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Vol 2 Chapter 1793: Dr. Guan

Until the two entered the elevator, Xiaoai couldn't help but said, "What a terrible expression, can you put away your pride?"

"Well? Don't you feel so happy?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously.

Xiao Ai looked at the gentleman (B) ...

"Isn't it all written like this? Generally, after obtaining any mercenary level or magician level, the best thing is to go to the hall to show ..."

Guan Liyuan's appearance seemed to be still being planned. After a full meal, he would show it again.

Little Love:……

"After you've been promoted to Lv.10, it's too late to show." Xiao Ai reluctantly sighed in his heart and made a slow move.

What Xiao Li knew about him ... indeed Guan Liyuan often indulged in vulgar fun, and it was impossible for him to give up at this time, so he had to change his perspective.

"Okay ... then Xiao Ai will also accompany me, the effect of the two Lv.10 is even more shocking! Hahaha ..."

Xiao Ai glanced more helplessly, hesitating in his heart to decide whether to lose or not, but finally nodded, "Okay."

With the Lv.9 badge, Guan Liyuan and Xiaoai went directly to the high-end leisure area, and they were ready to find out if there was a Lv.9 two-game winning streak, and they were willing to play with Guan Liyuan or Xiaoai for a happy promotion matchup division.

If not, sign up directly and be matched by the playing club.

However, the efficiency of the match is relatively poor, it usually takes three to seven days ...

And in the high-end leisure area where Lv.8 and Lv.9 battle divisions can come, the buffet desserts are much refined, and even buffets are provided.

Another purpose is that Guan Liyuan wants to borrow "public television" here to witness one thing ...

Dr. Oki has already made an appointment with Guan Liyuan. Today, he will submit the research results of the Devouring Dragon submitted by Guan Liyuan before the announcement of the quartz channel.

Guan Liyuan sorted it into a dissertation form, but ... the vast majority of trainers do n’t look at this kind of thing, and they do n’t understand it at all, they are more inclined to “how to use it”.

For example, a trainer who has mastered super evolution often simply understands the principles of super evolution, and has never read or been interested in research papers on super stones and keystones.

So Dr. Oki used it for a few more days to make an animation demonstration of Guan Liyuan's dissertation, so that the trainer probably understands the principle of energy level analysis, which is also helpful for the trainer-especially for those who have trained 100 levels Pokémon, master trainers who are ready to break through the Lv attribute will be of great help!

Dr. Oki made a notice a few days in advance, notifying various regions that today, at 8 o'clock in the quartz channel, major research results will be announced. Therefore, more than ten minutes in advance, the leisure area was tuned to the quartz channel, because of the time difference. It's 2pm now.

"Dear trainers and friends who love Pokémon, hello everyone, I'm Dr. Oki! It's a miss, the last time I was on TV, live broadcast the major research results, or was it ten years ago?

I prefer the institute to the live broadcast, but I have to come ... "Dr. Oki came up and embarrassed a short phrase popular in Kanto.

Guan Liyuan faintly felt that the temperature in the leisure area had dropped by two degrees ...

"Oh, okay, let ’s not gossip, let me and my assistants introduce the research results to be announced this time ... First of all, it ’s not the research results of the Oki Research Institute, but Sekiya The Lord gave it to me, and the result of the study by the owner of the house ... is derived from the Dragon Spiral Tower, yes ... the one that has recently changed something in the United District ... "

After talking about Dr. Oki, there was talk all over the world.

"That said ... the trainer, who asked not to be named, is the owner!"

"Yeah! No wonder the response of the United Alliance is strange. It didn't really ask the plasma group ..."

"Wait ... when did the house owner arrive in Hezhong?"

"Did the United Alliance not receive the news ... No, the United Alliance should have known for a long time, but it was not announced."

"Ah! That is to say ... the house owner already has a quasi-beast of unity, and in the Dragon Spiral Tower, he has inherited the power of an extreme beast?"

"There are only two months left until the start of the competition. Is the house owner going to challenge ten roads at one go? There has been no news ..."

"Maybe, maybe ... the owner of the house is ready to enter the competition division level! If you are applying for the competition division in the competition club, you can not use your real name!"

Guan Liyuan has heard that in the recreation area, some people have speculated about the "truth."

This was also expected by Guan Liyuan. As long as the information of the Dragon Spiral Tower is released, someone will immediately guess that the lucky trainer is Guan Liyuan ... It can even be supplemented by brain. This is not just a "lucky" problem. Therefore, Quichs planted such a big heel this time, probably because of Guan Liyuan!

Naturally, you can also think that when Guan Liyuan was in the Dragon Spiral Tower at that time ... Does it mean that he has come to be a long time ago?

Furthermore, the trainers of Hezhong can naturally react to it, and they also have corresponding authority to the level of the combat division in Hezhong!

But now exposed, the impact on Guan Liyuan has also been much smaller, and ... soon everyone's attention is attracted by the real theme.

The analysis of Pokémon attributes has always been the goal of Pokémon researchers and trainers.

It is especially popular among the top training masters-after the ordinary Pokémon level reaches 100, that is, after the full length of mining, the channel that becomes stronger only has the awakening characteristic Lv and the awakening attribute Lv.

As for the breakthrough of beasts and the like, only "a lucky trainer who does not want to be named" has this operation ...

It is foreseeable that the research results published by Guan Liyuan will greatly increase the probability of training masters in the five disciplines of water, fire, electricity, grass, and dragon to cultivate attributes Lv1 and Lv2.

After today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there will be more research institutes, which will take the Pokémon attribute as the key research topic. Once there are new achievements, Guan Liyuan can also learn from it, which is a kind of "mutual assistance".

After more than two hours of live broadcast, everyone basically understood the basic elaboration of the research report. As for more theoretical things, Dr. Oki will be published in professional journals, and trainers do not need to look at these.

The selfless sharing of "Dr. Guan" naturally gained great favor from trainers and researchers. For a time, the first house in the world banned take-away beverages and food, sold sky-high price packages, and had a very low probability of obtaining Pokemon. The grievances have also subsided a lot ...

That's right, in the world of Pokémon, a "doctoral degree" is not a degree, but an honorable title for a highly accomplished researcher.

Even if Guan Liyuan only played an inductive role, but with the original text published at the same time, everyone can understand Guan Liyuan's accomplishment in this respect-a honorable title of "Dr. Guan" is reasonable.

At the same time, the "posthumous writings" of the "Swallowing Dragon" in the mysterious space was also announced by Guan Liyuan, which also greatly increased people's favor for this ancient genius and strange animal ...

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