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Vol 2 Chapter 1770: Dragon Spiral Tower

Guan Liyuan in the battle club, a little observation, found that as he imagined, there is no grand gathering of battle divisions.

Including winter wheat, I haven't heard of any special events in Snowflake City recently ...

"Is there any protected area near the snowflake city that requires permission?" Guan Liyuan turned to Dong Mai and asked.

"We Snowflake City is a cultural city in the Hezhong area. There are too many protected areas ..." Dong Mai has a strong sense of pride in this regard.

Guan Liyuan also patiently listened to him. After introducing several of them, Dong Mai went on to say: "But if it comes to the most famous, naturally it is the" Dragon Spiral Tower "in the north! The legendary three dragon gods in the legend, in In ancient times, there was a war here, with unknown powers, which attracted the dragon Pokémon to survive and reproduce around. There are also Pokemon common in various relics ...

Regardless of height and area, it can be called a miracle. The specific age of construction has not even been measured by the alliance. The elders of the Dragon Village have explored many times and have not revealed its mysterious veil. I want to say that the dragon spiral tower is the real The Holy Land of Dragons is right ... "

Winter wheat will inevitably sell itself and boast.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan looked at the number of people in the queue for the duel and decided to take a look at the Dragon Spiral Tower first.

After really seeing the "Dragon Spiral Tower", Guan Liyuan also understood the pride of Dong Mai.

The Dragon Spiral Tower is still a short distance from Snowflake City. According to Dong Mai, it is too late for the dark to come.

However, in the highlands north of Snowflake City, the "Dragon Spiral Tower" can already be seen far away, but if it was not pointed out by Dongmai, Guan Liyuan would not be able to recognize it ...

The image of the "Dragon Spiral Tower" is closer to the shape in the animation-like a mountain peak, carved into a cylinder, and hollowed into a tower!

As a whole, plants are still growing on some bare rocks ...

The radius of nearly 500 meters and the height of 1,200 meters make this "tower" look a bit chunky, but it cannot be denied that it is huge!

"It can't be seen from this angle, but around the Dragon Spiral Tower, there is a lake, and the only plank road crosses the water surface and connects to the entrance to the ground floor." Dong Mai introduced.

Natural checkpoints are also established there ...

For the Dragon Spiral Tower, which is obviously in the category of "remains", the United Alliance has tried every means to explore it, but still has little to gain.

And because the discovery is long, it does not belong to the endangered Pokémon living area or a rare ecological environment, so after the end of the exploration, Hezhong has no reason to block it for a long time. The residents around Snowflake City also opposed the blockade ...

It is only for the protection of the ruins that the permission requirements for the "six badges" are stipulated.

The six badges are difficult for newcomer trainers who can only participate in youth group competitions, but for trainers who have traveled for several years, they are just amateurish.

It is only equivalent to greatly reducing the influx of "ordinary tourists", and ordinary trainers have a limit on their stay time.

[Will it be here? Nana didn't know where ... Could it have been killed? Guan Liyuan muttered in his heart.

At this time, Dong Mai was on the side, expressing himself to want to win the six badges, and then entered the Dragon Spiral Tower "sightseeing" ideal-for the new trainer in Sulwh, The Dragon Spiral Tower is considered "adult."

At this time Guan Liyuan also understood the mentality of some winter wheat, or snowflake people.

They have a strong sense of regional pride, which can even be said to be a bit inflated, but at the same time this is also their "confidence", so they will show hospitality and enthusiasm ...

Even in order to thank Dong Mai, Guan Liyuan watched it was too late, and specially invited him to dinner, and finally Dong Mai quietly paid for it.

That night, Guan Liyuan also contacted Musashi and Kojiro who came to Snow City in advance.

Guan Liyuan bought a ticket for them before-in order to avoid the two guys, "corrupt" the ticket money, and then traveled with confidence all the way, Guan Liyuan specially watched them both get on the train!

"House Owner, there is nothing abnormal about Snowflake City at present, but those of the Plasma Group haven't done anything. They just seem to be concerned about the situation of the Dragon Spiral Tower." Musashi's information confirmed Guan Liyuan's speculation.

Sure enough, it is related to the Dragon Spiral Tower!

It ’s just that they may be waiting for some time, so they did n’t enter immediately ...

The Dragon Spiral Tower has only one entrance. If a group of trainers suddenly enters and stays for an extended period, the checkpoint will doubt it.

At the same time, from the Rockets' channel, Guan Liyuan also probably knows that in the snowflake city, there are about 80 to 100 members of the Plasma Regiment with the Lv.7 combat division level ... all are jihadists!

The authority of Lv.7 against the warrior, although corresponding to six badges, is no less difficult than eight badges. This type of trainer has the level of ordinary professional trainers. In the plasma group, they are basically elite members or grassroots members. Boss.

In addition, from the situation of Nanat's visit, it is likely that higher levels of the plasma group are involved, and even ... Quices himself is probably already in the snowflake city.

It is only through the Rockets' news channels that this kind of information cannot be obtained. After all, this is the United States region. The Rockets are just "infiltration", and they are still the home of the Plasma Corps.

Guan Liyuan came again before the club closed at night and caught up with today ’s last chance to sign up for an Lv.5 matchup ...

There is still a final victory to qualify for lv.6.

"Well? Have you already won four wins in Lv.5? If you can win tomorrow, you can play against me once." A young man in his twenties, wearing a gentleman hat and golden glasses, After taking note of Guan Liyuan's registration form, he said.

"Luluke, don't peek at other people's registration forms!" The staff yelled at him skillfully, and it seems that this guy often does this.

"Don't be excited, I just happen to see ... and it's not taking advantage of this guy, isn't it? I'm also Lv. 6 with zero wins," Lu Luke said helplessly.

Until the morning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he still had Lv.6 two-game winning streak. He was still in the final game to qualify, but unfortunately ... he lost a game during the day.

According to the promotion rules after Lv.6, there must be a "streak", so the win is cleared.

"Well? Can you arrange your opponents yourself?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Certainly! Usually, the battle division of Lv.6 can already enter the real club, and you can rent the venue of the battle club to play against each other. If the level and victory of the two sides are the same, you can apply for an effective matchup ... every matchup , There is a full record, and no one will use their reputation to cheat. "Lu Luke said.

After deliberately finding someone to win a streak after PY, it is likely to be found, and every effective matchup, the club has the right to play, you can put it on the website to laugh at everyone.

Moreover, the real valuable authority and benefits must start from Lv.10, and the number of combat divisions above Lv.10 is fixed. In addition to winning streak, you also need to defeat a higher-level combat division and lose. The player will be lowered to one level, so the playing club is not worried about being pitted ...

. m.

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