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Vol 2 Chapter 1762: Kojiro: I want to call the police

After Ada and Xi'er found someone following, they quietly walked into the alley with few people ...

(Friendly reminder from Positive Energy East: If you encounter this situation, Lioli, please call the nearest police station, go to a crowded place, call for help, and do n’t learn from theology.)

After the sneaky follower followed the dead end, Ida and Xi'er were standing face to face!

"Who! What is the purpose of following us!" Aida asked.

"Since you're sincere ... become someone else's husband, why should you come to me?" I saw the obvious female follower, and suddenly said unexpected lines to the companions around her.

"Ha?" Kojiro was startled, wondering what Musashi draws.

Yes, the tracker is the Rockets duo!

Originally hearing the other party asked for identity, Musashi instinctively wanted to "introduce himself", but said it only after speaking out-can't reveal his identity now!

They are now tracking "Xi'er" to figure out her identity, not conflict ...

"I will raise the child by myself, you go!" Musashi looked sad and angry.

It's just ... This kind of expression and emotion like a stage actress is exaggerated and frustrated like lines. In reality, it looks a bit exaggerated.

Kojiro: ...

Seeing that Xiaojiro was still stupid and didn't react, Musashi jumped with a "jing" on his head and kicked him fiercely.

"It hurts!" Exclaimed Kojiro.

"My heart hurts even more, don't chase me, don't chase me!"

I saw Musashi swiftly "escape" while holding Koujiro's collar, and Le Koujiro's breath was about to die ...

Xi'er: ...

"Is this human?" Xi'er looked at the two men who had run away in doubt.

"No, this is a pervert ..." Ada had seen the two guys familiar.

On the other side, Kojiro, after seeing his grandmother across the river in a hurry, still sobered up in time: "Cough, click ... Musashi! What are you doing?"

"Stupid! Our goal is to find out, who is that 'Xi'er, and why he is behind the house owner, and his identity cannot be revealed!" Musashi reprimanded.

"It turns out ... wait! I didn't reveal my identity at all, did you want to introduce yourself?" Kojiro responded.

But Musashi pretended not to hear it, and said to himself, "What should I do? I must report to the boss of Sakagi as soon as possible. When we left the hometown of Dragon, that Xier was not there yet, was it? It's difficult ... "

That's right, the reason Musashi and Kojiro followed was precisely Sakagi's ultimate task-to investigate the relationship between Guan Liyuan and the opposite **** around him.

After thinking about it, Xiaojiro asked seriously, "Wait, why should we follow quietly? In fact, we haven't done anything bad?"

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was in the training ground, and the training of the little ogre was deadlocked.

Originally according to Guan Liyuan's idea, the opponents simulated in the training field were just simulated images or targets. There was no "gender" problem, and the little devil should be able to train normally.

However, in actual operation, Guan Liyuan found a problem ...

Guan Liyuan's guess is correct, he can indeed train, but the training results are not satisfactory.

The little devil does not enter the "fighting heart" state, the combat experience is almost zero, and after Guan Liyuan's observation, during normal training, the accumulated combat experience will not make the "fighting heart" state at all. The little devil becomes stronger ...

Just like the human body in the Ultraman world, practicing tablet support every day, it is only three minutes to become Ultraman.

Moreover, Xiaosegui's usual combat ability and combat ability in the state of "battle heart", even if it is not as disparate as the contrast between Ultraman and the human body, is also called cloud mud. At this time, it does not make sense to conduct combat ability training.

"It seems that you need to master some of the power of the" battle heart "before you can start combat training ... Before that, you should learn the tricks first," Guan Liyuan said.

The enhanced combat experience is effective only when the small slayer is in a state of "struggle", but now because of his strength, the small slayer cannot keep awake when the "story of the heart" is launched, so he cannot train.

[Are you sure ... what kind of power can I have? 】 Xiao Segui said with no confidence in the contract.

"The problem is not big. Although you can't control your own level, your level is very slow, and the battle process is dangerous, but as long as I can help you choose your opponents and add skill assistance ... it should not be slower than ordinary Pokémon. Guan Liyuan said.

Without Guan Liyuan's special training methods, the situation of Xiao Segui is indeed a dead end-without improving his strength, he will not be able to master the "combat mind" state; without mastering the "combat mind" state, he will not be able to "level" effectively.

However, with regard to Li Yuan's existence, the "leveling" efficiency of Xiao Segui can at least reach the level of ordinary Pokémon, which provides the possibility for mastering the state of mind in battle.

The training of small black eyes, small balls, and small singles is still methodical at this time. The most efficient are small **** with unlimited energy. Little black eyes also show off Guan Liyuan's technical effects by virtue of his own hard work. "Single-headed dragon" as the initial evolutionary form, the reasons for the limited fighting methods and limited vision ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but training is difficult, but the speed of improvement is higher than the average level ...

At this time, Musashi and Kojiro have re-planned and no longer follow quietly, but directly appeared in front of Aida and Xi'er-after thinking about it, they found that there is no need to hide, they Now Guan Liyuan's "makeup artist" is not a suspicious element!

Does n’t it matter that it appears directly in front of Guan Liyuan ’s friends? It used to be a professional habit ...

"Well? What are you two doing again?" After seeing Musashi and Kojiro, Ada put a dead fish in his eyes.

"Again? It's as if the two of us have met you. Is this the first time we have met today? It wasn't us who followed you into the alley before! Hahaha ... Ah!" Xiao Jilang explained to half, Musashi stepped on it hard.

"Sister Aida, these two people are so stupid, like ... Koda Duck." Xi'er snickered.

"So what are you going to do?" Ida Fu said.

"It's nothing, just a chill. The weather is good today ... Huh? Is this your new companion? What's the relationship with the housekeeper? Don't get me wrong, we just chill and just talk casually ..." Kojiro shifted stiffly topic.

"Relationship? What is the relationship? Mom told me to listen to him to be a relationship?" Xi'er didn't notice anything.

"It's a bit general to be obedient ... What do you think of the house owner?" Musashi saw this and continued his inquiry immediately.

"Well ... very good person! Last night I also taught me how to open a room step by step, and I learned very quickly!" Xi'er said proudly.

Xiao Jilang and Musashi remained silent for a moment, seeming to be hesitant-should I go to Junsha?

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