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Vol 2 Chapter 1702: fierce

"It hurts ... A Yuan is really hard to fight." Aida looked at the close-up of the broadcast screen in the auditorium and couldn't help narrowing his eyes and hiding backwards.

"What's this?" Muttered the little elephant in a low voice. From the perspective of the earth god, the "fighting" of the Pokémon world was no different from playing around.

But Guan Liyuan's fight naturally has its effect!

"The proud pheasant has lost its fighting power, and Fenglu will send the next Pokémon," the referee announced.

At this point, Little Black Eyes has successfully relied on the combat power of the Heavenly King to “wear three”, defeating Fenglu's Vulture, Proud pheasant, and the armored bird who appears again ...

And this is not the strongest form of Little Black Eyes, but Guan Liyuan deliberately concealed one hand-after all, this was only promoted to Lv.10, and then there was the brave level and the United Contest.

Even if Little Black Eyes ’strength is fully open, the strength is only the third among Guan Liyuan ’s six“ ordinary ”Pokémon. The strongest is the small ball with infinite energy, and the part that inherited the dragon of devour Strength, inexplicable little Saner.

Relying on his understanding of Xiao San Er, Xiao Wan Zi can drag Xiao San Er to exhaustion, but if he changes to Xiao San Er's equivalent unfamiliar opponent, and Guan Liyuan does not use "Are you still alive," then Xiao Wan Zi will lose more or less.

"It is indeed the owner of the house, but ... I won't be reconciled, just lost! Go! Warrior Eagle!" Feng Lu showed his final trump card.

Warrior eagle, "general + flying" dual line, although the race value is not high, only 510 points, but ... the windy warrior eagle has been fully mined to a length, which is equivalent to 100 Pokémon, plus Nearly 120% of the individual correction rate, awakened to the "force" characteristic of Lv1 ...

The Warrior Eagle is the only Pokémon in the wind, and the only combat force has reached the level of Heavenly King, even reached 70,000!

This is also Feng Lu's original Pokémon, and ... it was also Maier's Pokémon!

Of course, in Mayr's Pokémon, the anti-warrior eagle is not one of the strongest, and is relatively "young", no longer serves as the king of heaven in Mayr, and does not perform Pokémon much. After the duel, Maier gave this little warrior eagle, "the year of the fighting", to his young granddaughter.

Because Feng Lu was playing with the Warriors Eagles at home when he was a baby, the Warriors Eagles who were young and far from retirement were not in conflict.

Only in the beginning, the warrior eagle was just like Feng Lu's teacher. When she traveled, she followed the flight in the sky. When she missed the pokémon in her training flight department, she appeared with sharp eyes. Staring at her as a reminder will also help her in times of danger.

But she hasn't played any Pokémon duel ...

Instead, because the Warriors and Eagles occupy a place, Feng Lu often wants "5vs6".

But now Feng Lu has completely "conquered" the Warrior Eagle. When Feng Lu became the museum owner, the Warrior Eagle was ready to fight for her ...

Guan Liyuan also retracted Little Black Eyes at this time. The previous one wearing three has already consumed a lot of physical strength, and the Warrior Eagle ... is still the last Pokémon of the other party, do not need to be justified?

Warrior eagle, only male!

"Mudao Tian extraordinary uses Pokémon to replace the right." The referee announced.

I saw a pair of axe fighting dragons in the early two meters appeared on the ring, and a pair of red "giant axes" spreading on the cheeks looked cold and cold ...

The moment he saw the warrior's eagle, Xiao Segui's eyes suddenly turned red, as if there were some big grudges.

At this time, Guan Liyuan immediately inspired the evolution of fetters. After the evolution of fetters, the forelimbs were much thicker than the previous "Tyrannosaurus", and in addition to the "axe teeth", the two forelimbs were on, They also each have an extra blade about the size of an axe.

The momentum is not inferior to the warrior eagle on the opposite side, and even ... feels stronger than the small black eye before it was returned?

Xiao Segui is now at level 48. Without considering the characteristics, the combat power is actually weaker than that of Little Black Eyes, only about 35,000, but once the positive effect of "(mutation) Battle Heart Lv1" is stimulated, all attributes increase by 50%, which is equivalent to combat power. The increase of 50%, coupled with the evolution of fetters, has just reached the level of the King of Heaven, and even touched the 70,000 side.

As for calmness ...

After triggering the evolution of fetters, Guan Liyuan's expression also became tense, and he squeezed his eyes like a headache-yes, after the "common mind", Guan Liyuan's emotions were also affected by some "struggling hearts"!

In other words ... At this time, Guan Liyuan became sensitive to "pheromone", and his own hormone secretion began to be abnormal.

The advantage is Guan Liyuan's "sense", which is also given to the little seducer.

Although the Warrior Eagle is not a pokémon that will lose his mind, but ... the fighting style is well worth its bravery.

After all, it is an evolution, and you can understand the three powerful offensive Pokémon of "Bold Bird Onslaught", "Break Out", and "Brute Force"!

"Brave Bird Onslaught" is a typical offensive and undefeated move in the flight system. When using it, you must also take counter-shock damage, which is equivalent to the "flash charge" of the flight system; "Inverse scale" will increase anger and abnormal moves after use; "Brute force" is a strong attack style of fighting system. After use, the muscles and bones that are the source of fighting energy will be strained because of the explosion of fighting system power- Reduce attack and defense.

The bravery of the warrior eagle can be seen from this.

Under the command of Fenglu, the warrior eagle also fully exerted his bravery, and after flying, he directly launched the "brave bird onslaught", swooped down with the power of the flight system, and squeezed the muscles and bones inside. "The fighting system is surging, and it doesn't even care about the impact of the" fight "on emotions ...

At this time, the little devil is fighting instinctively, but it is a little more rational than usual-at least it can avoid the danger of using more than four skills on the ring.

On the contrary, Guan Liyuan was not willing to open his eyes ...

Ever since I used a massage needle to stimulate myself before, I have always had a camera **** to give me a close-up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as a rival Fenglu, wearing very sexy!

Although it is not as shameful as a little seducer, after all, it is not a Jinxian-level ink, or a little irritation in comparison, but ... it is inevitable that some eyes will be exposed, and Guan Liyuan is not like in front of so many audiences , Broadcast his own pig brother.

Then, as the trainer of the confrontation side, Guan Liyuan only squinted his eyes occasionally, and immediately closed the situation at a glance ...

Just judging from the sound, the two sides did not play fiercely!

After all, the combat effectiveness is similar, and one side is very brave, and the other is completely instinctive ...

In terms of excitement, it should be the crown of today!

Just when Guan Liyuan was hesitant—have been playing for a while, or “replacement”, after a loud noise and roar, the platform suddenly quieted down ...

"The warrior eagle and the double axe battle dragon lost the battle at the same time, all the players in the wind dew Pokémon eliminated, Mo Dao Tian extraordinary ... win!"

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