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Vol 2 Chapter 1759: Vanishing Hands

Guan Liyuan had no time to pass a complicated explanation to make Ada realize the existence of "the power of reversal", and he had been dragged by the elders of the Dragon Village to explore the knowledge of the Dragon ...

The elders and scholars of the Dragon Village, which did not attach great importance to this, had completely different attitudes towards Guan Liyuan after the Dragon Festival!

"A Yuan? I didn't expect you to be Guan Liyuan and the house owner, hahaha, maybe I should have thought of it earlier, how could an ordinary breeder take out the sticky dragon scales so easily." Tam said with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't want to expose it for the time being, so I didn't say my real name." Guan Liyuan said.

"Nothing, understandable, and ..." Ayuan "is also the real name, isn't it?" Tam didn't care.

As for the exchange of knowledge in the dragon system, it would not make Guan Liyuan feel too boring-after all, he is also a Pokémon trainer and educator, and the elder scholars in the hometown of dragons. At the top team level, Guan Liyuan also learned a lot in the exchange.

Even ... if it wasn't for the old card at this time, Guan Liyuan might be timid!

After all, everyone is not a genre. The elder scholars in Longzhi Township are the "knowledge stream" and Guan Liyuan is the "skill stream."

Scholars and elders in Longzhi Township, simply because of their background and growth environment, easily acquire and accumulate knowledge from an early age, and have more opportunities to apply it to practice and increase experience; Guan Liyuan has to practice hard and study hard. After trying to sign a contract with Pokémon to improve his professional level, he has some small auxiliary skills to help him train and cultivate Pokémon ...

In short, in the discussions and exchanges, the elders and scholars of Guan Liyuan and Longzhi Township each had their own gains.

"It's really a pleasure to communicate with you, but unfortunately, I must leave ... This will ensure that when I leave the protected area, I will not exceed the seven-day stay limit." Guan Liyuan watched the sky gradually getting late, although The dragon festival is still going on, and everyone is still holding a bonfire to recover, but they still say goodbye.

"Deadline? How did these guys do it? Can they only approve a seven-day deadline for a breeding master like Guan Guan? Xiaoxia Card, you go to help Guan Guan to re-open the authority, and use the highest visitor from Dragon Village The permissions have been registered. "Oga said immediately after hearing.

Sharka: Speaking of which you may not believe, I was here to watch out for Guan Liyuan!

Oga ignored the complaint in Xia Ka's heart. In the end, Xia Ka went to Guan Liyuan to go through the procedures of opening permissions ...

"A Yuan, I haven't found the gift you left on the altar of Riding Dina," Aida said at this time.

Because none of the dragon gods except the Czech Roma had received gifts, even most of them did not appear at all, so after the dragon festival ended, everyone began to collect the gifts that were not sent out.

Guan Liyuan was pulled over by the elders of Longzhi Township, so Aida helped him to collect the gift, but found that the ride on Radina was gone ...

"Who may have received the wrong one, it doesn't matter." Guan Liyuan said indifferently.

If it is really received, there should be feedback, just like Czech Roma received a lot of gifts, including Ada's "sharp teeth", leaving a lot of dragon materials-just Ada had no use at all.

And ... riding the statue of Radina, there was no sign of will.

But if you lose the gift, you will lose it. It ’s just a “3D printer” that you bought in other worlds, and the printed hand is just ...

In the Pokémon world, Pokémon-like models and puppets are very common, like "Pikachu" in Kanto. Because of their cute appearance, they have swept across the world of puppet toys.

However, the models and puppets of the divine beasts are very rare. Only some of the divine beasts that have more communication with humans are available, and most of them are not very similar!

Because there are very few human sightings of beasts, most of the beast information in the illustrated book is empty in the picture column, at most there are some blurred photos.

For the humans in the Pokémon world, the beast is still very mysterious, and even exists only in the story!

The dragon village can have all ten dragon beast sculptures, thanks to Czech Roma and Reichlam ...

Guan Liyuan has a forum to take pictures, and a 3D printer ... directly let Penguin print a scaled down hand.

It is also because there is no production outside, so Guan Liyuan feels that as a unique "heart gift", he is more sincere.

Among the ten dragon gods, Guan Liyuan has seen riding Radina, Kegeld, and Chief Rem. Among them, Chief Rem has only seen his descendants, but because of the sculpture, Guan Liyuan only followed the Chief Lei that he had seen. Just color the um.

Divine beasts are generally different from the images in animations and games. For example, the feathers of lightning birds are not "hedgehog-like", but are more heroic. The size of lightning birds is slightly different, which is different from ordinary. Pokémon is different ...

Therefore, the gods and beasts that have not been seen, Guan Liyuan does not have their own brains to fill their colors, and they are not all gifts.

"By the way, Ada can only stay for seven days ..." Guan Liyuan hinted wildly to Oga.

Oga looked at Ada, and apparently also recognized the girl-such a thing as calling Pokkigu during the dragon descending ceremony ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is even more incredible than calling for the beast!

"Ahem, then ... Xia Ka, don't forget to help this ... Ada also re-opened the authority, we also want to study the previous Dragon Landing ceremony," Oga said.

After that, Guan Liyuan also successfully discussed the topic and guided the "reversal force". Ada then realized that he really had some kind of "special ability".

Guan Liyuan originally wanted to use the knowledge of the Dragon Master of the Dragon Village to study the changes in the nature of the attributes with him, but unfortunately, the elders and scholars of the Dragon Village were not good at it, and were not interested ... .

After spending another five days in Longzhi Township, Guan Liyuan still has to leave—after all, he is not a pure dragon trainer or educator. The elders and scholars of Longzhi Township, although knowledgeable, ca n’t stay here forever. Linger.

Because after leaving the Longzhixiang Nature Reserve, he still swaggered across the market with the "God Beast", which was obviously not very convenient. Guan Liyuan also wanted to collect Xi'er into the elf ball, but Xi'er was not very willing.

But Xi'er and Xiao Shan are different. They are obedient children. Even if they don't want to, they just sell cute with Guan Liyuan ...

Therefore, Guan Liyuan didn't just like to deal with Xiao Shan, but he explained to Xi'er and let her know that if it was in a crowded place, it would be impossible for her to walk around without seeing the crowd. There was no way to travel!

[Why watch me? ] Xier asked depressed.

[Because everyone admires and wonders about beasts, well ... because Xi'er is so powerful! 】 Guan Liyuan coaxed her and said.

【Yep? So ... is that all right? 】

I saw that accompanied by a white light, Xi'er became the image of a 14-year-old girl ...

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