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Vol 2 Chapter 1739: Fresh and refined

When Pokémon is in a wild state, the chance of being seriously injured is actually not great-"stunned syncope" is regarded as a new world rule and protects Pokémon.

In fact, Pokémon still has a lot of room to endure in the "lost" state, and under normal circumstances, wild Pokémon will not chase the lost Pokémon.

The so-called "toughness" is to temporarily shield this layer of "protection".

Usually only triggered when the trainer resonates with Pokémon's spirit, and Pokémon's fighting spirit is very high, and his emotions are extremely high, but ... if the wild Pokémon's emotions and fighting spirit are high enough, theoretically, May trigger "tough".

It's like "super evolution"-if Pokemon's resonance with the super stone is intense enough, theoretically it is possible to enter the super evolution state autonomously without the trainer holding the key stone to resonate with it.

According to Bunduma, Yaya can easily enter the extreme manic mood when facing male Pokémon, and can even continue to enter the "tough" state at that time, while improving the combat ability, it is also easy to be seriously injured ...

"Can you show me?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously.

"No problem, if you can take care of it, you can take it away!" Bunduma said.

"Dad! Don't bother anyone else, you can't travel at all like this, Seolie?" Kiki rolled her eyes.

Bunduma heard the words and sighed ... I feel that this little headache can't be sent out for the time being!

After all, Yaya is a dragon Pokémon, not everyone can handle it, and ... Yaya treats men and women as humans. Although they do not have the same treatment as Pokémon, they are usually closer to women and humans.

It's just that you don't attack when you see a man, you get hormonal when you see a woman.

It is impossible to count on this fellow who just pitted him to take away his teeth.

Although the teeth are a headache, Bunduma will not give it to a trainer who can't really establish a bond with it!

However, Guan Liyuan still took Qiya from Qiqi's hand and took a look ...

Sure enough, just after Qiqi was going to close her confinement, Yaya also turned her head away, but the person with her hands in her arms and holding it turned into Guan Liyuan, and she became even naked -Obviously Guan Liyuan did not offend it!

Obviously this is the problem of the initial impression ...

After using spiritual communication, Guan Liyuan heard his voice: "Who is this guy?" I ’m not a pretty young lady, but you need to hug me ...

Guan Liyuan: -_- |||

[Little devil, why do you have to be close to seeing female Pokemon? Also actively attacking other male Pokémon? Guan Liyuan asked.

【what? Can you talk to me? Wait, what a set is almost ... Vulgar! 】 Yiya said unconvinced.

【what? What was that just now? 】

[It is the pursuit of beauty. Yaya said solemnly.

Guan Liyuan: ...

For a while Guan Liyuan didn't know where to start vomiting. In the end, he ignored the definition of "vulgar" by Yaya, and said from the actual situation: "Do you know ... what is an egg group? You guys are not an egg group, do you know? 】

Normally, this should be instinct! Guan Liyuan was also wondering.

However, Guan Liyuan found that Yaya looked at him with scorn, until Guan Liyuan was so excited by his small expression that he wanted to be "angered", and Yaya asked deeply: "It really is a vulgar person. In your heart, is the pursuit of the opposite **** just for reproduction? 】

Guan Liyuan: ...

Guan Liyuan saw this fresh and refined Pokémon for the first time. It makes sense, but ...

[Seeing a guy who wants to chase one is the most vulgar! ] Guan Liyuan could not help but vomit.

Yaya heard the words twist her head aside, unwilling to ignore Guan Liyuan's look.

Later, Guan Liyuan tried it out and sent a "contract" to it, but Yaya said, "What is this?" contract? What other world? There are so many young ladies and sisters here, and they speak nicely. I really like it here and don't go anywhere! 】

Guan Liyuan heard the words and said to the penguin with a frown: [Analyze the basic situation of this guy in my hand! 】

[Lack of key information, need administrator to collect by himself. Reminded Penguin.

Tooth did not sign a contract with Guan Liyuan, and naturally cannot use the contract as a link to directly pull out the precise list of tooth.

For penguins to collect outside information, they need to rely on Guan Liyuan ’s perception. After white-eye can play a little effect in the Pokémon world, the information collection efficiency and accuracy have been greatly improved, but they must also be tempted to use the power first , Otherwise ... now you can only analyze the grade, height, weight of the teeth ...

"Uncle Benduma, can I play against it?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"This ... can be, but it can't be too strong Pokémon. Even if you win, you can't conquer it. Too strong Pokémon may hurt it, and ... if you really want to To try it out, it's best not to use female Pokémon, "Bunduma said.

Guan Liyuan heard that he put down his teeth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't pay much attention to the reminder of Bunduma-too strong Pokémon? Female Pokémon? No, Guan Liyuan's small black eyes, small balls, small singles ... all are weak batches, and they are pure monk teams!

"Go! Little black-eyed, go and try its strength!" Guan Liyuan said, and let out little black-eyed.

When Bunduma saw this, he reminded him: "I don't need such a young Pokémon, there is no problem with a Pokémon with a combat power of about 15,000."

Young, translated as "weak."

In general, the black-eyed crocodile, which has not even evolved, can indeed be described as "young".

However, Little Black Eye is now “exceeding the standard” and the individual correction rate is excellent. Although it is only 27 levels, it is still two levels away from evolution, but the combat effectiveness is close to 9000!

But what puzzles Guan Liyuan is ...

Yaya ... is also "young"? Although Yaya ’s evolution level is as high as 38, “White-eye + Penguin” visual inspection now shows that the small-colored ghost should be about 30, higher than the little black-eye, and the tooth value of Toya is 320 points, which is nearly 30 points higher than the ordinary black-eyed crocodile , But it is only about the fighting power of little black eyes, no matter how no 15000 fighting power?

Since the little black eyes have been sent out, naturally there is no reason to directly recover ...

Little Black Eye also seemed to understand Bunduma's words and became more aggressive.

However, at this moment, Yaya looked at the little black eyes, and the two pupils, which were already red, became more shiny, as if they were about to blink.

"Tooth ... tooth ..." The little snarling roared, it could not be said to be fighting spirit, but naked warfare!

"It's ... a strong promotion!" Guan Liyuan could feel that the power of Xiao Segui suddenly soared, and it became more obvious under the white eyes, as if Long Li was about to overflow ...

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