nathan is not very happy about Guan Liyuan's "scratching" behavior of Shan Shoulong.

"Fate is to fight for ... Are you still single now? No girl likes you, right?" Guan Liyuan silently "swords" and struck him twice.

This kind of wild quasi-gods outside the reserve is scarcely more rare than the wild Uranus-level Pokémon. The single-headed quasi-god, which can survive independently, can be seen a little, and those must have a certain number. The quasi-gods who can live normally are basically locked by the alliance long ago, and the living area is divided into protected areas ...

As for this single order, Guan Liyuan suspected that it was the descendant of three evil dragons that occasionally appeared in the reserve.

But Nathan didn't feel much after being "captured". After thinking about it, he said, "Single means that there is no object like Pokemon mating and breeding each other? That's really not ... but I have two young plum bamboo horses who grew up together. You should like me. "Nathan said he blocked and countered.

Ada silently twitched the corner of his mouth-what kind of ghost metaphor are these? The child who came out of the semi-closed village is me? Why does your metaphor make me feel "simple" too much?

"That's right! Isn't Nathan able to communicate with Pokémon? Could you please invite Pokémon around ... Keke, well, Nathan will not help this." Ida said only halfway before he reacted. .

However, when Guan Liyuan heard it, he froze for a moment, then picked up Ada and turned around: "You are such a genius!"

"Say it first ... I won't help you at this time," Nathan Ran emphasized.

However, Guan Liyuan just gave him a vain glance and said, "Without labor, I can do it myself."

Having said that, Guan Liyuan sat down and began to concentrate on meditation and spread his spiritual power as far as possible ...

"Well?" Nathan seemed to feel something.

As a gifted person who was born to be able to communicate with Pokémon, Nathan was very sensitive to what Guan Liyuan was doing.

In fact, he was also curious about Guan Liyuan ...

He naturally heard a lot of rumors about "homeowners" before, and was very angry at first. This guy actually imprisoned so many Pokémon-not all the breeding houses are considered "captive" Pokémon, but … This guy has cultivated thousands of Pokémon, and specially contracted three islands for the cultivation area. Isn't it "cultivation"?

As for saying that he can conquer thousands of Pokémon and stay in the breeding area voluntarily ... Nathan does not believe it! It's just that Guan Liyuan still has a lot of beasts favored, so Nathan is not very sure, he is imprisoning Pokémon-can all beasts be blind?

For this reason, he also secretly went to the Mishima Nurture Headquarters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while nobody found it, talked to Pokemon there, and found that ... Pokemon there is indeed very happy!

This is also the Pokémon, all in accordance with the contract, but did not disclose anything about the "contract".

So after discovering that Guan Liyuan was coming to the United Nations, he decided to take a closer look at his own eyes, whether this guy is a traitor or a person who thinks about Pokémon like him.

But until now, he didn't understand ...

Just in Guan Liyuan, I found more and more similar breath, such as now ...

Many wild Pokémon around them gathered around Guan Liyuan at this time, and then they seemed to be communicating, and they all spread apart ...

"It turns out that the so-called sinking fish and geese are real ... is he really the same as me? But ... why ..." ()

Remember the first domain name in this book: .. m.

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