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Vol 2 Chapter 1730: Blink if you are threatened

[No, it is indeed my old enemy ... is this the power of endless light? What is this trick? 】 Shou Shoulong asked.

I saw that Shan Shoulong had been brought down by Guan Liyuan. Guan Liyuan had his hands on his chin, his legs twisted around his long neck, and his four short legs. No effort.

After all, it is just a small single dragon that is less than 10 levels and cannot be nourished. It does not hurt Guan Liyuan at all ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan can't do much harm to it, just lock him after exhaustion.

[This trick is ... tornado destroys the parking lot! 】 Guan Liyuan said again and exerted force.

Single-headed dragon: ...

How do you feel that the style of this name is more than "Eternal Darkness"?

[Believe in the Holy Light! 】

[Think of it, I will not yield ...]

[Holy Light will give you ... Racial value increase, individual correction rate increase, and new skills ...]

Single-headed dragon: ...

Nathan Ran aside, watching Guan Liyuan and the single-headed dragon cricket fight together, his eyelids were jumping, obviously obviously very dissatisfied!

Forcibly conquering Pokémon is very bad, but there are still people who start it by themselves?

However, Nathan was helpless. Whenever he wanted to hear what Shan Shoulong said, the other party either ignored him or said something incomprehensible ...

Although it has long been known that Shan Shoulong's personality is very rebellious, but ... Nathan is not that he has not dealt with Shan Shoulong, other dragons are not so "serious"!

Just when Nathan couldn't help but want to forcibly separate Guan Liyuan and Shan Shoulong, who were "twisting" together, the two separated themselves.

"Enough! A Yuan, since this single dragon is not willing, you don't want to ..."

Nathan Ran just said halfway, when Guan Liyuan took out the elven ball and put away the single dragon-the latter neither evaded nor resisted.

Nathan Ran :? ? ?

Was he beaten? Can Pokémon be overcome by humans? Nathan couldn't help but look ...

In addition, wild single-headed dragons should be extremely difficult to tame. Generally, only semi-breeded single-headed dragons in the reserve can be "conquered" from childhood. The wild single-headed dragon that has grown up is difficult to be trained. It's right to conquer.

There are some differences between Gao Ao Pheasant, single-headed dragon, double-headed tyrannosaurus, three evil dragons ... In this series of evolution, the most easily conquered is the double-headed tyrannosaurus.

Wild single-headed dragons and three evil dragons are difficult to conquer.

As three quasi-sacred beasts, the three dragons not only have a race value of 600, but also require the most advanced levels of evolution. Other quasi-sacred beasts have a minimum evolutionary requirement of about 50, and a double-headed tyrannosaurus requires a minimum of 64. Evolved into three evil dragons ...

Although the evolution level is only a basic condition, in fact, in addition to some nurturing holy places, such as the first house in the world, the first house in the world, and the first house in the world ... otherwise, it is like a quasi-god beast, and it must be "evolved" It is difficult to reach the final form. There are many requirements for Pokémon's qualifications and growth, but at least the level is a lower limit condition.

In other words, each of the three evil dragons in the wild has at least an elite level ... and more likely, they are stronger among the elite, and there are even many wild kings. In addition, their tempers are irritable and temperamental. The bear is fierce, and he will not be convinced if he is defeated, and will not be conquered.

Although the single-headed dragon is still weak, but ... the character is mostly rebellious and persevering, and it is not the same as winning.

But now, there is a scene in front of Na Senran, where the trainer personally beats the single dragon and conquers it!

Isn't it ... Single Dragon must be defeated by the trainer himself?

Nathan didn't think of the result, but said angrily to Guan Liyuan: "Wait! Shan Shoulong doesn't want to travel with you, right? You are ... forced to accept! I don't agree!"

You do n’t agree with what matters to me-Guan Liyuan wants to tell Nasenran like this, but in order to avoid trouble, and ... a little prank mind, Guan Liyuan specially released the single dragon.

"Who said it wasn't voluntary? You can't talk nonsense because you can communicate with Pokémon! Little alone, are you willing to follow me? You can leave now, too," Guan Liyuan said.

Shan Shoulong heard the words and immediately turned around, pretending to be disdainful, but did not mean to leave.

Seeing the appearance of Shan Shoulong, Nasenran immediately communicated with it by electrocardiogram: "Sing Shou Long, don't be afraid ... are you lost with your mother? To be honest, I will send you home Yes, you don't have to worry about someone hitting you ... "

As he talked, Nathan whispered in his heart: Could this single dragon ... are rare ... very ... counseling?

[Human lips! Suddenly speculate that the great I will be afraid? I don't have any parents ...] Single-headed dragon angered.

Nathan Ran: ...

Now Nathan is certain that this single dragon ... is indeed not normal.

"Anyway ... you don't want to be subdued by him, right? If you are threatened, you wink ... Keke, I mean nod." Nathan suddenly remembered, Shan Shoulong's eyes ... he couldn't see at all.

[Am I subdued? Make a joke! 】

Hearing Shan Shoulong's words, Nathan looked at Guan Liyuan, "What else do you have to say?"

However, Shan Shoulong continued: "I just use the light of my old enemies as my food, and merge into my boundless darkness to become a stronger and stronger existence ... so I am only with my old enemies for the time being! 】

Nathan Ran: ... So was he subdued?

Guan Liyuan smiled and looked at Na Senran.

Nathan trembled at the corner of his mouth, and did not continue to intervene anymore, probably wondering: which of the two double-headed tyrannosaurus or three evil dragon mothers has lost your mental retardation!

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Nathan has no doubts about the "lost" of the single-headed dragon-with the single-headed dragon's character, it is not surprising.

The single-headed dragon's habits are very special. The original "single-headed dragon" is a Pokémon who desires to live alone. Only when there are no similar people around, it will feel comfortable.

After evolved into a double-headed tyrannosaurus, they will show acceptance of social gregariousness. As for the final three evil dragons, although they are irritable and super fierce, they are relatively friendly to their kind, especially for the double-headed tyrannosaurus and single-headed dragon. Has a high tolerance, will not feel lonely when living alone, and will also bear the responsibility of protecting the same kind from being bullied when living in groups ...

The number of three evil dragons is very small. It is relatively easy for a single dragon to evolve into a double-headed tyrannosaurus, but it is difficult to evolve to the final form. The evolution rate is even similar to that of a giant gold monster that requires four in one.

Normally, breeding will occur after the evolution of the double-headed tyrannosaurus, and the small single-headed dragon usually does not leave the care of the double-headed tyrannosaurus. Even if it thinks that it is far away, it is actually still taken care of by the double-headed tyrannosaurus. Within range.

However, it is not surprising that occasionally some single-headed dragons have escaped ...

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