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Vol 2 Chapter 1767: Snowflake Tour

"A Yuan, do you really want to train this timid bug? I think ... for you and it, you should think about it again." Aida was a little puzzled, watching Guan Liyuan and timid, very tired, watching the end of the battle. insect.

The timid bug that Guan Liyuan has just named "Warrior" fights a wild hundred-footed centipede ...

The timid race value is very low, only 230 points, and 80 of them are in speed-very consistent with the habit of fleeing.

However, Guan Liyuan had already confirmed before the battle that the 260-legged Hundred-footed Centipede had a lower level than the Warriors, so the combat effectiveness was not as good as the Warriors.

Normally, this battle should not be very difficult ...

However, the timid worm's habit makes it not only face the opponent, but also always fight with its "timidity"!

Guan Liyuan was also non-stop, encouraging it to overcome "timidity", and at this time his throat was hoarse.

And the Warriors were born when their physical strength was about to reach the limit, and they defeated their opponents who were inferior to themselves ...

On the one hand, "timidity" makes its attack weak, on the other hand ... timidity also accelerates physical exertion and produces excess fatigue-Xiao Ai's "pressiveness" characteristic is such a principle.

"'Warrior' is willing to be brave, so I believe it can be overcome." Guan Liyuan said hoarsely.

Indeed, the "warrior" is different from ordinary timids, which is the main reason that Guan Liyuan is willing to cultivate it.

At this time, because there were no enemies, the Warrior also stood up and expressed his fighting spirit—its physical strength was not as exhausted as it seemed, otherwise it would have been unstoppable to retract the elven ball.

"And as long as the warriors can evolve into armored warriors, the combat effectiveness is still considerable." Guan Liyuan added.

Armored warriors have a much stronger resistance to "timidity" instincts, and ... timid bugs can evolve into armored warriors at level 30, with a race value of 520!

There are many Pokémon with a race value higher than 520, but few can be reached at level 30 ...

In other words, armored warriors are one of the easiest to reach the Pokémon level.

I just want to continue to improve, but it is difficult-most armored warriors are actually counseling from the heart, but they have more "sexy inner shit" than timids, so they can perform better when they are full.

Guan Liyuan also now understands that the characteristics of timid bugs are more unsuitable for combat than he imagined!

In the game, the timidity of the cowardly bug and the "danger avoidance" of the armored warrior with its evolved body are just the same characteristics with different names-the effect is "escape" when the HP is less than half.

Shown in the wild Pokémon, is to escape the battle directly, shown in the trainer's Pokémon, is forced to return to the pokemon, and replace the next Pokémon.

In the Pokémon world, the characteristics of timid bugs are similar, but they are also more "troubled" ...

"Escape" in the game, at least until the HP drops to half, will not have any impact.

However, in the Pokémon world, this kind of "timidity" is always accompanied, which will not only make the faint worms consume energy quickly and easily, but also the lower the physical strength, the easier it will be dominated by instinct.

After evolved to "Armored Armor", "Danger Avoidance" is much better than "Rushing Away". At least after the Li Li is stunned, he will not be affected much before the physical strength drops to half ...

"Half" is considered as a threshold. Once it is reduced to this level, timids or armored soldiers will have a more severe "timidity" effect!

Guan Liyuan and Aida and Xi'er went forward a short time before wild Pokémon struck again ...

"Come here! It's a hairy eagle! Four ..." Aida said.

"Hairy-headed eagles ... are all male, let's go! Little leprechaun!" Guan Liyuan rarely released little leprechauns this time.

Generally encountered "single vs. more" situation, the little satyr is not suitable to play-as long as the other party has a female Pokémon, it will lose its combat power.

However, Maotou Xiaoying is a real man, there is no "heterosexual", and Guan Liyuan does not need to distinguish gender.

And Guan Liyuan released the little ogre, in addition to the opponent's strength, all male, but also want to rest his throat-the little ogre could not listen to Guan Liyuan's command during the battle.

At this time, the little devil was among Pokemon that Guan Liyuan was “carrying”. The lowest level was only 26, and even the newly-conquered warriors were higher than it. When the warriors followed Guan Liyuan, they already had 24 levels. Reached level 27!

The uncontrollability of the little devil has seriously slowed down its upgrade speed.

In addition to the small **** that have evolved into mantle rocks before, the black eye has also evolved into a crocodile, now reaching level 32. Because of infinite energy, the small **** are 1 level higher than the hardest black eyes. .

Small single is not slow, reaching level 30 ...

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, small **** and small black eyes are already much higher than small singles and small color ghosts-once evolved, the race value has increased significantly.

Of course, in actual combat, the little devil can also reach the competition level, provided that the opponent's gender must be male.

The Warriors are also about to evolve. Before arriving in Snowflake City, they should be able to evolve at level 30!

After wearing the four hairy eagles, Xiao Segui was almost exhausted, but he can see the obvious improvement-at least after all the opponents lost the battle, they have been able to calm down.

At this point Guan Liyuan calculated with his fingers, and arrived in Snowflake City in three days. At the same time, Guan Liyuan was already a combat division of Lv.5 ...

The goal of these three days is to reach the Lv.6 battle division, as for the promotion of Lv.7 ... the opportunity is in Snowflake City!

Because the promotion conditions have become a winning streak, while the difficulty has increased, it is no longer possible to encounter the "childcare" of the playing club.

However, the combat division of Lv.6 should not worry about the opponents-in the United District, the combat club also assumes part of the role of trainer exchange center, and is a "high-end" exchange center. Lv.6, Lv.7 should It's okay to work in the club.

Since Sulwhas City is a "city", if you want to come to the battle club, it will not be small, and if there are any nearby areas that need to be open to the combat division level authority area, it should have some clues now, and there will be no fewer people who will sign up for Lv.6. !!

For Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the biggest trouble is strength—in fact, when Liv.5 was promoted, Guan Liyuan had already defeated several times.

It ’s just that the other party did n’t know, but they defeated the famous Guan Owner.

After all ... The Pokemon sent by Guan Liyuan are only short-term training and not high-level, even if there are small **** with actual combat power, far stronger than the theoretical combat power, once they encounter Pokémon with restraint and high combat power Will also roll over!

[After the Warriors evolved, I have three tournament-level combat powers available ... Although the Little Secret has not evolved, due to characteristics, when it comes to male Pokémon, it is also considered to be a tournament level ... Four, to win some comparisons The Lv5 of the dish should not be a problem, as long as I encountered three consecutive dishes ...] Guan Liyuan silently calculated the probability problem among them.

After that, Guan Liyuan looked at the small **** with excess energy-sure enough, the most reliable way is to let the small **** evolve again!

If Xiao Wanzi evolved to Pang Yanguai, and met the elite Pokémon (30,000 fighting power) without restraint, they will have a fight ...

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