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Vol 2 Chapter 1798: Fenglu vs Mo Dao Tian extraordinary

Xiaoye Hong looked at the placard on the screen in front of the table and couldn't help it, but her professionalism brought her back immediately ...

"Below is on the east side. The host of the blowing city, the owner of the Jet Road Museum, the representative of a new generation of outstanding official museum owners ... Feng Lu!"

Along with Xiao Yehong's voice, and applause from the scene ... even the professional support group and a group of rough guys formed a "square matrix" on the auditorium. With loud shouts, Feng Lu came from the east side to the blue side. Stepped out of the entrance and waved to the surrounding audience.

"Fenglu Pavilion owner cheers! Fenglu Pavilion owner is the best!"

"Sister head, kill him!"

"Fenglu Pavilion Master, I'm going to give you ... hmm ..."

Fenglu is a well-known young museum owner in the entire United District. Although not as dazzling as Nato of Kanto, it is very popular in Bukiyo.

Nazi is younger than Feng Lu, but ... few people think of her as a "young patron"!

In terms of strength, the older generation of the King of Heaven did not dare to stand up to its front, especially after experiencing the previous serious injuries and becoming smaller, and abandoning and standing up. If the previous title of "Super Queen" is "age" "The extra points in" appearance ", and people were not convinced at the beginning of the four heavenly kings, so now ... it can be said that Nazi has the demeanor of the first person in the superpower department, and her comparison object is no longer" Young curator ".

Feng Lu has a tall body, a smart dress, and an image ... somewhat different from the original, but closer to the original original setting.

In addition to being the owner of the Jet Road Pavilion, Fenglu's home also has the business of an air cargo company. Fenglu often directs many employees at the loading site. Compared with the original, Fenglu now looks more wild and beautiful.

The reason why Xiaoye Hong was stunned was because she didn't expect that she would first introduce the wind to the scene ...

Normally, isn't it because the more popular and "looking" trainers are left behind?

Otherwise, it is not only not conducive to the heat of the scene, but also easy to embarrass the trainers at the back ...

However, since these words are displayed on the screen, Xiao Yehong can only introduce them in this way, but in her heart, she wonders if someone is wrong ... maybe someone will be unlucky after being shouted by the minister.

"From the west, it is the protagonist of this challenge ... Within a hundred days, I got the qualification of Lv. 9 against the division, and today challenged Lv. 10 ... Mo Dao Tian is extraordinary!" Xiaoye Red felt this ID was awkward, but she still read it with enthusiasm.

[But ... Baitian Lv.9, seems to be very powerful? Xiaoye Hong thought to herself.

The cheers under the court were obviously weaker, although it was not cold, but it was in sharp contrast to the high popularity of Feng Lu before.

[Sure enough ... who arranged the order of appearance? Xiaoye Hong complained in her heart that this arrangement undermines the effect of the scene.

However, at this moment, Xiaoye Hong suddenly found that the scene became noisy, and then the cheers first fell and then suddenly burst out!

Xiao Yehong, who is very sensitive to the audience ’s response, immediately looked at the "Mao Dao Tian extraordinary" player and wanted to know what he did, but ...

[Isn't it just a simple step up? Wait ... why is this person a bit like ...]

"House Owner! Keke ... Everyone should have also discovered that Mo Daotian's extraordinary player is Guan Liyuan and House Owner who are known as Miraculous Educators! It is also Dr. Guan who revealed the corner of the Pokémon attribute mystery!"

Xiaoye Hong stunned for a long time this time, first recovering from shock, and introduced it only after thorough confirmation ...

Professional literacy has caused him to evade instincts, which may cause controversy, and chose the title of "miracle cultivator" that no one would refute.

The seemingly ordinary challenger who came out was actually Guan Liyuan-yes, since he knew he would be found, Guan Liyuan simply didn't play with makeup this time.

For a time, whether it was a professional trainer or an ordinary enthusiast, they all shouted Guan Liyuan, the first house in the world, (trespasser), Dr. Guan ...

Even among the bad guys of the freight company, there were still people who suddenly yelled "Master Ye Huiji", and then they were pressed by the surrounding colleagues to educate them!

"The owner of the house is really popular ..." Feng Lu said with some ridicule and some resentment.

"Whereever, it's just a fake name." Guan Liyuan said with restraint.

"No, there are so many enviable Pokémon, and the theory of attribute disclosure ... This is not a name that can be summed up." Feng Lu first complimented, and Feng sharpened immediately: "But, don't take out some If I could, I would not lose! "

In fact, after knowing that her opponent is Guan Liyuan, most trainers ... including her grandpa, are more optimistic about Guan Liyuan.

Before the match, Maier also told Feng Lu about this, although he would not discourage Feng Lu at this time, but ... Feng Lu always felt a little "encouraging" or even "comforting".

After all, Guan Liyuan's strength, if completely released, must be the line of gods and beasts-more terrifying than any great king.

Even ... this is the man who can attract the "blessings" of Alzeus!

If it was before Guan Liyuan took part in the Carlos contest, anyway, everyone can also use the words "a good educator may not be a good trainer", "such a short period of time will not produce results" and so on, it comes from my comfort.

However, after the Carlos competition, Guan Liyuan proved that he could not only train Pokémon comparable to the King in a short time, but also be a humanoid beast attraction machine!

Some people even suspect that this is related to the "preference" of Alzeus. Otherwise, why would he be followed by the beast wherever he went?

"Of course, the trainer still has to use duel to communicate." Guan Liyuan said the same.

At this time, Aida in the audience asked curiously to Xiao Ai: "Is A Yuan so popular? No wonder he always dresses up before going out."

"That should be called Yi Rong." Xiao Ai corrected expressionlessly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a group of stupid people ... "Xiao Xiang beeped softly.

At this point, Ada seemed to be holding a baby, holding a baby elephant, Xi'er holding a sheep, and the little arrow bird was very relieved and fell on Xiao Ai's shoulder.

Although it looks more like a "house sparrow" on the shoulder, it is better than being held like that ...

Nana looked at the three Pokémon with some confusion-he always felt that the three Pokemon Guan Liyuan didn't know where to find it, which was special, not only a question of being able to talk, but also couldn't figure out exactly where particular.

"The Lv.9 duel division advances to the challenge. The challenger 'Mudao Tian extraordinary', the challenger 'Fenglu', the standard 6vs6 format, the duel begins-please send both sides the first Pokémon!" Announced Bobo.

In this matchup, the referee was an impressive member of the East ’s Battle Club, “East George Popo,” and he was in his 40s. He was already in the referee seat—of course, The genes of the Edom Georges are like this at the age of 20. Guan Liyuan doesn't know what he is ... ()

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