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Vol 2 Chapter 1787: Little Love! Mew-two! (2 in 1)

"Did you inherit the power of the 'Swallowing Dragon'?" The King of Extreme Evil Eater asked.

Xiao San'er also reacted now-"Dragon of Devour" is not the mount that Guan Liyuan prepared for her, but the predecessor who "vowed with her mind" with her.

"It's not inheritance, it's the strength of the dark goddess's forebody, and it slowly recovers in my body!" Xiao San'er said with a high toe.

She didn't know it herself, but Guan Liyuan had changed her name in her heart.

The King of Extreme Eating Food: ...

[Always say something inexplicable, it seems that it is really the heir chosen by Devouring Dragon! 】 The ghastly king whispered.

When the devouring dragon died, the current ghastly king of gluttony has not yet broken into a strange beast. It is just an ordinary gluttonous king. The impression of the "swallowing dragon" is still at the stage of "seeing the legend". To understanding.

However, the Dragon Devourer always likes to "say some inexplicable words", and everyone agrees.

"These two guys are dangerous ... if we are alone, we can't help them. Let's leave first." The King of Extreme Eating Food said to Xiao San'er.

"Leave? Hey ... why does the **** want to respond to your call?" Xiao Saner couldn't help but hesitated, wondering if this guy had hit the illusion, and how he talked absurdly.

"You ... Will the devouring dragon's will, haven't you inherited it?" The Extremely Eating King asked a little annoyed.

Thinking of the previous "message", Xiao Saner took it for granted: "Of course, the **** is ... the symbol of world peace and the guardian of all living things in harmony! But what does it have to do with you?"

"What are you talking about? The devouring dragon's dream is not to expel these virus-like invaders and retaliate those betrayers! This is something that only we can do ... with human beings, it will only fall!" The wicked king said angrily.

The head in the middle of Xiaosaner was slightly tilted, seeming to be confused-what is this guy talking about?

"It's you mortals ... Well, Fanlong, didn't understand the will of the **** ... Take a good look with your eyes, the Godly text created by the god!" Xiao San'er said, pointing to the "head" on the right, pointing Collapsed statue.

At this time, a stone wall originally hidden in the sculpture has been exposed in the ruins, and it is carved with the words created by the Devouring Dragon itself-to a certain extent, it is indeed "God" ...

Guan Liyuan then glanced over and automatically recognized the "translation" above.

This should be considered an epitaph?

Presumably, the Dragon of Devouring is looking forward to Czech Roma, Rehiram, and Chief Rem, who can use the news of the war as a sacrifice to themselves; use the dance of friendship between gods and beasts as a gift Your own sacrifice and dance; Use and celebrate the laughter of peace as an eulogy to yourself ...

The translation of the three words, Czech Roma, Reichlam, and Emirates Rem, is "literal translation"-this is the first time Guan Liyuan saw a portrait of a beast in the text. It looks very Q version, but it is all black, All three white dragons, asymmetric ... can be said to be very vivid.

Of course, with the exception of Guan Liyuan, no one can see this "epitaph".

It ’s just that this epitaph has a meaning of “looking at the text”. Even if you ca n’t read the text, you can see that it depicts different Pokémon, including the previous murals. God beasts, strange beasts, celebrating together ...

"This is ... you lie! Despicable human beings, despicable betrayers! Put this kind of thing in the Holy Land of Devouring Dragon, what is your purpose!" The wicked king of food was angry.

Although he could not understand the above text, he saw such a "weak" pattern in the tomb of the devouring dragon, which was regarded as a totem of war beasts by the alien beasts.

Rethinking the Devouring Dragon, I vaguely said something like "successor" and "I will come back". Is this the will of the Devouring Dragon? but……

The vicious king of vicious eating seems to remember something-every time when the truce is approaching, it seems that the alien beast will be guided by some kind or there will be various accidents.

Coupled with the recent news of the despicable beast, the ancestor Nekrozma who initially led them to rebel is actually the loser of the "absconding" of the old world ...

The King of Extreme Evil Eater couldn't help associating with this aspect at this time, but his persistence over thousands of years made him instinctively resist this. Instead of continuing to think, he launched an angry attack on Xiao San'er!

At the same time, another ghastly king seemed to have received some signals, and the space door retreated from them when they entered ...

"No! The other party may have other beast support!" Guan Liyuan said, turning his head and shouting to the Pokémon Plasma cadre who was constantly pushing himself: "Are you an idiot? Now you want to cooperate with the beast ... ... really want to be a snack? Open the space loop! "

Guan Liyuan still hasn't said a word yet-everyone really serves as a snack together. I can let the opposite side die a few, and I am still alive. Can you also?

"He's right! What use do you have in attacking N now? Quikis, you have failed! Open the space loop!" Rhode echoed at this time.

Other cadres of the Plasma Mission also seemed to be shaken, but at this time Quixie had just dug out his three evil dragons from the ruins.

"Failure? Impossible ... as long as you kill the troubled single-headed dragon ... Yeah, as long as you remove that single-headed dragon, you will gain the power of the devouring dragon in three nights!" Quidditch's fingers are still there Bleeding, but the pain did not calm him.

"Death! Although I can't understand what the mural here is, what I want to describe, but from the mural on the fifth floor, I feel the dragon of devour, the desire for peace! Whether or not there is a competitor, the power of devouring dragon You won't get it! "Nana said.

Nana, who has the power to listen, although vaguely understands the "words," but dimly feels the will of the devouring dragon.

Of course, this "faint feeling" cannot be used to interpret the "thesis"!

At this moment, a new wave formed in the opposite space entrance, and the breath of other extreme beasts came out.

"Xiaodai! Go and disturb that space door!" Guan Liyuan shouted.

As a supernatural supernatural beast, Deocesis really takes it seriously and can interfere with the space loop-at least it can make the opposite side impossible to pass!

Although this way, Xiaodai cannot join the subsequent battle, but it is equivalent to blocking other extreme beasts that may appear ...

But without the restraint of Xiaodai, Dadai fell into the siege of other monster-eating kings, and the strongest super-eating king wanted to take advantage of Xiaosan's opportunity.

"Stupid! What you adore is only the 'Swallowing Dragon' of your brain, but the 'Swallowing Dragon' is truly great, and you can't make it up! Idiots who deceive themselves!" The Gluttonous King mocks.

Sure enough, now the brain is a mess, he is hesitant among all kinds of thoughts, the king of extreme gluttony, turned his eyes to Guan Liyuan ...

"Damn man ... must be your bewitch ..." The King of Extreme Eating Food stretched out a huge mouth-like arm to Guan Liyuan.

This is because of the effect of "inverse scale", wrapped in the strength of the dragon system, and simulating the arm of the dragon head. For Guan Liyuan, it is no different from the "monkey python ..."

Just when Guan Liyuan was ready to make him full, a silver-gray arm with strong muscles and three thick finger claws suddenly stretched out of the shape, with one hand. Hold the arm of the gluttonous king tightly!

Then silver gray and purple alternated, making Guan Liyuan a little familiar and unfamiliar figure, which emerged from the front of Guan Liyuan.

"Who allowed you to hit him?" Xiao Ai's familiar voice sounded as expected from this figure, not an electrocardiogram, but a real vocal cord vibration!

"Little love? When did you come?" Guan Liyuan was surprised, and at the same time ... always felt that this "line" was familiar.

Although the shape is slightly different, Xiao Ai's "super dream shape" at this time looks much stronger than before. The arms and thighs have protrusions similar to the muscle graves, and originally only covered the tail and abdomen in purple. In this case, it is like "armor" covering the back and shoulders ...

However, Guan Liyuan still recognizes Xiao Ai, and also has some understanding of this form that has never been seen in the Pokémon world—Super Super Dream X!

In the original work, there are also some examples of super evolution in the beast, but in the Pokémon world, Guan Liyuan has never seen or heard of it. There are super beasts that can super evolve.

Even the "temporary evolution" of the fierce empty seat, in the Pokémon world, is also considered as "primitive return", not super evolution ...

According to the old card, from the source of the "super stone", there should be no super stone corresponding to the **** beast, and no super stone corresponding to the super dream-after the evolution of the **** beast, it is no longer a previous species and does not exist. Corresponding beginning beast, and ultra dream ... itself is "new species".

Therefore, Guan Liyuan once thought that he could not see the classic super evolution in these two original works-"Super Super Dream X" and "Super Super Dream Y"!

You should know that in the original game, these are the two forms that represent the highest physical attack racial value and the highest special attack racial value, respectively, and are the same as the highest racial value with super fierce empty seat ...

Of course, in the Pokémon world, the race value of the **** beast can no longer be measured with the original data. Guan Liyuan does not think that Xiao Ai can catch up with Alzeus now.

But ... Guan Liyuan is also very convinced that Xiaoai's super evolutionary form has improved more than 100 race values.

I saw that Xiaoai grabbed the arm of the King of Extremely Bad Eaters and shook it hard. Suddenly, his "hand" opened his mouth wide, as if he made a silent scream. The dragon's strength of the dragon head was originally simulated, and it was also from his arm. dissipate……

When the opponent's right arm was about to come over, Xiaoai directly stepped on the left arm of the gluttonous king under his foot, and at the same time, using the right foot of the arm as the axis, lifted his left foot wrapped in red fighting energy and came. A cross kick, right in the side of the dragon head of the right arm.

After being hit, the huge dragon-shaped arm, like a kicked silly dragon, shook his head and shake his body according to his strength, and then drew near the mouth of the gluttonous king ...

At this time, Xiao Ai directly came forward to launch an attack, and when Xiao Ai leaped high, her arm was wrapped in fighting energy, like a sharp blade, starting from the small head on the body of the gluttonous king, and kept splitting. Come down ...

The yellow-brown defensive wall built by the extremely ghastly king around the body, and the skin with metallic luster, were all broken in this split!

The ghastly eater screamed and took two steps back ...

Two huge arms, one on the wrist, seemed to have been stepped on and seriously injured, some could not lift their hands (head?), And the other, like a drunk snake, kept convulsing, convulsing, messing Toss ...

Guan Liyuan saw that Xiaoai was using the "down kick" trick to use his opponent's gravity to perceive obstacles. He would kick the extreme arm of the gluttonous king, making it difficult to get out of control. "Breakdown defense forces have broken the" wide-area defense "and" iron wall "of the gluttonous king!

Super Fantasy X represents the ultimate physical attack, and in this form, Super Dream has the dual attributes of "superpower + fighting" ...

However, even after recognizing the "principle" of these forces, Guan Liyuan was already stunned-Xiao Ai ... has become stronger again!

When she first met Xiao Ai, she was still barely able to fight with Xiao Shan after the evolution of fetters. When she later met Xiao Ai, she was already comparable to the second-rate **** beast and reached the rank of the true three holy birds. Now ... The ghastly king of first-class gods and beasts was also hit by his chase!

The extremely strange beasts on the other side of the space door seem to have gathered more, constantly trying to open up the space door, Xiaodai has some powers ...

"Xiao Ai, try to close the door, otherwise the other party doesn't know how many extreme beasts there are!" Guan Liyuan immediately reminded.

After hearing "I don't know how many extreme beasts", Xiao Ai's first reaction was that her eyes were bright and her fighting spirit seemed to be higher.

But then he looked at Guan Liyuan, and reluctantly suppressed his warfare. He went directly and grabbed the arms of the extremely gluttonous king. He borrowed a gluttonous king that was five or six meters high and fifty or six meters wide. The power went up!

"Flick off!" Xiaoai shouted directly to Xiaodai ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiaodai now also understands the language, seeing that the gluttonous king was thrown over, he immediately opened the space door ...

Xiao Ai directly added to the gluttonous King of Gluttony and added a foot, "stamping" it back from a space channel that looks smaller than his size.

Just when Guan Liyuan was worried that when such a violent move would make the space door bigger, I saw a flash of light on Xiaoai ’s body, which turned into a relatively petite, head proportion increased, the body was still silver-gray, but the tail was "Transferred" to the back of the head, and at the same time, the top of the head also looked like a silver half-circle with a hairpin ...

Super super dream Y!

Representing the form of extreme mental power!

I don't see how Xiaoai moves. The frame of the space door in front of it suddenly twists and shrinks ...

Xiaodai just barely interfered and stopped the other person's space door. At this moment, in front of Xiaoai, he was forced to interfere and gradually closed ...

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